

Latter-day Guangxi Interracial Outward Economic Intercourse and Amalgamation

【作者】 梁刚毅

【导师】 唐凌; 周建明;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2001, 硕士


【摘要】 民族经济融合,简而言之,即民族间在交往过程中实现经济上的互补和趋同。民族经济融合在民族发展史上意义重大。众所周知,中国历史上,各民族间经济发展颇不平衡,各少数民族在身处地理环境的制约下,生产资源及生产水平都较为落后,在与先进汉族地区的经济交往中与相互融合中,更多地表现为受先进地区的经济辐射和影响,其经济发展很大程度上是在先进地区的经济需求和技术供给下进行的,民族经济融合的过程在一定程度上就是民族经济发展过程。由此看来,民族经济融合是少数民族地区经济发展的一种重要动力,它是实现民族经济现代化的重要和可行的方式之一。遗憾的是,长期以来史学界对这一课题似乎重视不够,相关论文和专著寥寥无几,民族经济融合己成为民族史、经济史学界研究和探讨的新领域。 广西地处南疆,境内分布有汉、壮、瑶、侗、苗等12个民族,其中少数民族主要分布在桂西红水河、左右江流域及桂中柳江流域,而桂东则是汉族占据绝对比例。历史上广西民族经济融合现象较为普遍和典型,由于其内容十分丰富,非一文以论述清楚,故本文仅选取近代时期广西民族间手工业的对外经济交往与融合为切入点,试图通过探讨广西民族间手工业的对外经济交往与融合进程,以反映近代广西民族经济融合的一些规律。 本文认为,民族地区间基于地理环境不同、以及生产力水平、资源状况、历史文化传承等诸多方面的差异,形成彼此间相互区别而又联系密切的经济区,这种区际间的联系和交往是民族间形成经济交往与相互融合的基础。就近代广两民族间经济交往格局来说,可以分为桂中、桂西北、桂西南壮族经济区,桂东北、桂东、桂东南汉族经济区域,湘赣及粤东沿海手工业发达地区,国际市场等四个经济区域。而政府力量、移民力量、市场力量等促进民族间经济融合的动力因素是基于经济区域间差异和需求派生出来的。广西民族间手工业经济融合与手工业的发展是互动的,一方面,广西民族间手工业经济融合促进手工业的发展,另一方面,手工业的发展推进手工业经济融合向纵深发展。广西民族间手工业经济融合还推动民族地区农业、工业、商业的相应发展,在广西民族经济现代化进程中起到重要作用。当然,广西民族间手工业经济融合并不是一帆风顺的,在交往与融合过程中,广西一些手工业部门出现衰败化,我们既要做到实事求是的给予评价,又要找出其内在原因。总体来看,近代广西手工业融合现象较为普遍,但在许多边远和落后地区,由于缺乏外界刺激,经济融合进程十分缓慢。 由于近代广西民族经济史料较为缺乏,实际写作难度较人。鉴于此,本文选取了一系列能体现手工业融合的载体,通过这些载体的研究反映手工业融合的表现、特点、作用等方面,这些载体包括圩镇、农业结构、工业结构、商业空间等等。在研究方法上,本文以实证分析为主,借助大量的县志、民国广西报刊资料、少数民族调查资料及文史资抖,尽量通过计量分析,对比分析等方法进行研究,以期得到较为令人信服的结论。 总之,民族经济融合课题在民族史、经济史学界是一个新的研究领域,具有较高的研究价值。本文算是对这一领域作一初步研究,错漏之处,恳请各位专家、学者批评指正。

【Abstract】 Frankly speaking, ethnical economy amalgamation means the interracial economic mutualisrn and homology during the ethnical intercourse, which plays a prominent role in ~hc ethnical phylogeny. The considerable imbalance of variant ethnical economy in the Chinese history mainly results in that variant minorities was restrainted by the geography envi;onme~it, where lacks the productive resource and yield level. The economy of advanced regions effect those minority’s so much that the latter’s economy developments are improved racially by the needs of advanced regions and technology supply as well. The process of ethnical economy amalgamation is somewhat the ethnical economic development. In this way~ ethnical economy amalgamation is the vital important dynamic in minority economy development the way of which probably leads to the ethnical economic modernization. Sorrowfully, this subject hasn’t been promoted enough in the history world, where related papers and books scarcely exists. It h~ s been a new research region for the ethnical and economic history.Generally, 12 nationalities distribute over Gangxi autonomy region bas~cafly i~ciu~ng Hang nationality, Chuang nationality, Yao nationality, Dong nationality, Miao nationality, amoiJg which the minority mainly distribute over several regions of Hongshui river and Liou river in the middle or west of Guangxi while the Hang nationality absolutely dominates the east oriented of Guangxi. The interracial economic amalgamation of Guangxi is a typical and universal phenomena in history whose contents enrich so much that we can’t illustrate it with single article. In this case, we select Guangxi’s latter-day interracial outward economic intercourse and amalgamation as the just point to carry on the research to explain its process so as to reflect the principle of this autonomy region’s ethnical economic amalgamation.Base on the differences of variant geography environment, produce level, resources and history culture as well, we believe that the several nationality regions form a inter-economy region express differences and relevance, which is the fundamental of interracial economic intercourse and amalgamation. As the latter-day interracial economic intercourse pattern of Guangxi is considered , it can be classified as four economic regions :Zhuang nationality economic regions includes middle ,north-west ,and south-west of Guangxi; Hang nationality economic region includes north-east ,east, and south-east of Guangxi; the inshore advanced region on handicraft industry includes Hunan, Jiangxi, and east of Guangdong province; and international market. Beside dynamic factors to promote interracial economic amalgamation are derived form the differences and demands of variant economic region such as government force, emigrants force and market force as well. The interaction between Guangxi ethnical amalgamation on handicraft industry and development mainly represents in two ways. The former accelerates the latter while the latter enriches the former on its content, pattern and so on. Furthermore, the interracial amalgamation of handicraft industry boost the developed of industry agriculture arid commerce when benefiting the ethnical economy modernization in Guangxi. The procedure of Guang~ i~s-2-interracial economic amalgamation is fluctuated especially on the aspect of declinations for some ethnical the process handicraft departments. It’s necessary to correctly evaluate process while research for its inner reason of partial declination. Generally, the process of latter-day interracial economy amalgamation in Guangxi is universal despite the slow progress in some remote region for the lack of outside stimulation.The shortage of relevant resources leads to the difficulties of perfectly completing this paper. With some carriers including economy of towns, structures of agriculture and industry, commerce space and soon to reflect the indication, character and usage of handicraft industry amalgamation. As to the research approach, the paper mainly r

  • 【分类号】K280.7
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