

Water Resources Optimization In Yellow River Diverting Irrigation Area

【作者】 宫永波

【导师】 徐得潜;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 山东引黄灌区水资源相当紧缺。引黄灌溉的实现,改变了灌区水资源结构,在一定程度上缓解了紧缺状况。但从近年及未来黄河来水分析,该区仍将面临水资源不足的问题。 本文针对目前引黄区重引黄、轻井灌,地下水开采量不足及不合理的状况,分不同黄河来水方案和不同引黄水价(成本)方案,用线性规划对全灌区总引黄水量和地下水量按净效益最优原则分配给各种作物,从而得到灌区最大净效益及相应引黄水量及地下水实际使用量。探索了不同水价对水资源分配及灌区净效益的影响。 鉴于目前灌区已超计划用黄河水,将来无法实施充分灌溉的事实,本文对引黄可供水量进行了水资源模糊优化,并运用模糊线性规划容差法,给出了最大隶属度α下的引黄水量最优决策方案。 本文还为实现地表水和地下水的联合调度,合理利用水资源,克服因引黄灌溉引起的负面影响提供了有益建议,探讨了黄河水和地下水联合调度、地下水开发宏观布局及灌区内黄河水的优化调度。

【Abstract】 The local water resources in Yellow River diverting irrigation area is in short supply, to solve the problem, more than 7 billion Yellow River water were diverted. Recent years, the discharge of Yellow River is decrease, so the water volume diverted from Yellow River will also be in short supply.Aimed at the irrationality use of the water resources, such as attaching importance to yellow River, insufficient use of ground water, the paper gives the maximum net benefits and corresponding water volume both Yellow River water and ground water, through the use of linear programming. The paper also analysis the change of benefits and distribute of the water resources when we have different prices on Yellow River water.In consideration of the short of Yellow River, the paper presents the optimization decision variable, i.e., the yellow River water volumes used for irrigation, by applying the tolerance approach of fuzzy linear programming.In the end, the paper gives more suggestions on combined use of yellow River water and ground water, rational distribution of irrigation wells, and allocation of yellow River diverted into the irrigation area.

  • 【分类号】S274.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】236