

The Present Condition Research of Junior Mathematics Course

【作者】 潘俭

【导师】 汤服成; 喻平; 孙杰远;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 课程与教学论教育, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 课程改革作为整个教育改革旋涡的中心,其浪潮映射出人们急于调整学校教育最具体、最关键的核心内容。促进学生生动活泼、主动发展的现代化中小学数学课程标准,是ZI世纪社会经济、科学技术和文化发展的要求,是与人类生存质量休戚相关的现代数学发展需要,更反映了基础教育的性质、任务及其质的规定性。 鉴于以上认识,本文试图以问卷调查为基准,剖析了现行我国初中数学课程建设中存在的问题,探求信息时代数学课程应有的风貌,提出重建我国初中数学课程的策略。 具体地说,本文第一章通过问卷调查,对调查资料作了细致的分析,从数学课程的基本成分及内在关系入手,剖析了现行初中数学课程结构和功能存在的主要问题。并评介了九年义务教育全日制初级中学数学教学大纲(试用修订版)在一定程度上体现了数学课程改革的新理念和当前教育改革的精神。第二章则综合国外和我国港台地区关于初中数学课程发展的共同倾向,考察了发达国翻数学课程面临挑战所采取的种种举措。并与美、英的初中数学课程情况作比较,从而吸收、借鉴国外数学改革的成就和发展趋势,使我国初中数学课程能紧跟时代,融入数学课程发展的国际潮流。第三章对数学的文化价值、教育价值作了进一步的阐述。剖析了社会进步对数学课程的影响,弄清了我们应在数学课程中向学生强调哪些数学理念以及数学课程如何更好地反映数学的文化内涵,提出了我国初中数学课程改革的策略:数学课程的现代化,数学为大众的课程策略,强化数学课程中的应用意识,数学课程对数学建模应予极大关注等。

【Abstract】 The reformation ot cottrse 1s center ot retbrmation of the Yvholeeducation. I’his tide ret1ects that peopie are eager to aduSt ti1e mostconcrete and cnicla1 contont ot school educahon. The crittrion ot il1emodern mathemat1cs course in pnmap and m1ddle schoo1 is to promotethe development ot the smta. It is ille demand ot living anddevelopment o1 sociai econom}, science tal technologv and culforedevelopment in the bentytirst cenmp. It’s the need ot develoPment inmQdern mathematics that has die close relation wtth the qtality of ndindf What’s more. it ret1ectS the character task and re2u1ation ot the elemeroeducatlon.In view ot the coghion above, thes pdpe attempt5 to analyses theprobiem exi5ting in the develoPmen of Jamor matwhcs course andseek its proper st:v’le and tbatUI’es in the era ot drirmahon and put tbMdthe tactics ot]unior mathereahcs course in C1tina. A1l thes Yvill be launchedbasicall?+: b\ Lluesticrmaire.Concretel?i speaking, ti1e tirst chaPer of thes paPer ana1}ses the datain the swrey and the mam probiem ot mchmatics teaching program innine-}’ear comPulsory education (revised edition) and embodies the netvbelie1 ot mathematics refonnation and spthe ot education retbnnahon atpresent. In the second chaPter, in order tO make il1e Chinese Jumormhacs course keap pace WAn the tries and miX together wh tha ofthe itaional trend* the paPer synthesires die cormon tendeny aboutthe developmen ofjtrior mad1emat1cs course in tbreign coedes and inthe drea ot’ ffong Kong and Taitvan. Also, it inveshgates the acts thedeveloPed countries adopt to 1hce the clial1eage of mathematics1 course,compares the sitalon 8t hOme and abroad or in the USA and Brimin. Inthe therd cbaPteL The paPer glves the the eXP1edon ot the x;a1ue otcu1t1ire a1ld educforf m InAnematics and anaiyses the int1l.ieace onmati1eimtlcs course by the social advance. Also, it clnd1ies tilemati1amtics beliet the we should emPliasl2e to the sndens and hoxv tore11ect hle cultWe cati()ii m methemt1tics coarse bettCr What’s 1iicre.it raises the reN tachcs t the modermzation of mathemat1cs cotlrse;the tac11cs that mathematics serves the Publlc. And it StrCnghs theapplied ai^-amess in mdsmahcs course. At last it aPPeals tha moreattention Should be ginger to mathemahcs Pattern in ’the mathemahcscourse.

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