

Research on Implementation of Sight-Stabilizing Action Control System

【作者】 祝斌

【导师】 刘建业;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 精密仪器及机械, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着航空事业的发展,航空领域内对其电子设备的小型化要求越来越强烈,如何最大限度地减轻电子设备的体积和重量是各方关注的问题。本文采用了高性能的处理器和高密度的逻辑器件很好地解决了直升机稳瞄系统所面临的这一问题。稳瞄系统是直升机上重要的武器光电系统,用于完成对目标的昼夜搜索、探测、跟踪、识别与测距。稳瞄操作控制系统是稳瞄系统的一个重要的子系统,本文介绍稳瞄操作控制系统的两个组成部分:操控器和接口板的具体实现。操控器主要完成控制开关信号的采集和发送。接口板主要完成复杂逻辑信号的处理。 对于操控器,我们采用了80C196KB单片机来实现它的功能。完成了操控器PCB板的设计、机壳的设计,并进行了组装。操控器的实际大小为12*12*12cm~3。同时为了检验操控器工作的正确性,我们采用C语言作了一个检测程序,利用这个检测程序,通过计算机的串行口来接收操控器输出的数据,在屏幕上直观的显示操控器控制面板上各个控制开关的状态。 对于接口板,我们用可编程门阵列(FPGA)来实现其功能。完成了介绍了该片FPGA的设计,包括各个功能模块的VHDL语言的设计、测试程序的设计、激励文件的设计、功能仿真、逻辑综合、门级仿真、布局布线和后仿真等。接口板的实际大小为92×66mm~2。 本文最终完成了操控器的研制和接口板上FPGA的电路设计,并与部分合作单位进行了联合调试,取得了满意的结果。

【Abstract】 With the development of aeronautics, it calls an urgent demand for the downsizing of its electronic equipments. How to decrease the weight and volume of electronic equipments to the maximum is drawing increasingly attention. High performance’s processor and high-density device are used to solve the problem of sight-stabilizing system of helicopter. Sight-stabilizing system is an important light-electricity system of a helicopter. It is used to day and night search, detect, trace, identify and measure object. Sight-stabilizing operation control system is an important subordinate system of sight-stabilizing system. This paper introduces the design of manipulator and interface board, which are two parts of sight-stabilizing operation control system. The function of manipulator is to gather the information of control key and transmit it. The function of interface board is to deal with logical signal.For the manipulator, we use 80C196KB single-chip to realize its function. We have finished the PCB design, appearance design and assemble it. The actual size of manipulator is 12*12*12cm3. At the same time, the software that can receive data from manipulator through COM of PC is designed with C language. With this software we can visually see the state of control key over control panel on the screen.For the interface board, we use FPGA to realize its function. We finish the design of the FPGA. VHDL programs, test bench, stimulus files as well as function simulation, logic synthesis, gate-level simulation, layout and routing and back-annotated simulation have been depicted in great length. The actual size of manipulator is 90*66mm2.We finally finish the design of manipulator and FPGA circuit, then we debug with our cooperative department and gain satisfactory resuk.

  • 【分类号】V241