

【作者】 徐郁峰

【导师】 金连甫;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络技术的不断飞速发展,基于网络的计算机应用不断的在增加,人们可以从网络上得到更加丰富的内容,丰富的内容也吸引了更多的用户使用网络。这些网络应用对网络带宽的要求也是越来越高,以前广泛使用的拨号上网方式已经不能满足广大用户的需要,于是宽带网建设在全国各地开展起来。 宽带网的建设需要大量的资金投入,为了能够收回投资,进而赢利,网络的使用必须收费,而且投资方需要吸引大量的用户,才能保证能收取足够的费用。这就需要一个良好的计费系统做支持。计费系统的好坏,直接关系到网络服务质量,关系到最终用户的利益,关系到投资方的生死存亡。 本文主要讨论宽带网计费系统的设计和实现。文章共分五章,第一章介绍了现在宽带网络技术的发展情况,几种宽带接入方式和计费方式;第二章介绍了计费系统设计原理和总体结构;第三四章对计费系统中比较关键的流量数据处理和用户认证这两个问题展开详细讨论;最后一章对全文做了总结,并提出展望。由于篇幅限制和内容的侧重性,营业、资费、发布这些面向用户的前台部分未做专门介绍。 本文所介绍的方案和技术都是从实用角度出发的,并且已经投入实际应用。

【Abstract】 The construction of broad band network is in progress all over China. With the rapid advancement of network technology, there are more and more applications which are based on Internet. People can get more and more informations from Internet, so the quantity of Internet user becomes larger and larger. Most of the new applications need wide bandwidth. The widely used Dial-up can no longer satisfy users, so people need broadband network.The construction of broadband network need lots of investment. To take back the money and even earn money, the owner of the network must charge the users for use of the network. And there must be enough users to assure the owner of the income. All those means that a good accounting system is absolutely necessary. Accounting system is important to QoS of network, users’ benefit and investor’s fate.This paper discusses the design and implementation of Accounting system. It consists of six chapters. Chapter one introduces the development of broadband technology, several methods of accounting. Chapter two introduces the structure of accounting system. Chapter three and chapter four discuss the two key parts in detail of the whole system: dealing of data and user authentication. The last chapter summarizes the whole pager and prospects the future study. Considering the length of this paper, some user-oriented modules are not introduced here.The designing ideas and implementation techniques in this paper are introduced for practical need, and have been proved to be acceptable in actually-running systems.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TN915.07
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】111