

The New Visual Field of Hmong Generativist Philosophy

【作者】 黄前程

【导师】 雷安平;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 中国哲学, 2001, 硕士


【摘要】 摘 要  整体论与还原论是科学研究的两个相互对立的方法论原则。随着19世纪上半叶开始的近代科学革命日益揭示出世界的辩证统一性(整体性),科学对整体论要求的呼声日渐高涨。然而,整体论反还原论仍然是横在科学面前的一道难题。通过对苗族生成哲学的研究,论文认为生成方法论能在整体论反还原论的困境中开辟一条道路。生成论思想是中国传统哲学的重要内容,当代生成论思想引起学术界的重视只是半个世纪的事情,这主要归功于当代科学,特别是量子力学和天体物理学的发展,只是所有这些注意都缺乏一总体的哲学建构。论文对苗族生成哲学的研究,就是以解决整体论反还原论困难为线索的一种哲学建构。这种建构之所以能成功,归因于论文挖掘了苗族生成哲学对当代生成哲学及其方法论的独特贡献,即分析性,过程论思想,进化论思想及结构概念,特别是结构,它是生成方法论得以建立的关键因素。生成方法论的建立,不仅丰富了结构的内涵,从而解决了整体论反还原论的难题,而且为苗族生成哲学的发展开拓了新视野。

【Abstract】 AbstractHolism and reductionism are two opposite basic methodological laws in science field. The evolution of science, which has happened since the early 19th century turn out the world’s being as a unity, the requirement of holism get more and more urgent. That holism opposes reductionism, however, is still a problem that get in the way of science.This thesis finds out the generativist methodology is a successful one to overcome the difficulty of holism opposing reductionism through carrying out the research into Hmong generativist philosophy. The generativist thought is an important area in traditional Chinese philosophy. But it was not until the mid-20th century that academic circles paid much attention to generationism. This is mainly due to the present-day science, especially quantum mechanics and astrophysics. However, all this attention shows a spontaneous, not self-conscious activity for a systematic study of present-day philosophy. On the contrary, this thesis produces a self-conscious act and hopes to establish a contemporary generativist philosophy to solve the problem that holism opposing reductionism has caused This thesis is successful. Why? This is because it proves Hmong generativist philosophy a special value to set up the contemporary generativist philosophy and its methodology. The quantity of analysis, view of process, view of evolution and concept of structure of Hmong generativist philosophy is some key factors by which we can set up new generativist philosophy.The contemporary generativist philosophy , which this thesis has set up, not only add some new content to the concept of structure, and so will overcome the difficulty of holism opposing reductionism, but has enlarged the area for the development of Hmong generativist philosophy .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】B2
  • 【下载频次】171