

【作者】 邓成琼

【导师】 张锋;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 1 研究目的 本研究在回顾减轻学生过重学业负担的历史背景和评述有关减负问题研究现状,分析存在问题的基础上,认为今后有关学生学业负担的研究需要实现两个转变:一是实现由对学业负担的客观物理量的描述到对学生主观心理量的测定的转变,只有实现这一转变才能真正摸清楚学业负担的承受者——学生感受到的学业负担的实际情况及其对他们全面成长的影响;二是实现又一般抽象议论到科学实证研究的转变,只有实现这一转变,才能从根本上形成对这一引起全社会极大关注的社会问题的科学认识,才能从科学实证研究的客观事实出发寻找到减轻过重学业负担的有针对性和有效性的措施。本研究基于这一认识,提出两个研究目的:①编制中学生学业负担态度量表,为探讨中学生对待学业负担的心理态度的结构及其影响因素提供一个有效工具;②探讨学校类型、年级、性别、学习成绩等因素对学生对待学业负担态度形成的影响,以探讨中学生对待学业负担的心理态度的差异及其根源。2 中学生学业负担态度量表的编制及其结构分析2.1 学业负担态度概念的界定 从学业负担的定义及态度的基本定义和维度界定出发,将对学业负担的态度定义为学生对自己所承受的学业负荷的稳定的心理倾向和行为方式,并具体界定为对学业负担的认知、对学业负担的情绪体验和由此导致的学习行为倾向三个基本维度。2.2 问卷项目的初步编写 根据对学业负担的态度的概念性界定,初步编拟出体现学生对待学业负担的态度的若干测验项目;经筛选归类,挑出93个能够反映学生对待学业负担的态度的项目,组成初步问卷。2.3 预测与项目分析 预测的有效样本人数为170人。对预测资料进行卷项目分析时,以项目得分与分量表总分的相关系数作为估计项目区分度参数的指标,采用0.001的显著性水平为筛选项目的标准,共删去13个项目,余80个项目形成新的学业负担态度问卷。2.4 对学业负担态度结构的因素分析与正式量表的建立2.4.1 被试 选取三所完全中学(一所城区重点中学、一所城区非重点中学、一所郊区非重 点中学)初一至高三学生为被试,每个学校每个年级随机选取2个班,删除不完全 答卷,有效被试人数 1902名。 2.4.2项目分析 为了在大样本的范围内考察项目的质量,以1902名被试的测验原始分数为基础 计算了各个项目的通俗度和区分度,据此删去 11个项目,得到 69个有效项目。 2·4.3囚素掷 22.4.3.-1-W知分量表的因素结构:对被试在28个认知项目上的测验数据的相关。…· 矩阵进行因素分析的必要性和适合性检验,结果Test of Sphericity41537I6, Si卯ificance司.000;又求得KMO统计量的值为0.917,说明对此相关矩阵有必要并 适合于因素分析。删除公共因素方差小于0.25的3个项目,对剩余25个项目进行主成 分分析和方差极大正交旋转,获得5个因子:①“对课业量的认知\②“对教学方 式与考试制度的认知\③“对课业难度的认知\④“对考试排名次的认知\⑤“对 家长期望的认知\ 利用这5个因于可以解释认知分量表总变异的6.66%。情绪分量表的因素结构:对被试在23个认知项目上的测验数据的相关 矩阵进行因素分析的必要性和适合性检验,结果Test of Sphericity=13709.88,-- df=378, Significanceic.000;又求得KMO统计量的值为0.940,说明对此相关矩阵有 必要并适合于因素分析。主成分分析和方差极大正交旋转,获得4个因子:①“学习 兴趣\②“学习焦虑\@“减负后的情绪体验、-④“对课业量的倩绪体验\ 利 用这4个因子可以解释情绪分量表总变异的50.171%。行为倾向分量表的因素结构:对被试在18个认知顶目卜的测骆数抿的 相关矩阵进行因素分析的必要性和适合性检验,结果Test of Sphericity=8648.862, Si即ificance司·000;又求得KMO统计量的值为0.917,说明对Jtj7fn关矩阵有必要并一 适合于因素分析。采用主成分分析和方差极大正交旋转,获得特征值大于1的4个公 共因素:①“学习的主动性\②“学习的适应性\③“学习的计划性\④“学习 的承受性\ 利用这4个因子可以解释行为分量表总变异的sl.151$。 2.4.4中学生学业负担态度量表的信度桔d度:“中学生学业负担态度量表”三个。 分量表的同质性信度a系数均在0.85以上,各因素的同质性信度a系数除了“认知” 分量表中的“对家长期望的认知”和“行为倾向”分量表的“学习的承受力”两个 因素不够理想外,其余因素的信度系数均在0.66以上,其中多数因素在0.7以上, 有足够的信度。 3影晌中学生学业负担态度的若干因素研究 3·1目的_,

