

【作者】 吴刚

【导师】 蔡春;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 会计学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 一、 研究背景 创业板市场是完善投资融资体系的必然产物,是高科技企业发展的助推器。多年来西欧、美国及我国香港地区的实践证明:创业板市场对于拓宽企业筹资渠道,提高社会资金的使用效益;促进现代高新技术企业的发展,推动技术创新;确保生产要素的合理流动,实现社会资源的优化配置等方面均具有十分重要的作用。 然而,创业板市场是一把“双刃剑",它在促进高新技术企业发展的同时,也具有较大的风险。由于其涉及面广,以及证券市场的风险放大机制,一旦遭遇不测,创业板市场蕴藏的巨大风险能量得以释放,其破坏力非同小可。英国的创业板市场的关闭,中国香港创业板的暴涨暴跌,美国NASDAQ指数近来的快速下滑,都反映出创业板市场的巨大风险。这就说明必须对创业板市场风险进行监管,而对创业板市场基本单元的创业企业的审计则处于最基础的环节,其重要性显而易见。虽然我国创业板尚未正式推出,但已经基本准备就绪,审计应如何适应和满足创业企业及创业板这一新的制度的需要,是我国审计理论界和实务界面临的重大课题。二、研究主题正是在这一背景下,基于上述动因,本文将"创业板上市公司审计"作为毕业论文的研究课题,应该说,这样一个课题是有意义的。本文研究重点放在两个方面:一是研究创业企业及创业板市场的特殊性,这些特殊性与创业板市场风险的关系,创业板市场风险与创业企业的审计的关系;二是作为一种特殊背景的企业,创业企业的审计与其他企业的审计有何不同;我国创业板上市公司的审计需要实施的创新之处:内部控制强制审计、中期报告和季度报告审计、会计报表附注审计、改进内部审计。以上两个问题的逻辑关系是:问题一属于审计环境及审计创新必要性分析,只有此问题得到较好的解决,具体审<WP=3>计才能得以有效实施。问题二则着眼于创业板上市公司审计技术特殊性,剖析各项审计创新的重点难点。三、主体结构 本文通过对审计与证券市场风险的关系的分析,指出创业板上市公司审计必须进行创新,并结合中国证监会发布的创业企业发行上市咨询文件,以主板市场上市公司审计为参照体系进行了探讨,试图对我国即将推出的创业板上市公司的审计进行一定创新与改进,以更好的服务于证券市场及投资者。全文共分五部分: 第一部分:创业板上市公司审计导论。分析了创业板的特征及其特有风险,论述了证券市场风险与审计的关系,指出创业板上市公司的审计需要进一步完善与改进的地方。(1)创业板市场具有四个特征:前瞻性市场、上市标准低、不确定性较大、针对熟悉投资的个人投资者和机构投资者。这四大特征与创业板出台的特殊背景相结合,使创业板突现出新技术新行业判断、过度包装等十大风险。(2)根据信息经济学的原理,证券市场的风险主要与信息及其披露有关,而审计是增强证券市场所披露信息的质量的重要手段。与主板市场相比,创业板市场的除审计外其他监管手段改进空间很小,这就使得改进创业板上市公司的审计成为必然的选择。(3)考虑到成本效益原则,比较具有可行性的是:实施内部控制强制审计,对中期报告和特殊情况下的季度报告实施审计,完善会计报表附注审计,改进创业板上市公司的内部审计。 第二部分:创业板上市公司内部控制强制审计。本部分介绍了内部控制的概念,论证了对创业板上市公司进行强制审计的必要性及具体实施审计的一些事项,如重要性标准、审计范围界定、审计报告出具。(1)有关内部控制的概念及构成要素有多种看法,本文倾向于赞同美国的COSO委员会对内部控制的概念及其构成要素的界定:即内部控制整体框架概念,构成要素为控制环境、风险评估、控制活动、信息和沟通及监督。而内部控制可以有会计控制和管理控制之分。(2)鉴于我国企业目前的内部控制比较薄弱,内部控制审计的作用<WP=4>明显,其收益成本分析后得出结论:对创业板上市公司内部控制强制审计具有必要性。(3)但是内部控制本身具有局限性,内部控制审计也具有局限性,就必须将内部控制审计界定在一定范围之内,考虑到相关因素后,本文认为宜将内部控制审计范围界定为:对管理控制,审计其建立健全情况;对会计控制,则实施建立健全及遵守与执行情况的全面审计。(4)同报表审计一样,内部控制审计也要考虑“重要性"标准。内部控制审计的“重要性"标准,就是“关键控制点"。执行内部控制审计时,必须合理运用“关键控制点"这个重要性标准。(5)内部控制审计报告同管理建议书在格式、适用范围、法定责任等方面不一致。而内部控制审计报告格式及类型可以参照会计报表审计报告分为:无保留意见、保留意见、否定意见、拒绝表示意见四种审计报告。 第三部分:创业板上市公司中期报告和季度报告审计。(1)在主板市场,不要求对季度报告实施审计;对中期报告,也仅在特殊情况下才进行审计。(2)而在创业板市场上,对创业板上市公司披露的中期报告进行审计不但具有必要性,也具有可能性。(3)而对季度报告在特殊情况下也应该加以审计。(4)与年度报告审计相比,对中期报告和季度报告的审计可以适当简化,这不仅有理论依据,也具有可操作性。

