

A Study on the Ethical of Dwellings

【作者】 何玉

【导师】 杜春兰;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 我国随着住房制度改革的深入,大批量的、各种档次的商品住宅涌出市面。一方面满足了人民群众对住宅的需求,提高了生活的水准。另一方面,由于商业利益的驱使和开发商自身文化水平的限制,许多住宅楼成了建筑垃圾,出现了令有识之士口诛笔伐的城市败笔。同时还存在着在大量的商品房空置与一些人没有房住的矛盾。第一章提出了现阶段住宅的问题之所在。这些问题的解决,不能仅靠几张调查表,找出老百姓想要什么房子,我们就顺应潮流造什么住宅。这些“安居困境”,并不能仅仅依靠人均多几平方米的建筑就能解决的。需要用哲学的方法去分析、思考。建筑学一直以来就与哲学紧密相关,哲学上的每一次重大事件都直接而深入地影响着建筑学的发展动向。尤其是住宅建筑,由于其与每个人直接相关,更容易受到社会价值取向的左右。因此,对住宅的伦理功能的探讨(这里是指住宅帮助形成当地社会某种共同的精神气质的功能),也就是为住宅的未来寻找方向。住宅建筑应该告诉我们在当前世界中应如何生活。住宅的伦理功能是一种精神意义、一种公共功能、一种价值取向。现代人类对空间的无所归依感和对时间的恐惧是定居的困难之所在,这就需要住宅让他们定居,给予他们家园,以此来抵御空间和时间在他们心灵上的困扰。这便是住宅的伦理功能,它能帮助我们找到现在生活的价值和方向;它具有空间和时间上的唯一性价值;这样的住宅才是能够安居的住宅。它因此而表达出我们现在社会共同的精神气质。第二章到第六章的内容就是围绕住宅建筑与时间、空间及情感的关系,通过展开海德格尔的一些观点,阐明了住宅同定居的本质和需求间的联系,提炼出住宅的伦理功能,指出人文、生态和传统因素是适宜居住的不可或却的要素。我们的定居总是向前发展的,因此对住宅伦理功能的思考也就是对住宅未来的思考。最后一章从世界观的研究回到方法论,结合实际调查与设计,展望了我国房地产市场的未来走向。

【Abstract】 Align with the deep going of the housing system reforms, commercial dwellings of different standards emerged onto the market in a big quantity. On one hand, it fulfills the housing demands and elevates the living standards of common people. On the other hand, due to the driving of commercial profiting and the limited intellectual level of developers, a considerable amount of dwelling buildings have turned out to be architectural trash and become faults of urban development, which have been seriously criticized by aware intellectuals. Meanwhile, the conflict between unoccupied commercial dwellings in large quantities and people without a single room does exist. Chapter 1 points out where the problems of housing in current period lies.The solution does not only reply on several investigation sheets, on finding out the exact housing style demanded by the inhabitants and building dwellings following that style. These "settling troubles" can not be solved only by extra building square meters per person. Philosophical methodologies are need in analyzing and thinking.Architecture has always been tightly related to philosophy. Every big event in philosophy would have direct and deep influence on the orientation of architecture. Dwelling architecture is especially the case, more influenced by the social value, since it is directly related to individuals. Thus, research on the Ethical Functions (which mean that dwellings help to form up some common ethos) of dwellings, which are to direct the future of dwellings. Our dwellings should be able to tell us how to live in the current world.Ethical Functions of dwellings are a spiritual significance, a public function and a value orientation. To modern human beings, senses of non-belonging of space and fears of time are the difficulties of settling. Thus dwellings are needed to settle them, to grant them homes, in order to withstand the harassment by space and time on their hearts. These are Ethical Functions of Dwellings. <WP=5>They help us to find values and orientation of present life and they have the sole value of space and time. Only this kind of dwellings is dwellings for settling. Thus it embodies the common ethos of our present society.Content in Chapter 2 to Chapter 6, based on relationships between dwelling buildings and time, space and emotion, by evolving some viewpoints of Heidergger, illustrates the relationship between dwellings and the nature and demand of settling, and extracts the ethical functions of dwellings.Our settlement is always developing forwards, therefore thinking on ethical functions of dwellings is thinking on future of dwellings. The last chapter turns back from the study on world outlook to methodology, and prospects the future tendency of real estate market in China.

【关键词】 住宅安居伦理时间空间
【Key words】 DwellingsSettlingEthicsTimeSpace
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】TU241
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】345