

【作者】 柳雪涛

【导师】 黄志球;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着数据仓库技术在实践中的广泛应用,如何实现不同数据仓库系统之间数据的协同处理和交换,已经成为数据仓库产品供应商和国际化组织研究的主要课题。 本文以数据仓库技术为研究背景,对数据仓库软件系统的集成管理进行了研究。本文分析了数据仓库系统软件的基本特征,提出了利用描述驱动技术来实现数据仓库系统的集成管理,描述了ETL操作和分析处理的基本处理流程和相应的执行构件,定义了集成框架中数据模式转换规则和数掘清洗规则,构建了一个基于星型模式和对象模型的分析模型和相应的数据查询语言,提出了集成框架系统构件间的数据交换标准,并定义了基于此标准的的数据交换和元数据交换方法,探讨了集成框架标准构件管理的基本方法和权限管理,最后介绍了数据仓库集成框架系统在商业领域的应用实例e-Chain系统和工程试验领域的应用实例FTEDWS系统。

【Abstract】 While data warehouse technology has been widely used in practice, it has been one of the main research topics that how to implement co-operation and data exchange between different data warehouse systems.Based on the data warehouse technology, this paper mainly deals the integrated management of data warehouse software system. This paper describes the basic features and components of data warehouse system, and deals how to use description-driven technology to integrate different data warehouse systems, how to implement the change from one data schema to another, how to clean dirty data in data transformation process, and how to exchange data among different components or systems.At last, this paper takes two products to illustrate how to implement systems following these principles and methods. These two products are the e-Chain system as an application in commerce domain, and the FTEDWS system as an application in engineer test domain.

  • 【分类号】TP311.13
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】168