

Effects of Dietary Nutritional Levels on Production performance and Nutrient Digestion-metabolism in Growing Blue foxes

【作者】 陈立敏

【导师】 高秀华;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 为确定育成期蓝狐全价颗粒饲料适宜的能量、蛋白水平,育成前期选取72只8周龄左右的健康仔狐,随机分成6组,每组12只(雌雄各半)。育成后期将前期蓝狐重新排列分组。前期采用2(ME:13.0MJ/kg、13.7MJ/kg)×3(CP:28%、32%、36%)、后期采用2(ME:13.2MJ/kg、13.9MJ/kg)×3(CP:24%、28%、32%)二因子交叉试验设计方法,进行饲养试验和消化代谢试验,并在育成后期对蓝狐血液生化指标和毛皮品质进行了分析测定。结果如下: 1 不同能量与蛋白的交互作用对雌狐日增重影响显著(P<0.05),处理组Ⅴ(ME:13.7 MJ/kg×CP:32%)平均日增重最高且显著高于处理组Ⅲ(ME:13.0MJ/kg×CP:32%)。 2 不同能量与蛋白的交互作用对育成前期蓝狐的饲料转化率影响显著(P<0.05),其中处理组Ⅴ的饲料转化率最高且显著高于处理组Ⅲ(P<0.05)。 3 高能量浓度下,雌狐的干物质和能量消化代谢率均升高(P<0.05或P<0.01);随蛋白质水平从28%上升到32%时,雌狐干物质和能量的消化代谢率呈上升趋势(P>0.05),而蛋白质水平进一步上升到36%时,干物质和能量的消化代谢率显著下降(P<0.05或P<0.01)。无论雌狐或雄狐,能量与蛋白的交互作用均以处理组Ⅴ最高,且显著高于其它处理组(P<0.05或P<0.01)。 4 饲粮能量浓度对育成前期雄狐日食入N、尿N、N沉积率和N生物学效价有一定影响(P<0.05或P<0.01);随蛋白质水平升高,雄狐日食入N、粪N、尿N极显著增加(P<0.01)。雌狐日食入N、粪N、尿N和沉积N受能量和蛋白质水平的影响极显著(P<0.01),蛋白质水平对雌狐N沉积率和N生物学效价也有影响(P<0.05或P<0.01)。 5 蛋白质水平对育成后期雄狐日增重有显著影响(P<0.05),即随蛋白质水平升高,日增重明显下降。 6不同饲粮能量浓度、蛋白质水平及能量与蛋白质水平互作对育成后期蓝狐饲料转化率、血清总蛋白和血清尿素氮无显著影响(P>0.05)。 7高能量浓度下,育成后期雄狐干物质采食量明显下降(P<0刀5),干物质和能量的消化代谢率也下降(P<0刀5或P<0.01)。随着蛋白质水平从24%上升到 280,雌狐的干物质和能量消化代谢率显著上升(P<0.05或卜<0.of),蛋白质水平上升到32%时却显著下降(P<0.05或P<0刀1)。 8育成后期,蓝狐日食入N随蛋白质水平的上升而增加(P吻刀1),随能量的上升而下降(P<0.01)。高能量浓度下,N沉积量减少(P<0刀1)、N表观消化率升高(P<0刀1)。随蛋白质水平增加,雌狐N表观消化率先上升后F降 (P<0刀1)。育成后期,蓝狐N沉积量随蛋白质水平的升高而增加(P<O.01),N沉积量与R食入N呈正相关关系,口归方程为: 雄狐 N沉积量(g/d)-0.5558进食 N(g/d)-3*005 n-24,r-0.8628 雌狐 N沉积量(g/d)-0.4324进食 N(g/d)-0*643 n-24,r=0.9306 9高能量浓度下,针绒毛长度增加(P<0刀1)。随蛋白质水平升高,针绒毛长度增加、针毛细度增加J<0刀1),而绒毛细度无显著差异叩>0刀5)。 10饲粮营养水平对蓝狐体长、皮张长无显著影响o>0.05)。高营养水平组的毛皮等级要优于低营养水平组。本研究结果还得出,毛皮长度与取皮时体重呈正相关:Y—84.17+0.0032X(r—0.5927,P<0.of)其中,Y一皮张长(cm)X一终体重一) 综合育成期蓝狐生长发育、饲料消耗及转化率、消化代谢和毛皮品质等项指标进行分析,得出育成前期蓝狐全价颗粒饲料适宜的能量水平为 13.7MJ/kg、粗蛋白质水平为32%;育成后期能量水平为13.gMJ/k巳粗蛋白质水平为24%~28%。

