

【作者】 马军棋

【导师】 姚庆栋;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息网络技术的不断发展,通信网络正朝着数据、语音、图象等多媒体的信息形式传输以及实现综合业务的方向发展。人们对通信质量、通信速度、通信内容都提出了新的要求。而随着我国主干网的建设日趋完善,如何直接向用户提供高速、可靠、低成本的宽带网络接入已成为网络建设的主要问题,这也就是长期困扰着通信行业的“最后一公里”的问题。 由于现有的混合光纤/同轴电缆(HFC)网络有能力提供快速、灵活、经济的接入服务,将其作为宽带接入的方案一直就被人们所看好。但是就目前的接入方案中的终端平台来看,主要存在着两个棘手的问题,那就是缺乏交互性和自我封闭性,这就限制了接入系统的扩展、推广及标准化。因此,必须找到一种标准的、开放的终端平台解决方案,来满足不同前端、不同媒体业务的兼容性,这也是本文所努力尝试解决的问题。我们基于数据广播(DVB)的技术,选择家庭多媒体平台(MHP)作为终端平台解决方案。它主要有以下优点: 标准、开放的平台; 满足媒体业务的一致兼容性; 支持上行交互; 易于扩展。 本文研究了整个基于DVB的家庭多媒体平台的原理,介绍了系统结构、底层资源、协议原理、应用模式、以及具体实现。本文的安排如下: 第一章对宽带综合接入技术、双向有线电视网、协议标准以及家庭多媒体平台的基本概念和发展现状作简要阐述。 第二章首先讨论了构建家庭多媒体平台的优越性、必要性,然后重点讨论了平台的各个组成部分的原理及实现方法。 第三章首先针对家庭多媒体平台的需求构建出一套应用在HFC网络上的DVB系统,然后对系统中满足终端需求的前端部分的相关技术进行描述。 第四章介绍家庭多媒体平台的具体实现,包括底层资源、协议以及上层应用的实现;并且在DVB-MHP的DVB-J的应用模式的基础上,富有创造性地提出了新的应用模式:浏览器应用模式,并给予实现。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of information and network technology, the communication network is required to transmit data, voice, image, video and so on and to provide integrated services. And with the great progress of backbone networks construction in China, it is the broadband access that has become the most important problem, which is well-known as the "last mile".The existing Hybrid Fiber Coaxial Television Network is a desirable solution to broad-band access system for it can provide rapid, flexible and economic access to the ever increasing new services. But when it comes to terminal platform, there are two troublesome problems, which are lack of interactivity and self-constraint. That will influence the extension, popularization, and standardization of the system. Therefore, a resolution with terminal platforms standard and open is needed to satisify the compatibility of different headends and different media services. That is what we try to solve in this paper. Based on DVB technology, we take MHP as the terminal platform of the resolution. Its advantages are as follows:standard and open platform;satisfy the compatibility of media services;support upstream interaction;liable to extention;This paper focuses on the principle of the MHP platform based on DVB technology. We also introduce the system architecture, bottom resource, protocols and principles, applcation models, and their implementation. The paper is arranged as follows:Chapter 1 gives a brief description of broadband access techniques, bi-directional HFCnetwork, protocols and standards on HFC network and MHP techniques.Chapter 2 presents the advantages and indispensibility of the MHP platform firstly, then focuses on the principles and implementations of each modules.In chapter 3, we proposed a DVB system applied to HFC networks, which satisfied the MHP platform. We also introduce the concerned headends techniques employed to achieve this terminalsystem.Chapter 4 introduces the implementation of this MHP platform, including bottom resource, protocols, and its upper realization. Based on DVB-J application model of DVB-MHP, a new creative application model, browser application model is suggested.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TN915.63
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】123