

【作者】 范洪胜

【导师】 李连寿;

【作者基本信息】 上海海运学院 , 产业经济学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 市场营销原理带有一定的普遍性,但其在实践中的应用需要与特定的行业实际相结合。本文试图将市场营销理论与我国航运业实际结合起来,在经济全球化及我国即将加入WTO的新形势下,结合近年来国内外营销学界最新的研究成果与动态,研究市场营销理论在航运业的应用,以求有所创新。 本文的完成基于以下思路: 首先,航运市场的营销是建立在对货运市场形势的把握及对货主的消费行为的分析的基础之上的。在已有的研究成果中,对货运市场的研究与分析比较多,而对航运市场上的消费者——货主的购买行为的分析相对较少,本文从消费心理学的角度对货主购买行为进行了研究,以求有所突破。其次,航运企业提供的是一种服务产品,相应的其航运市场营销属于服务营销的内容。本文从服务营销的角度对航运市场营销的营销组合进行了探讨,提出了一些新的观点。再次,根据市场研究开发新的航运产品,开展有效营销,作为市场经济条件下航运企业主要的竞争手段,是一个永恒的主题。本文对以新航线的开辟为核心内容对航运新产品的市场开发进行了研究。最后,在经济全球化的大背景下,市场竞争愈演愈烈,我国航运企业如何走向国际市场无疑成为人们不得不考虑的问题。在论文的最后,探讨了经济全球化背景下我国航运企业的营销战略与策略。 本论文由以下章节构成: 第一章讲述了什么是航运业及我国航运业的发展历程,并论证了在我国当前,航运业引入市场营销理论的必要性。 第二章结合我国目前货运市场的形势对货运市场的供给与需求进行了分析,并分析了不定期船市场及集装箱市场的需求弹性。 第三章分析了货运市场货主的购买行为,利用马斯洛的需求层次论分析了货主需求心理,并利用购买行为模型分析了货主的购买行为。 第四章以服务营销为指导研究了航运市场营销组合,并重点对企业文化、服务质量、顾客满意三个组合因素进行了研究。 第五章以航线为研究对象研究了航运新产品的市场开发的决策程序并进行了系统的分析与论证。 第六章研究了经济全球化给我国航运业带来的机遇和挑战以及此新形势下航运企业市场营销的新变化。

【Abstract】 ABSTRACT Although the principle of marketing has some kind of universality, its appliance in the shipping enterprise should combine with the given industry. This paper attempts to introduce marketing theory into shipping of our country. In the new environment of globalization of economy and china抯 entering world trade organization, this paper made researches on the appliance of marketing theory in shipping enterprise. With the new research achievement and developments in marketing field, this paper brings forth some new ideas. The paper based on the follow thought process: First, shipping marketing is based on the research of freight market and analytic of consignor抯 consumer behavior. In the research achievement, the articles about the shipping market are excessive, but the articles about consumer behavior in the shipping market are not enough. This paper study this problem and try to make a progress. Second, as the product of shipping enterprise is some kind of service, shipping marketing should belong to service marketing. From the view of service marketing, this paper discussed shipping marketing mix, some new point of view is brought forward. Third, R&D of new product and efficient marketing are eternal topic of shipping enterprise in the market economy. This paper focuses on the inaugurating of new line and made some study on this issue. Finally, under the background of globalization of economy, market competition is more and more violent, how our shipping enterprise enter international market is a very important question that must be answered. This paper made some research on this problem. This paper is composed of six parts: The first part contains the concept of shipping and the development of shipping in china and why we should introduce marketing theory into shipping of out country. The second part analyzed the status of china shipping in recent years, the supply and demand of shipping market, and price elasticity of demand of tramp shipping market and container liner shipping market. The third part analyzed consignor抯 consumer behavior in the shipping market, Marsow抯 theory is been used in this part. With the help of purchase behavior model, the behavior of consignor is analyzed. The forth part made a research of mix of shipping marketing at the coach of service marketing, and enterprise culture, service quality management, consumer satisfaction are the main topic. The fifth part of this paper is about R&D of shipping new product, taking line as the main research object. The analyses and demonstration are systemic. The sixth part made a research on challenge and opportunity that demonstrate of economy take to our country抯 shipping and the new change of shipping marketing in this environment. Fan hongsheng (industrial economics) Directed by Prof. Li lianshou

  • 【分类号】F550.6
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】588