【Abstract】 The aim of these studies was to investigate the optimal energy and proteinlevels of pellets for growing blue foxes. In the growing period, 72 weanlingyoung blue foxes (about 8 weeks of age) were divided into 6 groupsrandomly,each group included 12 animals (6 ~, 6 ~- ).In the furring period,these selected foxes were redistributed into 6 groups ,taking into their sex andorigin consideration.There was no significant difference among all the groupsin initial average weight (P>O.05).The feeding trials and digestion-metabolismtrials were conducted using 2(ME:13.OMJ/kg and 13.7MJ/kg)x3(CP:28%,32%and 36%)cross-over design in the growing period and 2(ME: 13.2MJ/kg and13.9MJIkg)x3(CP:24%,28% and 32%) in the furring period. All the groupfoxes were fed with one of the pellets. Body weight was researched throughtexperiments, and the blood parameters were examined, pelt evaluation andclassification were carried out in the furring period. The results were asfollows:(1)The cross-over effects of different energy and protein pellets on thedaily weight gains of females were significant in the growing period (P<O.05).(2)In the growing period, the cross-over effects of different energy andprotein pellets on feed conversion efficiency were significant (P<O.05).(3)The effects of different energy and protein levels pellets on DM andEnergy digestion-metabolism parameters of females were significantdifference(P<O.05) in the growing period. The digestibility-metabolism rate ofDM and Energy increased with energy levels(13.O-13.7 MJ/kg) (P<O.05 orP<O.Ol),and increased as CP levels from 28% to 32%,further increased CPlevels to 36%,resulted in lower significantly(P<O.05 or P<O.O1).The cross-overof different energy and protein had significant effects on females andmales ,and group V were higher than other groups(P<O.05 or P<O.Ol).(4)In the growing period, dietary energy levels of pellets had significanteffects on males N intake,urea N, N deposition ratio and N biologicalvalue(P<O.05 or P<O.O 1), As protein levels increased,males N intake,urea N,faces N increased significantly(P<O.O 1). Dietary energy and protein levels hadsignificant effects on N intake,urea N,faces N and N deposition of females(P<O.O1),and protein levels had significant effects on N deposition ratio and Nbiological value(P<O.05 or P<O.O 1).615 In the furring period, Dietary protein levels had significant influence onmales daily weight gains(P<0.05), As protein levels increased, daily weightgains decreased.6 In the furring period, the effects of different nutritional levels pellets onblue foxes feed conversion efficiency, serum urea N concentration and serumprotein levels were no significant difference (P>0.05).7 In the furring period,As dietary energy levels increased,males DMintake,DM and energy digestibility significantly decreased(P<0.05 or P<0.0l).Females digestibility-metabolism rate of DM and energy increased as thedietary protein levels increased from 24% to 28%, and further increased to32%, resulted in significantly decreased(P<0.05 or P<0.0 1).8 In the furring period, with increased dietary protein levels,the result of Nintake (gld) increased.As the dietary Energy levels increased, N intakedecreased significantly (P<0.O I ).Males N deposition decreased with energylevels(13.2-13.9MJ/kg).The dietary energy levels had great effects on femalesfaces N, N apparent digestibility (P<O.0 1). The females N apparentdigestibility increased with CP(24-28%), then decreased with CP(28-32%)(P<O.0 1). The linear relationship between N intake(gld) and N deposition(g/d)was significant(P<0.0l):Male N deposition(gld)=0.5558N intake(gld)-3.0005 n24, r~0.8628Female N deposition(gId)’~0.4324N intake(gld)-0.8643 n’24, r=0.93069 Dietary energy levels had significant effects

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