

【作者】 马献钊

【导师】 刘德法;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 刑法学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 《单位犯罪若干问题研究》一文,从理论和实践相结合的角度对我国刑法规定的单位犯罪中的若干基本问题进行了初步研究。全文共分五个部分:一、国内外关于法人犯罪的论争及立法概述。二、单位犯罪的概念及本质特征。三、单位犯罪的构成特征。四、单位犯罪的刑事责任及其实现方式。五、立法及司法建议。 在第一部分,本文简要介绍了国内外理论界关于法人犯罪(单位犯罪)的各种主要观点以及大陆法系和英美法系国家以及中国关于法人犯罪(单位犯罪)的立法情况。在第二部分,本文首先区分了“单位犯罪”和“法人犯罪”两个概念,又深入地分析了“单位犯罪”的内涵,提出单位犯罪的本质特征在于其内部包含的整体性和个体性的对立统一,这种对立统一表现为双重性和整体主导性两个方面,据此笔者提出了自己对单位犯罪的概念。这是本文的创新点之一。在第三部分,笔者分析了单位犯罪构成要件中的主体、主观方面、客观方面的具体特征(以双重性为主线)。在主体部分,笔者赞同单位犯罪主体的“二元论\并对双重主体(单。位和其中的自然人主体)各自的特征及范围进行了探讨,并对刑法学界有争议的若干问题提出了自已的看法;在主观方面,笔者分析了其特征、罪过形式等;在容观方面,笔者分析了其内容、特征、形式等。在第四部分,笔者初步探讨了单位犯罪刑事责任的本质、特征及其实现方式(刑罚)的种类、双罚制的理论基础、若干实行单罚制的罪名及立法原因等。最后,笔者针对单位犯罪中存在的若干问题提出了立法和司法建议。

【Abstract】 The dissersation 揂 research on Unit Offense Ponder ?makes a tentative study on Unit Offense (stipulated by Chinese Criminal Law ) based on the achievement of my devoted study and judical practice , which is developed respectively into following topics in five chapters: 1, Polemics and legislations on Corporate Crime home and abroad ; 2, Basic conceptions and their innate characteristics ; 3, Characteristic constitulation of Unit Offense; 4, Criminal responsibility and ways of its bearance; 5, Suggestion on legislation and justiceChapter 1 is laid out to introduce briefly key viewpoints on Corporate Crime from foreign or native legal circle, and the practical legislation establishment in Common Law countries (Countries applied by Common Law ) , Continental law countries (countries applied by Continental Law) and in China as well. Chapter 2 begi.ns to distinguish the concept of 揢nit Offense?from that of 揅orporate Crime?and moves??to suggest my fresh defination after a step of further research on their intensions that what Unit offense counts can be interpreted into a contradition of i~s whole and individual characteristics ; Chapter 3 focuses on analysing the constitive subject , subjective aspect , objective aspect of Unit Offense in requisites constitution , out of which come up with my in?terpretions and conclutions: on constitative subject I advocate?double subject doctrine?which refers to subjective unit and subjective person; on objective aspect it is meant to analyse its characteristic ,criminal presentations, etc; on objective aspect it is meant to analyse its representation, characteristic, presentation ect; Chapter 4 is arranged to probe into Unit Offense responsibility in its innate characteristicways of bearance ,and theoretical base and legislative fundation both for bipunitive sanction and solepunitive sanction Chapter 5 is the closing pant in which I put forward my humble suggestions on the existing legislation and justice for involving problems.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】D917
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】154