

Analyses on Chinese Contemporary Government Image

【作者】 徐玉琼

【导师】 张立荣;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 行政管理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 良好的政府形象是一个政府所拥有的重大资源和无形财富,也是政府作用有效发挥的一个重要前提条件。如同货币是经济市场上的“硬通货”一样,良好的政府形象是“政治市场”的“硬通货”。良好的政府形象是政府合法性和政府权威的重要来源,是政治共识和政治稳定的基础;是政府推动政策并发生效果的关键因素;是经济发展不可缺少的支持力量;也是整个社会道德水平提高和社会精神文明建设的推动力。因此,我们要重视政府形象的构建,注重政府形象的理论研究,采取切实措施,塑造良好的政府形象。 政府形象是政府这一巨型组织系统在运行中即在自身的行为与活动中产生出来的总体表现与客观效应,以及公众对这种总体表现与客观效应所做的较为稳定与公认的评价,具有客观性、主观性、综合性与变动性的特征。政府形象可分为有形形象与无形形象;总体形象与局限形象;真实形象与虚伪形象;现实形象与理想形象。对政府形象产生影响的要素是多样的,主要包括:政府的施政战略选择,政府治理的总承诺,政府运作的实际效率,政府施政的公平正义,政府行为的清正廉洁等。 良好政府形象是政府综合素质的具体体现,是治理一个国家、一个地区的根本条件,政府形象塑造有利于转变政府职能,推动行政体制改革;有利于改善与公民的关系,赢得社会公众的支持和信赖;有利于保持社会稳定,巩固党的执政地位;有利于对外开放,进一步推动我国经济快速发展。 当前我国政府形象正处在转变观念、体制改革,制度创新,完善法制和努力培养内在精神的时期,面临着许多的问题,其主要表现在:一是政府的价值理念转变滞后;二是行政体系内腐败现象严重;三是违法行政行为的频发;四是行政道德建设薄弱;五是不注重行政公关等等,存在民主政府问题,行政体制问题,公正政府问题,责任政府问题,公共关系问题。 从我国现有的社会经济、政治和文化资源及国际环境来看,公共行政体制k奎自Z)巧士学住论文 建设或社会主义公共行政模式的建立,必须立足于社会主义的“人民政府”模 式,把实现社会主义的政治理念和道德理念,发展有中国特色的社会主义市场 经济制度和政治民主制度作为人民政府行政发展的基本目标。实现由管理型向 服务型政府的转变。 政府形象建设不是政府简单的自我认识,而是政府的主观努力与公众的认 知评价相结合,政府形象建设不是摆弄造型,它的根本目的是实现政府目标。 我们要树立正确的行政理念,深化行政体制改革,完善行政道德建设的制度保 障,强化政府公共关系、组建政府形象塑造的专门机构,一个民主、公正。服 务、责任、廉洁和效能的政府形象就会出现在国际、国内公众的面前。 作者对如何评价政府形象的基本参数进行了尝试性探讨,从政府合法性, 政府有效性,政府识别性三个方面进行评判,即政府系统使人们信仰和坚持现 存政治制度是社会上的最适宜的制度,政府是合法的、国际、国内公众认可的。 政府必须是高效和绩效的,政府的综合表现要能够让公众产生明显识别效应, 通过政府外在的特征或亲身感受得以体现或者强化。 在探讨重塑和优化我国政府形象的重要路径时,笔者对树立正确的行政理 念作了较为全面的分析,认为在现代市场经济条件下,政府与公民关系应该重 新定位,由管理与被管理关系转变为服务与接受服务的关系,政府观念转变到: 引导型政府、竞争型政府、有责任心的政府、有预见的政府、分权的政府、市 场导向型政府,行政领导和公务员要树立政府的责任理念,政府的公仆理念, 政府的信仰理念。但是,还要加强对政府形象建设操作性措施和制度创新研究, 注重政府在加入WTO后的调适。

【Abstract】 A good government image is a rich resource and incorporeal property owned by a government. It’s an essential prerequisite for the government to function efficiently. The importance of a good government image is as that of hard currency in market. A good government image is the source of government legality and authoritativeness, the foundation of political stability, the key factor for the govermnent to push forward a policy, the power to support economy development, the motive force of socialist cultural and ideological progress and promotion of socialist moral level. As a result, we have to attach importance to the government image construction, pay attention to this theoretical study and take measures to form a good government image.The government image is the overall performance and objective effect formed in government activities. It’s a stable and generally accepted evaluation of the public and has the characteristics of objectivity, subjectivity, comprehensiveness and fluctuation. The government image can be divided into visible image and invisible image, total image and partial image, true image and false image, realistic image and ideal image. The main factors that affect government image include:government’s strategy policy choice, overall administration undertaking, efficiency of government’s operation, administration’s fair justice, incorruption of government’s behavior, etc.A good government image is a reflect of a government’s overall character and a basic condition to rule a nation or a region. Government image helps to change government’s working talent, push the administration system reform, gain support and trust from the public, keep stability of the society, reinforce the party’s ruling position, benefit the open policy and further push our economy’s rapid development.Nowadays our government image is in a period of idea changing, structural reform, system innovation, legal system perfection and inner ideology cultivation. It’s facing many problems. First, government’s idea of value legs behind. Second, corruption of administration system is serious. Third, illegal administration activities occur frequently. Fourth, administration moral construction is weak. Fifth, administration public relation is neglected. There are still some other problems which include democracy government problem, administration system problem, fair government problem, duty government problem, public relation problem.In the condition of our country’s current society economy, politics, cultural resources and international environment, administration system construction orsocialist administration mode establishing must start from the mode of socialist government of the people and aim to realize socialist political ideology and moral ideology, to develop socialist market economical system and democratic political system with Chinese feature. We must change our government of management into a government of service.Government image is not simply a government ’s ego cognition. It’s a combination of a government’s subjective effort and the public’s evaluation. It’s basic purpose is to realize government’s aim. We should form a correct administration ideology, deepen administration system reform, perfect a systematic guarantee for administration moral construction, enhance government’s public relation, set up a special branch to form government image. In doing so can a democratic, fair, serving, responsible, incorrupt and efficient government image appear before the public.The author carries out a research into some basic parameters of valuing government image. These parameters can be divided into three groups: government legality, government efficiency, government identity. Government system must be considered to be most suitable and legal internationally and nationally. Government must be highly efficient and its overall behavior must be identified and felt by the public.At the same time of study measures for reconstructing and perfecting Chinese government image, the author makes an overall researc

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