

【作者】 蒋怡

【导师】 孙蓉; 卓志; 赵德武;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 金融学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络技术的迅猛发展,信息处理与传递已突破了时间与空间的界限。在互联网走向商业化的短短10年间,它以几何级数的增长速度,掀起了一次全球范围内的网络化浪潮。这次浪潮来势之猛、影响之深远、范围之广,已超过了任何一次技术革命。网络经济不仅带来了巨大的生产力和潜在市场,也带来了新的经济增长点——电子商务。电子商务以一种不可抗拒的力量迅速改变着过去工业经济下的商务模式,并向传统产业提出了全面的挑战。而被戏称为“金融业最后的沉睡者"的保险业,也迅速地从沉睡中觉醒起来,开始寻求网络经济下的发展出路,于是一种崭新的保险经营模式——网络保险应运而生了。在美国和欧洲保险市场上,网络化的步伐正在不断加快,各类保险机构的竞争实力随着电子商务的开展有了显著地提高。而在我国,网络保险正初露端倪。2000年,中国保险业在电子商务领域有了突破性进展,大型公共保险网站和保险公司全国网站相继诞生,一时间激起了一个保险业网络化的高潮。面临保险业日趋激烈的国内外竞争,尤其是在中国即将加入WTO这一重要历史时刻,如何应对电子商务对我国保险业的挑战就不可避免地摆在了我们面前。那么,中国保险业有无实施网络化的可行性?如果有,目前尚有哪些制约因素?具体应该采取何种战略和模式?当前应该重点解决哪些方面的问题?这些都成了我国保险业必须回答的问题。由于网络保险是电子商务与保险融合而成的一种全新商业模式和经营理念,目前我国保险学术界对其研究还甚少, 而单纯电子商务的一般性分析又无法解决保险特殊性上的大量问题。因此,对网络保险这一交叉领域的研究就成了我国保险研究中的一项具有重要理论探讨意义和实现价值的课题。这一问题的解决从微观角度看将为保险公司提供网络化策略与手段的有利支持;从宏观角度讲,将指导我国保险业的网络化发展,同时也为政府提供制定相关保险政策<WP=3>的依据。从这个意义上讲,这就是本文选题的目的所在。本文采用了理论分析与实证分析相结合的研究方法,重视经济理论的铺垫,着眼于实证分析。文章首先通过对产权经济学交易费用理论、营销管理学和信息学原理的应用,阐明了网络保险的基础理论。接着,以大量的事实为依据系统地归纳总结了我国网络保险的现状及特点,分析了我国网络保险的法律和政策环境。然后,运用历史的分析方法,从国外网络保险模式的横向比较中提出了我国网络保险战略中模式选择问题,并进一步深入分析了我国网络保险的必要性、可行性和制约因素。最后,在理论及实证分析的基础上,文章对我国网络保险的发展战略和策略提出了自己的见解,形成了一个较为全面的发展战略规划。遵循演绎展开的逻辑思维,全文的结构布局主要围绕着建立我国网络保险的发展战略规划而展开。在前言部分,文章简单介绍了世界范围网络保险的发展状况,引入我国保险业网络化发展的问题。全文共分为五章,其中第一章在对网络保险概念界定的基础上,重点分析了新经济下保险业网络化发展的理论基础;第二章则系统地归纳总结了我国网络保险发展的现状,找准了分析的出发点;第三章特别阐述了网络保险模式的重要性,通过对国外发展模式的比较,力求解决我国网络保险战略中的模式选择问题;第四章和第五章是全文的重心,通过对我国网络保险的综合分析,提出了我国保险网络化的战略和发展网络保险的现实措施。 本文共分五章,各章的主要内容及观点如下: 第一章首先对网络保险概念做出了界定:网络保险是以信息技术和网络技术为基础,利用互联网作为保险产品、服务及相关信息主要业务渠道的一切经营活动。它既不是将传统的保险业务置于网络的环境中依靠信息技术完成销售的简单过程,也不是以特定网络风险为保险标的的一项新型保险产品,而是在网络经济浪潮下的一种全新经营管理模式。同时,提出应该从广义的角度来认识我国网络保险。在此基础上,文章从普遍意义上分析了网络保险的优势与内在阻力,而后着力阐述了网络保险的生成机理,提出计算机技术<WP=4>和通讯技术的革命为网络保险产生提供了可能性,而市场经济主体从事网络交易的根本原因在于交易费用的差异和网络经济效益的存在。 第二章是对我国网络保险发展现状的系统归纳和总结。首先,文章全面回顾了我国网络保险发展历程,得出了我国网络保险发展的特点包括以分支型为主,业务基本依赖于各家保险总公司;跳跃式发展;业务演进迅速,水平层次不齐等。接着,运用流程图的分析方法再现了网络交易的基本过程,将网络交易从技术上分为了前台操作程序和后台处理系统。而后,将我国网络保险市场参与者分为了保险公司、IT企业、保险中介机构和客户四类,并逐一分析了各类参与者的特点。最后,再针对电子商务敏感的法律和政策问题,深入分析了网络保险的法律和政策环境,提出:由于我国网络保险的发展带有浓厚的自发性,电子商务的立法真空和保险监管上的滞后将成为影响其发展的重要因素。第三章特别阐述了网络保险模式的重要性,通过对国外发展模式的横向比较,从目标设定、服务内容和技术手段等多方面将保险电子商务分为直接模式、改进模式、保险业网?

