

【作者】 方萍

【导师】 王治安;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 会计学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 面对加入WTO的挑战和银行商业化进程的加快,中国的商业银行已确立了“在加强管理和有效控制金融风险的前提下,提高资金运行效率,实现最大化的经济效益”的治理目标。而现代商业银行的经营管理,是一项复杂的系统工程,涉及到方方面面的问题,但其终极目标都必须体现为效益,都必须从财务上综合、全面地反映出来。所以,财务管理是商业银行经营管理的核心。加强财务管理,既是强化内部管理,防范金融风险的客观要求,也是提高商业银行经济效益的重要手段。商业银行财务管理包括预测、决策、控制、反馈和分析等职能,而财务分析则是财务管理的重要环节,它既是对已完成的各项财务活动的总结,又是进行财务预测、决策的基础以及进行财务控制的依据。财务分析在整个财务管理循环中起着承上启下的重要作用。一般而言,商业银行财务分析以财务报表所提供的财务信息为逻辑起点。如何有效地开展以财务报表为核心的财务分析工作?这就离不开财务报表分析理论的指导,然而,长期以来适合商业银行财务管理实践的财务报表分析理论是比较欠缺,跟不上商业银行形势发展的要求,这不仅制约着商业银行财务分析工作的有效开展和各项财务管理职能的发挥,也影响着商业银行治理目标的实现。本文正是从构建商业银行财务报表分析的理论体系入手,并结合商业银行财务报表实际,论述了如何有效地进行财务报表分析。全文从四个部分论述了商业银行财务报表分析。第一部分,概述。从认识什么是商业银行财务报表分析的本质入手,比较了商业银行财务报表分析与其他组织形式的企业报表分析的不同之处,突出了商业银行财务报表分析所具有的特征是:分析主体的复杂性;分析重点侧重于银行的财务状况;分析具体内容的差别性。进而指出了当前我国商业银行进行财务报表分析的现实必要性,即:加强对商业银行财务报表分析有助于金融监管当局全面了解商业银行经营信息,更好地履行其监管职责;加强对商业银行财务报表分析<WP=3>有助于银行其他外部利益主体清楚地了解银行的财务状况、经营业绩等财务信息,便于其作出相关理性的财务决策;加强对商业银行财务报表分析还有助于内部管理者把握银行的经营状况,诊察管理中存在的问题,评价经营业绩,预测发展前景和为管理献计献策。该部分的最后,较深入地剖析了目前我国商业银行财务报表分析存在的现状:一是财务报表分析目的不明确;二是财务报表分析的理论、方法缺乏;三是受到财务报表本身局限性的影响。这种和报表分析重要性的强烈反差的现状,进一步突出了文章选题的目的。对财务报表分析质量的高低取决于商业银行财务报表信息的真实与否及揭示的详略程度。第二部分,根据现行《金融企业会计制度》的规定和《企业财务会计报告条例》的要求,较全面地介绍了商业银行财务报表。商业银行财务报表包括对外报表和对内报表两大类,其对外报表有资产负债表、利润表和现金流量表三张主表和利润分配表一张附表。对内报表是指适用于银行内部管理需要的报表,其种类较多且格式和内容不统一。本部分着重说明了对外报送的三张主表和一张附表揭示了哪些财务信息;它们具体的结构和内容如何以及资产负债表,利润表和现金流量表三张主要报表之间的相互关系。这有利于帮助分析者阅读报表,为报表分析打下基础。第三部分,商业银行财务报表分析理论体系的构建。这是全文的重心,也是自己多年理论研究和教学实践的总结。该部分借鉴了制造业财务报表分析的理论体系,并在分析了商业银行财务信息生存系统特点的基础上,提出了构建商业银行财务报表分析理论体系应包括:财务报表分析重心;财务报表分析指导原则;财务报表分析方法和建立财务报表分析指标体系四个主要方面的内容。其中:财务报表分析重心是商业银行财务报表分析理论体系的精髓,是构建财务报表分析指标体系的灵魂。财务报表分析重心表述为银行价值--利润最大化或经济效益最大化。而银行价值是银行期望收益和风险的函数,期望收益反映了资产的盈利性,风险反映了资产的安全性,流动性则是一种特殊风险。银行要实现其盈利目标,就应该降低风险,保证安全。<WP=4>而识别和控制风险离不开对商业银行偿债能力、资金结构、资金运用效率、管理者业绩和成长能力的分析,并以此为基础建立风险评价系统和预警系统。故,体现商业银行财务报表分析重心的财务报表分析内容应包括:盈利能力分析、偿债能力分析、资金结构分析、资金运用效率分析、管理者业绩分析和银行成长能力分析。在进行财务报表分析时应遵循七条指导原则:真实可靠的财务报表是进行财务报表分析的重要依据,但并非唯一;由目的决定分析内容,根据内容选择适当的分析方法;坚持定量分析与定性分析相结合;坚持动态分析与静态分析相结合;坚持纵向分析与横向分析相结合;既要重视结果,又要关注过程;充分认识指标间的勾稽关系,坚持多元化立体原则,根据多项财务指标的变化全面评价商业银行的财务状况、经营成果和现金流量。财务报表分析的方法是有效完成各项财务报表分析任务的手段,是选定财务报表分析指标的前提。商业银行财务报表分析方法可分为三个层次来认识:一?

