

Problems of China’s Educational Investment and Their Solutions

【作者】 李宝峰

【导师】 吴毅;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 行政管理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 多年来,我国一直试图通过投资教育来促进经济的增长,但效果却不尽人意。我国教育投资存在的问题主要表现在以下几个方面:一是教育投资结构不合理。长期以来,我国教育投资比较偏好高等教育,从而造成高等教育生均经费过高而初等教育生均经费过低。在国际上,我国初等教育相对成本远远低于其它国家,而高等教育的相对成本却为美、英、日的数倍甚至十几倍。二是基础教育投资水平不平衡。由于地区经济发展极不平衡和收入水平的巨大差距,使得贫困地区、经济欠发达地区以及沿海发达地区教育投资水平差异巨大。并且在基础教育内部,各地都注重对重点校的投资,从而造成基础教育投资极不平衡。三是教育投入总量严重不足且教育资源浪费严重。一方面,我国是发展中国家,教育投资能力低下,教育投入水平不仅远低于发达国家,而且也低于发展中国家的平均水平;但另一方面,十分有限的教育资源浪费严重。除了教育投资的结构性浪费外,还表现在物力资源使用效率低、教学人员与非教学人员的结构不合理和生师比偏低等。四是学校规模效益差。五是教育产品质量不高。目前,在强调扩大教育规模的同时,忽视了教育的质量,造成教育产品质量不高,这也就意味着社会资源的巨大浪费和教育投资的低效。 为提高教育投资的效率,一是要合理分配教育投资。一方面要增加国家对基础教育的投入比例,另一方面,基础教育投资要实施区域发展的非均衡投资战略。二是要优化资源配置,提高教育资源的利用效率。三是要按照市场规律进行教育投资。四是要不断深化教育教学改革,积极推进素质教育,全面提高教育教学质量。

【Abstract】 An effort to ace elerate economic growth through educational investment has not been a complete success in the past years in China. The main problems of educational investment are as follows: First, there is an unreasonable educational investment structure. For a long tune, China prefers to invest to higher education. This makes the average cost of college students too high and that of the primary school students too low. Comparatively, the elementary education cost of China is far lower than that of other countries, while the higher education cost is several times higher than that of US, UK and Japan. Second, we have an unbalanced investment in elementary education. Because of the different economic development and income in different areas, the educational investment varies greatly in the developed coastal areas, the underdeveloped areas and the poor areas. In elementary educational investment, stress is put on the key schools. This makes the unbalance even greater. The third is the serious inadequacy of educational investment and waste of educational resources. On the hand,Cchina is a developing country with low capacity for educational investment. The educational input level of China is lower than not only that of the developed countries, but also the average level of the developing countries. On the other hand, the waste lies in the investment structure as well as the inefficient utilization of materials, the unreasonable structure of teaching and non-teaching personnel and the small number ratios between students and teachers. The 4th is the poor scale interest. And the 5th is the low quality educational product. At present, education quality is neglected while education extension is being stressed. This leads to the low quality educational product and means the serious waste of social resources and the inefficiency of educational investment.Educational investment must be reasonably distributed to enhance its interest. The country should increase its investment hi elementary education and take the policy of unbalanced local distribution. Second, distribution of resources should be improved in order to raise the utilization rate. Third, educational investment should be geared to marketing law. Fourth, education quality should be unproved by deepening education reform and advancing quality education.

【关键词】 教育投资问题对策
【Key words】 educational investmentproblemsolution
  • 【分类号】G40-054
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】651