【Abstract】 Research background The growth enterprise market is a natural product in improving the investment and financing system,and an it is engine to push the development of high-tech enterprise as well.For years,the practice in Western Europe,U.S and HongKong has proved that the growth enterprise market is of vital impoirtance to the expansion of the financing channel of an enterprise,to the improvement of the efficiency of using social fund,to the aid of the development of modern high-tech enterprise,to the acceleration of technogical innovation ,to the assuration of the optional flow of resources,and to the realization of the perfect allocation of resources. However,the growth enterprise market also has its negative side.While pushing the development of high-tech industry ,it can bring great risk.Because of its wide involvement in and the risk amplifying mechanism of the stock market,the latent great energy of the growth enterprise market can be realeased to destroy everything in time of unpredictable occurrence.The closing of the market in England,the soaring and slumping of the market in Hongkong and the speedy falling of Nasdaq index in America all shows that there exists great risk in the growth enterprise market,which leads to an agreement that the growth enterprise market must be regulated.The auditing of growth enterprise enterprises which are the smallest unit on the growth enterprise market is the basic step and its importance is self-evident.Although China hasn’t formally established a growth enterprise market,it has already been fully prepared .How to adapt auditing to the needs of such enterprises and such kind of market is a great problem that the theoretical field and practical field of Chinese auditing are faced with. .<WP=7>Research Subject In such a background and for the above-mentioned reasons,this thesis makes "the auditing of listed companies in the growth enterprise market " its research subject .Undoudtedly,this subject is very meaningful .This thesis focuses on two aspects and aspect :includes: the special features of the growth enterprise and the market ,the relationship between these special features and the risk in the growth enterprise market,the relationship between the risk and the auditing of the growth enterprise market.The second aspect includes: the difference between the auditing of enterprises on the growth enterprise market and on other markets ,the places requiring innovation in auditing of listed companise of China’s growth enterprise market,that is , internal auditing control ,audit of mid-term and quarterly report ,auditing of notes to accounting statements,and improvement on interior auditing .The logical relationship between these two points lies in that the former one analyzes the audit environment and the necessity of auditing innovation ,which can enable the practice of audit only when these are solved successfully.The latter one emphasizes the special fecture of audit technology of listed companise in the growth enterprise market as well as the difficulty of auditing innovation.The structure of the thesis By analyzing the relationship between auditing and the risks in the stock market ,this thesis points out that the auditing of listed companise in the growth enterprise market must be innovated .Furthermore,referring to the documents of listed companies in the growth enterprise market issued by the government and the auditof listed companise in main board market ,this thesis attempts to bring some innovation and improvement on the audit of listed companies into the growth enterprise market in China ,and to better serve the stock market <WP=8>and the investors .The whole thesis is divided into five parts. The first part is an introduction to the audit of the listed companies in the growth enterprise market .It analyzes characteristic of the growth enterprise market and the special risks in it,and describes the relationship between risks in the stock market and auditing ,pointing out the audit of t listed companies on

【关键词】 创业板上市公司审计
【Key words】 the growth enterprise marketlisted companyauditing
  • 【分类号】F239.4
  • 【被引频次】1
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