

Study on the extraction of wheat germ oil and concentration of V_E

【作者】 王贤

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 食品科学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文:(一)、运用正交实验对传统溶剂法浸提小麦胚芽油进行了细致的研究。确定95%乙醇、正己烷比较适合小麦胚芽油的浸提;对萃取温度、萃取剂料比进行研究,验证了萃取温度愈高浸提油份的速度愈大以及随剂料比的增加萃取速度愈高的萃取普遍规律;但当剂料比达到一定程度时,萃取速度增加不十分明显,对95%乙醇与正己烷的研究发现对95%乙醇以7∶1的剂料质量比为最佳,正己烷以8∶1的剂料质量比为最佳;浸提时间对这两种溶剂来说,以30~60分钟为宜。(二)、通过4×5不等水平正交实验研究了影响麦胚油的超临界CO2萃取压力、温度的两个因素;通过单因素实验研究了循环量这一重要因素;以及不同萃取条件下萃取过程变化规律。得到在所研究的压力20MPa~38MPa范围与温度38℃~53℃范围内,随萃取压力增大麦胚油萃取速度显著增大,而萃取温度变化影响不大,随循环量的增大萃取速度也明显增加,尤其在循环量较低时;萃取温度以43℃~48℃之间为合适萃取温度范围,在合理的萃取条件与操作费用情况下,为了提高萃取速度应尽可能增大萃取压力与循环量。(三)、对超临界萃取后不同分离压力对萃取油份中维生素E的影响进行了研究。在20MPa~30MPa萃取压力范围内,随分离压力减小油份中维生素E含量增加,但在30Mpa以上时,随分离压力的变化维生素E浓度变化不明显。(四)对小麦胚芽油的超临界萃取法浸提与传统溶剂萃取法浸提进行了全面系统地比较研究。超临界CO2萃取法侵提麦胚油通过适当调整分离压力,不需任何加工即可达到一级植物油的标准;选择适当超临界萃取条件与适当分离压力,相比于传统溶剂萃取浸提法,维生素E浓度可提高50%~100%以上;超临界萃取无任何溶剂残留,这一点是传统溶剂萃取浸提法无法克服的。

【Abstract】 This paper studied many aspects of wheat germ. 1. the paper has done some research on the traditional extraction of the wheat germ oil. The result showed that there is significant correlation between many aspects. the best processing conditions of extraction of wheat germ oil are that 95% ethanol and hexane are the first choices, that the more high temperature, the more rapid the extraction of germ oil, and that the optimum mass ratio of solvent and materials is 8:1 for hexane and 7:1 for 95% ethanol 2. The thesis discussed a study on the extraction of wheat germ oil by SCF-C02. The suitable extracting condition in the present study were that the extracting speed in the extraction was increased with the increase of extraction pressure; the suitable extracting temperature is 43 ~C -48 C. 3. With the study on the effect of different separation pressure to Vitamin E in wheat germ oil,it may concluded that the Vitamin E in the oil increased with the pressure increasing from 2OMPa-3OMPa., but it isn抰 clear above 3OMPa. The suitable t~nparature is between 43C?8X12. 4. There is much more comprehensive analysis between the traditional extraction and the SFE-C02 extraction?The result showed that SCF-C02 has more advantages than the traditional means.(1 )the extracting oil may get to the first grade oil of commerce without any processing oil> by adapting the suitable extracting pressure and temperature and the suitable separating pressure and temperature in the course of extraction by the SCF-C02 .(2)the concentration of Vitamin E will be corxiensed by 50%-lOO% with the correct of conditions. (3)The wheat germ oil has no solvent left on extraction by the SCF-C02, but traditional means can抰 do this well.

  • 【分类号】TS221
  • 【被引频次】4
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