

【作者】 朱宏斌

【导师】 樊志民;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 科学技术史, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 战国秦汉时代,中国先民们同周边及以远地区的各民族进行了以农业科技文化交流为核心的、频繁的联系交往,从而出现了中国历史上农业科技文化交流的第一个鼎盛时期。本文即从农史研究的角度切入这一历史性课题,系统全面地展示和分析了战国秦汉时期中外农业科技文化交流的方方面面。 论文分为五部分展开,主要内容如下: 第一章:导言。从农业史以及中外交流史研究的背景出发,阐述了本研究的目的与意义;综述国内外研究成果,粗线条勾勒研究动态;说明本文的研究思路、方法及创新点。 第二章:战国秦汉时期农业科技文化交流的动力与基础。社会是一个大系统,任何历史或文化现象发生发展都不是孤立存在的。战国秦汉时期之所以出现农业科技文化“大规模、长距离”交流的鼎盛局面,是科技发展、经济繁荣、政治强大、思想文化聚变等多种因素共同作用的结果。 第三章:战国秦汉时期传统农业科技对东亚诸国的影响。早在远古时期,中国的原始先民就通过各种途径同东亚发生了往来交流;进入秦汉以后,则更为频繁,就交通线路而言,呈现出多元化的发展的趋势;以之为基础,先进传统农业科技文化大规模地、源源不断地输入东亚诸国,产生了强劲的冲击力,使其在生产工具、耕作技术、农业结构、经济构成,乃至整个社会政治文化都发生了深刻的趋向性变化,从而奠定了这一地区发展的经济与文化基础。 第四章:秦汉时期中国传统农业科技文化在东南亚、南亚地区的传播及影响。通过文献学、考古学、民族学等多个角度和层次的研究,揭示了东南亚文化发展与中国丈化、尤其是与秦汉时期南中国稻作文化之间的渊源关系;详细阐述了秦汉时期伴随着中国同东南亚交通往来的进一步密切,起源于长江流域的稻作科技丈化体系在东南亚播传和影响的内容、层次、范围、特点等一系列的问题;以中国同古印度的交通往来为背景,系统地论述了传统农业科技文化与南亚大陆古文化之间相互交流、相互渗透的深层关系。二 摘 要 第五章:丝绸之路与秦汉时期的中西农业科技文化交流。“凿空”于秦汉时期的丝绸之路是中西经济文化往来的最主要孔道之一,沿着这一通道,一方面是中原各种动植物物种以及先进的各种生产工具、生产技术传入西域诸地,另一方面,则是中原大规模引入汲取西来的诸物种、枝艺二“东来西往”之农业科技文化之间的相互碰撞、相互交流、相互影响、相互渗透,既是这一时期农业科枝文化发展的一个主要特征,而且也对整个世界文明的发展产生了极为深远的作用与影响。 第六章:战国秦汉时期中外农业科技文化交流的宏观审视。揭示了这一时期中外农业科枝文化交流的历史意义与世界影响;并以受传统农业科技文化影响程度的差异为基础,以秦汉政权对不同地区控制交往方式与基本政策层次为线索,从文化学的角度把这一时期的中外农业科技文化交流分为了三种类型:即立体移植型、辐射渗透型和远接互化型等;论文最后从宏观的角度揭示了这一历史过程的主要特征及启迪意义。

【Abstract】 Subject and major: History of Science and TechnologyResearch field: History of Agricultural EconomyAuthor: Zhu HongbinSupervisor: Prof. Fan ZhiminDuring the period of Warring States, and Qin and Han Dynasties, Chinese ancestors had frequently exchanged agricultural sci-tech culture with surrounding areas and other nations. Therefore, in Chinese history appeared a period of great prosperity on agricultural sci-tech culture communication. The paper has systematically shown and analysis this historical phenomenon in many aspects.This paper is divided into six parts, and its main contents as follows.Chapter 1: General Introduction. Based on the agricultural history and the background of research about communication history between China and foreign countries, this paper has illustrated the purpose and significance of this study, summed up the research results at home and abroad, and depicted research development. Meanwhile, this paper has stated train of thought, the study method and new ideas about field.Chapter 2: The Impetus and Foundation Agricultural Sci-tech Communication during The Period of Warring States and The Dynasties of Qin and Han. Each development of cultural or historic phenomenon must depend on the whole social system. During the period of Warring States, and Qin and Han dynasties, many social factors, such as science and technology development, prosperous economy, powerful political force and tremendous change of ideas and culture, played a great part in this great prosperity.Chapter 3: The Great Effect of Traditional Agricultural Science and Technology on Some Countries in East Asia. In ancient times, Chinese ancestors had associated with some countries of East Asia through all kinds of ways; Entering into the period of Qin and Han dynasties, this association had taken place more frequently than before, and as far as communication lines were concerned, its showed various trend of development. Based on communication lines development, the advanced traditional agricultural sci-tech and culture has been continuously disseminated into many areas in East Asia, which brought about such great impact on these countries that great changes took place in the field of production tools, cultivation skills, agricultural and economic structures, even in the whole social politics and culture. This had laid a foundation for economic and cultural development of these4regions in large scale.Chapter 4: The Spread of Tradition Agricultural Science and Technology, and Its Effect on The Countries in The Southeast Asia and South Asia during The Period of Qin and Han Dynasties. Through the study on documentary Science, archeology and ethnology, this paper has shown a close relationship between the cultural development in the areas of the Southeast Asia and Chinese culture, especially rice-growing culture of the South China during the period of Qin and Han dynasties. With further communicating each other, the rice-growing culture originating in the Yang’s river valley was widely spread to the region of Southeast Asia. Taking the communication between China and ancient India for example, this paper has systematically expounded the close relationship between the traditional agricultural sci-tech culture exchange and the relationship that influenced each other.Chapter 5: The Silk Road and Interchange of Agricultural Sd-tech Culture between Western Regions and Ancient China during The Period of Qin and Han Dynasties. The Silk Road was one of the most important communication lines; And along this route, the economy and culture exchange between China and Western Regions become more and more flourishing during the period of Qin and Han dynasties. In this process, not only many kinds of the animal and plant species, the advanced agricultural tools, and production technology had been introduced into the Western Regions, but also various kinds of species and skills in the Western Regions had been introduced into China through these communication routes. The

  • 【分类号】S-09
  • 【被引频次】2
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