【Abstract】 Framing of the Student Attitude Scale about Studying Burden and Its Related IssuesAbstract1 The PurposesOn the basis of historical review to the policy, situation of relieving students’ overburden of studying and comment on the current research, and analyzing the existing problems, this dissertation brings forward the two purposes. Firstly, Framing The Student Attitude Scale about Studying Burden (SASSB), exploring the structure of students’ attitude to their studying burden and its influencing factors. Secondly, analyzing the influencing factors on students’ attitude to learning burden, such as the school type, the grade, the sex and the school achievement, exploring the differences of students’ attitude to studying burden and its origins.2 Framing of the Student Attitude Scale about Learning Burden and Its Structure Analysis2.1 Definition of students’ attitude to studying burdenAccording to the definition of the studying burden and the concept and dimensions of attitude, we define students’ attitude to their studying burden as the students’ stable psychological tendency and its behavioral form to the burden relate to their schoolwork. Specifically it includes three dimensions: the cognition, the emotional experience and behavioral tendency to the studying burden.2.2 Writing of the primary scale itemsOn the basis of definition of the students’ attitude to studying burden we write many items and select 93 items of them that can stand for the students’ attitude to studying burden to compose the primary scale.2.3 Pretest and item analysis170 subjects make of valid sample of the pretest. This study figures out the coefficient of correlation between the scores of the items and the scores of the sub-scales, and taking the 0.001 as the significant level of selecting items, we delete 13 items and compose the new scale with the remnant 80 items.2.4 structure of the students’ attitude to studying burden and forming of normal scale24.1 the subjectsThe subjects of this research come from a key middle school.and a non-key middle school of the city and a non-key middle school of the suburb, and all of them come from Grade 1 in junior school to Grade 3 in senior school. 1902 subjects make of valid sample. 2A2 item analysisIn order to inspect the Quality of the items in the bigger sample, This study work out the discrimination and popularity on the test scores of the sample of thel 902. In according to the relating standard delete 11 items and gain 69 valid items. 24.3 factor analysis2.4.3.1 structure of the cognition sub-scaleOn the basis of the subjects’ test scores of the cognition sub-scale and the test of the suitability and the necessity of the factor analysis the correlate matrix of 28 items, this study deletes 3 item and undertakes factor analysis with principal component and varimax rotation method. The result shows five communal factors: the cognition of quantity of courses, the cognition to teaching model and examination system, the cognition to the difficulty of courses, the cognition to the listing the order after exam and the cognition to parents’ expectation. They can interpret the 46.664% of the variance. structure of the emotion sub-scaleOn the basis of the subjects’ test scores of the emotion sub-scale and the test of the suitability and the necessity of the factor analysis the correlate matrix of 23 items, this study undertakes factor analysis with principal component and varimax rotation method. The result shows four communal factors: studying interest, studying anxiety, the emotional experience after the policy of relieving study burden and the emotional experience of courses. They can interpret the 50.171% of the variance. Factor structure of the behavioral tendency sub-scaleOn the basis of the subjects’ test scores of the behavioral tendency sub-scale and the test of the suitability and the necessity of the factor analysis the correlate matrix of 23 items, this study undertakes factor analysis with principal component an

  • 【分类号】B844.2;G442
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