

【作者】 郑科

【导师】 杨新民; 郑世清;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 摘 要 黄土丘陵沟壑区山坡道路由于经常受到扰动,环境小气候恶劣,土壤紧实,植被生长不良,土壤裸露,一旦受到风激雨洗,侵蚀就特别严重,甚至阻断交通,不利于生产经济活动。为了改善山坡道路生态小环境,减弱水土流失,本文在山坡道路侵蚀状况调查与防侵蚀植物种栽培试验的基础上,得出:(1)通过对黄土丘陵沟壑区燕儿沟流域山坡道路的侵蚀状况调查,总结了山坡生产型道路的侵蚀特点,与人为扰动有很大关系。其中,路面侵蚀属于硬地面侵蚀,路堑与路堤属于软地面侵蚀。山坡道路侵蚀的侵蚀量非常巨大,破坏性也很大,甚至能造成交通中断,直接威胁人们的生产经济交流活动的正常进行。山坡道路侵蚀发展到最后,将会到“路冲为沟”的地步。山坡道路侵蚀的类型同其他部位侵蚀的类型基本一样,但也有自己的特点。本文阐述了侵蚀类型的部位与数量统计。影响道路侵蚀的因素很多,降雨径流、道路长度、土壤容重、坡度、降雨强度都与道路的冲刷量有密切的关系。通过对道路侵蚀较重要类型沟蚀的调查与总结,分别得出了路面的三项构造因素坡度、弯道曲率半径、路面位置与沟蚀形成的程度、机率的影响关系,并根据调查与分析结果得出了一个判别式子。这样,通过对道路三项因素的调查值,代入函数式子算出值,在此基础上可以对道路路面的沟蚀发生程度以及机率作出预测。最后,论述了道路侵蚀特点与端面类型的关系。 2)本文经过野外实地试验,结合道路对防护植物的要求,提出了构造生物防蚀体系的原则,防侵蚀植物的选择原则。并根据10种草本植物的栽培与组合试验,分别测定了它们的地上、根系生物学指标,并着重分析了地下部分对土壤抗剪切强度的增强与根系的受拉力过程中所表现的力学特性与规律。并且还做了生态学习性的观测与比较,诸如越夏率、过冬性、耐践踏性等等。然后根据以上所测定的指标,选择了8项具有代表性意义的指标,运用模糊数学的方法对10种草本进行了评价与选择。得出适于道路防护草种选择的优先次序为披碱草、草木樨、无芒雀麦、冰草、早熟禾、百脉根、紫羊茅、黑麦草、白三叶、天堂草。百脉根以前的草本均适应于栽植,以后的草本不能单独作为主要的草种种植。提出了几种组合在道路的防护上是适宜的:披碱草+草木樨,无芒雀麦+多年生黑麦草,披碱草+早熟禾,草木樨+冰草,多年生黑麦草+披碱草。并且强调了防侵蚀植物应以乡土草种为主,特别提出了两种草,非常<WP=5>适应在道路上生长与种植,香附子与长芒草。3)本文还在实践的基础上对道路生物防侵蚀建造过程、具体技术、管理以及注意的问题作了初步的阐述与建议。

【Abstract】 AnstraOtBecause environmenta1 sma11 c1 imate of hi 11 side product ion road of 1oessgu11y district is bad and its soi1 is hard because of inf1uenced by peop1e,vegetab1e on it grow bad and its soi1 is bare. Its erosion is serious verymuch, even interrupting transportation under f1owed by windy and washed byrainfa11, which is harm to production and economica1 activities. In order tobetter the eco1ogy sma11 environment and re1 ieve soi 1 erosion, this paperdraws some conc1usions on the investigation of the soi 1 erosion of hi11sideroad and making a test of anti--erosion vegetab1e p1anting’l) Through researching the erosion of hi l Iside production road in Yanergouva11ey of Loess gu11y district, we sununarize the erosion characteristic ofhi 11 s ide product ion road, which are inf1uenced by peop1e. Road surface erosionis stiff ground erosion, and road sides1ope erosion is soft ground erosion.The run off of road erosion is big very much, and destroying function is big,even 1eading to break off traffic, make against the production, economica1intercommunion. Road erosion is developed to "road changing into gu11y". Thetypes of road erosion are the same as other p1ace, but have its owncharacteri st ic. This paper states the p1ace of erosion tYDe happening and getsthe Quafltity of al1 kinds of erosion types. The factors of inf1uencing roaderosion are 1ot, such as rainfa11 run off, road length, soi 1 road gradientand rainfa11 intensi ty, etc. By researching and surnariz ing the important typeof road erosion --gu11y, this paper states the re1ation between the threecons t itut ion factors (gradi ent, roadcrank1e curvature semidiameter and roadplace) and gu11y format ion degree, what’s more, and introduce a est imat ionformu1a on thi s researching and ana1 yz ing conc 1us ion. So, by researching roadthree factors afld ca1cu1at ing the va1ue of estimat ion formu1a, we may forecastthe ratio of gu1ly happening of road. This paper sti11 states this re1ationof road erosion characteristic and road transect type.2) By making a test on the spot and considering thi s demand of road erosion,this paper put forward the princip1e of road bio1ogica1 anti--erosion systemconstruction and road anti--erosion vegetab1e choice. The paper sti 1 l statesthe growth course of ten herbage vegetab1es, through ana1yzing the herbagevegetab1e p1ant ing and group p1ant ing. We measure severa1 the up--ground part,root bio1ogical items, and emphasize on measuring the strengthen of soi1ant i--cutt ing intensity of root and the mechanics characteri st ics, whi ch areshowed in the course of root pu11ed, and draw some conc1usions. In this paper,<WP=7>we st i 11 observe and compare ten herbage eco1ogica1 characteri stics, such asover--suuner rat i o, over--wi nter rat io and the abi 1 ity of enduri ng tramp1 e, etc.Then, according to these items measured, we select eight items which aresati sfied to the demand of road anti--erosion, with fuzzy method, and apprai seand se1ect ten herbage vegetab1es. In this paper the order of the abi1ity often herbage vegetab1es whi ch are sati sfi ed to the demand of road ant i--eros ion,is Afmpus dahurfcus Turcz, he1i1otus a1bus Desrtws inerm1s LeNS, AgfOPmp cr1st8tum fL. j Gaertn POa cmpessa L.,hestuca rubra L., Lo1jum perenne L., Lotus com icu1atus L., CynodOndact-vIonT1f1arm., 7r1fO1ium ropens L.. In thi s order, those herbage vegetab1es beforePOa cmpessa L. is adapted to p1ant and those after it can’t sing1e p1ant, as1eading seed, on road surface and roadslope. We sti 11 put forward severa1groups which are feasib1e: nms driUrjcus TUrcz + he1ijotus aibus DeSLBromus inernds LeVss + LoI1um perenne L., E1.rmus dahurjcus TUrcz + POacHessa L., he1j1otus a1bus Desr + AgFOPryon crjstatum CL. ) Gaert4 Lo1iumperenne L. + Af-Vmus dahurfcus Turcz. What’s more, as anti--erosion vegetab1e,native vegetab1e shou1d be very important, especia11y two vegetab1es: Stlbabungeana and naI7gfzi (tr

  • 【分类号】S157.233
  • 【被引频次】1
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