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the web technology, the transaction and transfer of the information have broken through the limit of the time and the place. In the short 10 years of the commercializing of the Internet, the Internet has grown in the way of geometric series, and lifted a worldwide e-ing tidal wave. The speed, extension and impaction of this change have never seen in the former technology revolution. The net economy will bring not only the huge productivity but also the new economy growth point, E-commerce.E-commerce has greatly changed and challenged the traditional business model, as well as the traditional insurance industry. In the Europe and American insurance markets, the on-line insurance has been extremely rapidly developed, which is conductive to the enhancement of the insurance companies’ competitiveness. In the same time, E-insurance has firstly been practiced in China. Since the year of 2000, Chinese insurance industry has made the great breakthrough in the field of E-commerce and seen the setup of a large number of insurance websites.Faced with the pressure of the civil and foreign competitions, we ought to answer the question that how to meet the challenge of the E-commerce for Chinese insurance industry. Then, this question gives rise to other problems: whether China has the feasibility of carrying out the E-insurance strategy, what the limiting factors of E-insurance are, and what kind of model should be taken, etc. Because the E-insurance is a new integration of insurance and E-commerce, researches of E-insurance are relatively scare in the insurance research fields. Therefore, the cross-field research project of E-insurance becomes valuable in theory analysis process and in practice. If we solve the problems that the Chinese insurance industry encounters <WP=7>in the cyber-economy, on one hand, the insurance companies will be theoretically supported when choosing the tactics and methods of the E-insurance; on the other hand, the government will be provided with the research achievements on which the government’s E-insurance policies are based. That’s just the purpose this thesis.This thesis makes use of both the theoretical or qualitative analysis method and the quantitative analysis method. Based on the theory of transaction cost, the idea of marketing management and the principle of the science of information, this thesis illuminates the basic theories underlying the E-insurance. Then, on the sum-up of the facts, the thesis analyses the situation of the E-insurance in China, characteristics of the e-ing development and the environments of the legal framework and the government policies. Thereafter, by comparison, the thesis discusses the model of E-insurance and brings forward the suggestion of the models that are suitable for our insurance industry. Finally, the thesis comes to the conclusion of how the E-insurance strategies should be carried out from different points of view.This thesis consists of five chapters, whose contends are as follows:The first chapter makes theoretical analysis on the denotation of the E-insurance. And before that, the thesis defines the idea of the E-insurance and demonstrates that based on the application of information and web technology, E-insurance concludes the whole commercial activities which makes the Internet as marketing channels for the insurance products and relative services. Thereafter, the thesis analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the E-insurance, presents the origin of the e-insurance, and tells us that the revolution of the computer and web technology can only provide the possibility of E-insurance, while the cost saving in the transaction and the benefits of the web economy become main reasons in performing E-commerce transaction. <WP=8>The second chapter presents a panorama of the development of E-insurance in China. First, the characteristics of the development of the E-insurance are concluded on basis of historical retrospection. Second, the processing graphs illustrate the on-line business process of in

【关键词】 保险 电子商务 策略
【Key words】 insurance E-commerce strategy
  • 【分类号】F842.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1865