

【作者】 施晓军

【导师】 程景云;

【作者基本信息】 上海海运学院 , 计算机应用技术, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 产生于二十世纪60年代末的EDI(Electronic Data Interchange,中文译称“电子数据交换”),在国际贸易、海关、交通运输、政府和公用事业中有着非常广泛的应用。自二十世纪90年代以来,Internet的发展和普及,给传统的基于VAN的EDI带来了新的挑战,Internet EDI的兴起,给EDI注入了新的内容,它是对传统EDI的一种补充,将能为中小企业和发展中国家带来很大机会,使他们能很容易地进入全球电子商务,能大大地促进全球贸易的增长。 通信网络、计算机硬件和专用软件组成的应用系统及EDI标准是EDI的三个基本组成要素。相应地,EDI的关键技术主要包括通信技术、标准化技术、安全保密技术和计算机数据处理技术。 通信网络是EDI应用的物质基础;标准化则是EDI的本质特征;联合国用于行政、商业和运输业的EDI标准UN/EDIFACT和美国国家标准ANSI X.12是世界范围内占据主导地位的EDI标准,UN/EDIFACT则是事实上的国际标准,语法规则标准、报文标准和数据元标准是其主要的内容;XML将成为EDI事务集的一个可选的语法,并且通过EDI,把电子商务带到中小企业;安全保密技术是确保参与各方的经济和政治利益的基本保证;信息的完整性、可认证性、保密性和不可否认性是EDI应用系统所要实现的安全服务;MIS(Management Information System,中文译称“管理信息系统”)的广泛应用是EDI真正具有应用价值的前提。 “全程货运EDI网络信息系统”是基于EDI的货运管理信息系统,可以满足从事国际集装箱运输业务的企业的基本管理和业务操作需求。通过货运管理信息系统和EDI端系统的接口的设计与开发,使基于局域网的货运管理信息系统提升到建立于EDI平台的“全程货运EDI网络信息系统”,从而使国际集装箱运输企业能与相关业务合作单位,如,集装箱公司、储运公司、船舶代理和二程船公司等,进行EDI单证的传输与交换。面向应用,方便灵活,遵循标准,是该系统设计与开发的指导思想;利用支持面向对象设计的语言,采用已有MIS设计的经验和模块化的设计思路,是该系统设计与开发的基本技术路线。 本论文的研究内容是结合江苏省“九五”重大科技攻关项目计划之一“江苏省跨行业EDI应用系统”的子课题“全程货运EDI网络信息系统”而展开的。研究内容涉及EDI的主要相关背景知识,重点分析EDI关键技术中的标准化技术和安全保密技术,并跟踪研究了各种Internet EDI的实现方式;同时,本论文完成对EDI的一个应用系统——“全程货运EDI网络信息系统”的设计与开发工作,对EDI技术在货运信息管理中的应用进行了一些有益的探索和研究。

【Abstract】 During the past decades, EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange ) has had a broad application in many fields, such as International Trade, Customs, Transportation Governments, Public Utilities, and so on. Since 1990s,the development and the popularization of Internet have brought a new challenge to the traditional VAN-based EDI.EDI has been endowed with new meaning with the emergence of Internet EDI. We especially recognize the opportunities that Internet EDI offers to small and medium sized companies,and to developing countries. It enables them to enter easily into the world of electronic business and, as a consequence, could bring very significant additional growth to world trade. Normally,EDI-based application system consists of three essential components: communication networks,EDI standards,and application system that based on computer hardware ,operating system,utilities and application programs.Thus, its key technologies comprise of communication, EDI standardization,security and electronic data processing. Communication networks provide physical foundation for EDI-based application system.Standardization is the key characteristic of the application system.UN/EDIFACT and ANSI X.12 are in leading positions all over the world.Actually,UN/EDIFACT is the international ED! standard. The goal of XML is not to replace the traditional X12IEDIFACT syntax, but to enable Internet ED! as an alternate for EDI and to extend EDI to small and mid-sized companies. Therefore, Internet ED! complements EDI and, in so doing, brings the vision of ED! to reality.Security guarantees economical and political benefit to EDI partners.The broad application of MIS(management information system) is the precondition of the value realization of ED!. EDI-based International Freight Management Information System?can meet the elementary requirements of international freight operation and management.As a result of the design and implementation of the interface ,the freight MiS was promoted to EDI-based international freight MIS.Meeting the actual business requirements,keeping to standards,and flexibility are the key characteristics of the application system. This paper focuses on the related background knowledge of EDI, and the study on the key technologies used in EDI applications, such as, UN/EDIFACT standard, EDt document transport technology and security. As a new application on the Internet, Internet ED! with its many advantages over the traditional EDI, is attracting more and more developers and users; hence this paper also traces the latest development of Internet EDI. Based on the above study, we design and implement a typical EDI application EDt-based International Freight Management Information System

【Key words】 EDIInternetUN/EDIFACTMIS
  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】3
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