【Abstract】 Facing the challenge of entry to WTO and the expedition of bank commercialization, a rehabilitation object has been established in commercial bank in China, which aims at "enhancing capitalization running efficiency, realizing maximum economic profit on the basis of effective management and control over capital venture". However, running and management of modern commercial bank is quite a complicated system engineering. It involves various aspects while all administration must eventually embody profit and be reflected financially. Therefore, financial management is core of commercial bank operation and administration. Strengthening financial management not only consolidates internal administration, but also guards against financial risk, and improves economic profit of commercial bank.Financial management to commercial bank involves roles in the fields of prediction, decision, control, feedback, and analysis, while financial analysis is a key component of it. Financial analysis is the conclusion of various finished financial businesses, the basis of financial prediction and decision, and the grounds of financial control. It functions as a connecting link to other components in financial management circulation. It starts logically with information from financial Statement. Effective financial analysis based on financial statement needs to be carried out under the direction of financial statement analytical theory. For a long time, however, such theory that guides practice in financial management has always been scarce, which bounds the practice of financial analysis and various financial management functions, affecting the realization of rehabilitation objective in commercial bank. This thesis starts with construction of theory frame of financial statement analysis, and then addresses how to execute financial Statement analysis effectively combined with financial statement practice.<WP=6>This thesis is divided into four sections to explain the financial statement analysis in commercial bank.As a summary, the first section begins with the foundation of financial statement analysis, identifies the difference in financial statement analysis between commercial bank and other forms of enterprises. It is shown that financial statement analysis in commercial bank has following characteristics: complex in analysis subject, emphasis on bank financial position, difference in detailed content. The necessity of financial statement analysis in commercial bank is then pointed out, i.e., it helps the financial supervision authority to acknowledge comprehensively. operational information in commercial bank to execute supervising, it also helps related external subject to know financial condition and operational performance in commercial banks and make decisions. In addition, it aids internal managers to apprehend operation position, to identify problems associated with management, to evaluate operation performance, to predict prospect, and to provide the authority with tactics and strategies. At the end of this section, the current situation in financial statement analysis in commercial bank is examined in details. It shows that the goal in financial statement analysis is ambiguous, theories and methods are scarce, even the analysis is effected by the limitation of the financial statement itself. The strong contrast between the importance of the financial statement analysis and limited work done so far in this area indicates the necessarily of this work.The quality of financial statement analysis relies on the validity and detail of information revealed in financial statement. According to the existing of "Accounting System in Financial Business" and "Regulations of Business Financial Accounting Statement", the second section addresses financial statement in commercial bank comprehensively. Financial statement is categorized as internal statement and external statement. The external statement includes three principal <WP=7>sheets (balance sheet, profit sheet, and cash flow) and one complementary sheet (profit distributi

【关键词】 商业银行财务报表
【Key words】 commercial bankfinancial statementanalysis
  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】6082