

【作者】 冯波

【导师】 彭韶兵;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 战略管理会计是为了适应市场经济环境而产生并将得到大力发展的会计学科领域的新事物。随着市场经济日趋成熟,企业总是处在不断变化的内部和外部环境中。经营条件的复杂性和多变性迫使企业必须从战略的高度对本企业及其竞争对手进行仔细分析,以战略的眼光审视自身的优势和劣势,审视竞争对手的优势和劣势,同时考虑到市场资源的供应和顾客对本企业产品的需求,从长远的观点确定企业战略目标,制定战略计划,并以此目标统一指导企业各个层面的行动,实现企业长期价值最大化。为此不仅要充分研究企业所处的内部环境包括企业所拥有的资源、产品市场占用率、新产品创新能力、市场开发潜力、企业内部经营管理水平、企业集团的整体创业团队精神等,还要深入研究企业所处的外部环境—包括竞争者所拥有的资源、产品状况和发展战略、投融资环境、客户信息和政府信息等。而为这些研究提供服务的会计就是战略管理会计。 本文从战略定义及战略管理基础知识入手,引出了战略管理会计的定义,分析了战略管理会计目前的基本状况和其基本特征,并对战略管理会计的相关理论及应用环境进行了探讨,然后就建立我国战略管理会计应用模式提出了一些初步构想,并以实例来分析运用它。 本文分五章,其基本结构和主要内容是这样安排的: 第一章首先介绍了战略的定义,认为战略是企业在市场经济、竞争激烈的环境中总结历史经验、调查现状、预测未来的基础上,为谋求生存和发展而做出的带长远性、全局性的谋划或方案。它具有:①、竞争性;②、长远性;③、全局性;④、灵活性;⑤、主客观结合性等特征。以战略定义为核心,导出了战略管理的定义,战略管理是一个包括战略规划和战略实施的过程,并分析了战略管理过程的阶段步骤、战略管理层次、战略经营单位及战略管理对我国企业的作用。 第二章从战略管理会计的产生入手,介绍了战略管理会计产生的背景,传统管理会计已无法满足企业适应外部环境变化的要求。分析了战略管理会计产生的现实条件,一个是传统管理会计自身的缺D 陷,一个是企业适应激烈市场竟争的需要。从上述分析中引出了战略I 管理会计的基本涵义并描述了战略管理会计的基本特征:①、战略管 理会计着眼于长远目标、注重整体性和全局利益;②、战略管理会计 是外向型的信息系统;③、战略管理会计是对各种相关信息的综合收 集和全面分析;④、战略管理会计拓展了管理会计人员的职能范围和 素质要求;⑤、战略管理会计体现了动态性、应变性以及方法的灵活t 性。最后,为加深读者对战略管理会计的认识,剖析了战略管理会计i‘ 与战略管理、营销管理的关系,从联系和区别两方面阐述了三者之间 的关系。 第三章主要对战略管理会计的一些理论问题进行了探讨。首先 认为战略管理会计是复数目标体系,长期、持续地提高企业整体经济 效益是战略管理会计的基本目标,提供内外部综合信息是战略管理会 计的具体目标。其次对于其假设,提出了四条:①、会计主体假设; ②、持续经营假设;③、会计分期假设;④、多种计量单位并有的假 设。应遵循的原则是:①、真实性原则;②、定性与定量相结合原则; ③、及时性原则;④、横向协调原则;⑤、重要性原则。 第四章从认识我国战略管理会计现状入手,指出我国应大力开 展战略管理会计研究,现实情况证明我国不仅有实施战略管理会计的 必要,而且也有成长的土壤。当然,战略管理会计作为新事物,其发 展和完善将有一个漫长的过程,在这一过程中需克服困难,如:①、 战略管理的运用尚处于初级阶段;②、企业会计工作的重点仍在财务 会计上;③、缺乏战略管理会计人才。为此,本文也试着提出了一些 关于建立和完善我国战略管理会计的初步设想。①、加强战略管理会 计理论体系的研究;②、破除传统观念,大力宣传战略管理会计,强 化企业战略管理意识;③、采取先试点,后推行的实施方案。 最后一章,为给企业在实际工作中提供指导。本文尝试提出总体 的战略管理会计模式,主要分为三种:①、扩张型战略管理会计模式; ②、稳健型战略管理会计模式:③、收缩型战略管理会计模式。同时 提出战略责任会计构想,主要介绍战略、组织结构、责任中心三者的1 ”“”-””’““”’”“‘“”’“””’”“””“”“””“””””’“’—一”””l 关系及其从战略管理会计角度提出在不同战略管理会计模式下的各I 二 种战略责任会计特征。①、单一经营扩张型战略管?

【Abstract】 Strategic management through accounting is a new thing in the accounting field, which is produced for suiting the market-directed economy抯 environment. Starfing with rudimentary knowledge of strategic definition and strategic management, this thesis has drawn the definition of strategic management through accounting and has analyzed basic situation and elementary features of strategic management through accounting at present. Interrelated theory and applicable environment of strategic management through accounting have been also approached. Then, some of tentative idea for setting up applicable modes of strategic management through accounting of our country are put forward and it is analyzed and applied with practical example. This thesis is divided into five chapters, its elementary structure and main contents are as follows: Firstly, the strategy抯 definition is introduced in the first chapter and taking the strategy抯 definition as nucleus, the definition of strategic management is drawn forth. The strategic management is a process consisting of strategic plan and strategic execution. It has analyzed the procedure and administrative levels of strategic management process, strategic managing unit and playing role of strategic management for enterprises of our country. 1 r In the second chapter, starting with production of strategic management through accounting, it introduced the background of production of strategic management through accounting. The demand of suiting external environment抯 change of the enterprises can not been satisfied by conventional accounting for management. It has also analyzed real conditions produced by strategic management through accounting. From above-mentioned analysis, the elementary meaning of strategic management through accounting is drawn and basic features of strategic management through accounting are described. Finally, in order to get a deeper understanding of reader of strategic management through accounting, this thesis has analyzed the relationship between strategic management through accounting and strategic management, marketing management, and has introduced the relationship between three in two aspects of the ties and difference. In the third chapter, mainly, some of theoretical problem of strategic management through accounting has been approached. Firstly, it is thought that strategic management through accounting is a complex number抯 objective management system. Continuously raising whole economic benefit of the enterprises is a basic target of strategic management through accounting, but providing internal and external comprehensive information is a concrete target of strategic management through accounting. Secondly, for supposal, four points are put forward:@D the supposal for whole accounting, 2 ?the supposal for continuous marketing, ﹖he supposal for accounting by stages, ~the supposal for existence of several measuring unit. The principle, which should be followed, is: 畉he principle of trueness, 0 the principle of combining the determining the nature with determining the amounts, 0 the principle in time,~4~the principle for crosswise coordination, ?the principle of

【关键词】 战略战略管理会计
【Key words】 strategicstrategic management through accounting
  • 【分类号】F234.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】2334