

【作者】 赵强

【导师】 彭韶兵;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代企业的不断发展,企业规模不断扩大,企业的管理也日趋复杂化,这样就给企业的管理提出了许多新的课题。企业财务内控制度(体系)的建立问题就是一个十分紧迫的问题。 目前,我国企业的财务会计问题层出不穷,会计资料不真实、不完整,提供假账和虚假财务会计报告;不依法进行会计核算,缺乏记账基本规则,造成“四不符”;缺乏会计监督,缺乏内部制约,财会人员利用职务之便贪污公款,业务人员钻制度的空子,单位负责人指使、强令会计人员违法做账现象案例不少;缺乏风险意识,对领导人缺乏制约,个人决策时有发生;发现了会计工作中的重大问题而缺少追究与处罚。这样给企业造成了损失,给国家带来了各方面的不良影响。为此,国家已高度重视,正加紧制定有关规章制度进行统一规范,而企业应适应经济发展和环境要求,建立起财务内控制度体系,以防止各种财务会计工作漏洞,使财务会计工作规范化。但是,在企业财务内控制度体系方面的研究却变得十分滞后,这就成为企业规范发展的障碍。笔者结合多年来对企业财务内控理论的研究和在实际工作中对财务内控制度的操作理解,选择了企业财务内控制度体系相关问题进行探讨。 论文共分前言和正文两部分,前言简略地阐述了写作的背景及基本思路。正文部分共十七个题目,分别从企业财务内控制度的一般理论、一般条件分析、体系的构建、相关内容、具体研究及制度体系的实施方面予以阐述。 第一部分阐述了企业财务内控制度(体系)的一般理论。内部控制的理论经历了四个阶段的发展,今天将其所包含的内容划分为五种成分,从而为企业财务内控制度的内涵确立了基础。而企业财务内控制度(体系)的存在动因在于企业所有权与经营权的分离、委托——代理关系及激励问题的需要,从而明确了企业财务内控制度建立的必要性。国家的《会计法》、《具体会计准则》等又为企业财务内控制度<WP=3>(体系)的建立确立了最根本的指导依据。 第二部分对财务内控制度(体系)一般条件进行了分析。企业财务内控制度(体系)应在整个企业管理层面的基础上,首先做好企业的产权关系、战略规划、组织结构和职工素质四个方面的工作。其次,建立财务内控制度(体系)必须符合对等性、严密性、针对性、一贯性、适应性、经济性、适用性和发展性等八原则。第三,企业财务内控制度(体系)必须依据一定的程序,通过准备阶段、制定草案、修改完善、发布实施、系统归结来完成整个制度(体系)的过程设计和体系化。最后设定了企业财务内控制度(体系)必须达到内部各环节控制目的,实现“五个保证”。这样就为企业财务内控制度(体系)提出了基本要求。 第三部分阐述了企业财务内控制度体系的构建框架和具体内容。通过前两部分的阐述,本部分在明确财务内控制度体系的总体思路后,强调了企业财务内控制度体系的控制要点,然后提出了企业财务内控制度体系的一般框架构建,并确定企业财务内控制度体系应按控制方法、控制对象(要素)等相结合的方式来建立。在此基础上,从原则性财务会计制度等八个方面对企业财务内控制度(体系)的具体构建及内容进行了全面阐述。 第四部分探讨了财务管理体制和财务预算管理制度的实际构建问题。为了对企业财务内控制度有一个更深刻的理解,本部分首先明确了财务管理体制和财务预算管理制度的有关性质,然后结合中国东方电气集团公司对这两个方面制度的具体制定分别进行了详述和分析研究,指出其不足之处和应完善情况,从而为分析研究其他制度提供一些思路,并为其他制度的建立提供了范例。 第五部分分析了财务内控制度(体系)的实施。制度最终需要实施才能体现其作用,检验其适应控制与否。在此,首先分析了财务内控制度实施的权变因素,然后提出实施的五个促进方法,最后通过过程分析来阐明企业财务内控制度(体系)的实施过程,这样整个财务内控制度体系就完善了。<WP=4> 纵览全文,我认为有以下几个方面的创新: 1.丰富了企业财务内控制度(体系)的观念与思路。本文对财务内控制度(体系)的政策指导理论、建立的前提、原则、程序、目标、总体思路、控制要点等方面进行了比较系统的论述或评述,并构建了企业财务内控制度体系框架,这都对企业财务内控制度(体系)建立的方方面面起到了充实、丰富的作用。同时,本文对中国东方电气集团公司的实际情况进行了分析研究,实现了理论与实际的统一。 2.本文将企业财务内控制度(体系) 与两权分离理论、委托——代理理论、激励理论相结合,对企业财务内控制度(体系)的理论从动因角度进行了扩展。3.本文用权变的方式提出实施的影响因素,并将《管理学》等的方法充分运用到财务内控制度(体系)的建立与实施上来,达到与其他学科的融汇。

【Abstract】 With modern enterprises’ continuous development and their ceaseless expansion, the enterprises’ management become more and more complicated in which a lot of new problems arise, for example, the problem of establishing the enterprises’ financial internal controlling system is one of the urgent problems.Presently, financial accounting problems of Chinese enterprises emerge in an endless stream: the accounting datum is not true and incomplete; false accounts and fake financial reports are offered; accounting calculates are not according to law and the basic rules for keeping accounts are lacking causing "Four unconformity"; the accounting supervision system and the inner restraints are lacking which leaves chances for financial accounting staff to embezzle public funds by taking advantages of their positions and for the operational staff to exploit an advantage of the old system; cases of making false accounts by the accountant directed or compelled by persons in charge of the units is existing in quite a large number; leaders are lack of risk consciousness but individual decisions often occurred due to lack of restraints for them; following-up and punishment are lack when important problems emerge in the accounting work-all these problems will cause losses to the enterprises and have bad impacts on various sides of the country. For this reason, China has paid close attention to speeding up instituting relevant rules and regulations for uniform standardization. So enterprises shall establish the inner control system of financial accounting to regulate financial accounting work and prevent various leaks as demanded by the economic development and the environment. However, the study on the inner control system of financial accounting is very lag that becomes the barrier in the enterprises’ normal development. Combined researches of the inner control system of financial accounting for many years with <WP=6>understanding of its operation in practical work, I selected problems related to the inner control system of financial accounting to discuss. This thesis is divided into two parts, one is the preface, and the other is the text. In the preface, the background of writing this thesis and the basic train of thoughts are elaborated; the text consists of seventeen themes, elaborating the following aspects: general theory of the enterprises’ financial internal controlling system, general condition analysis, structure of the system, relevant contents, details study as well as implementation of the system.In the first part, I elaborate the general theory of the enterprises’ financial internal controlling system. The theory of inner control has comes through 4 stages, now I divide its contents into five components and the connotation of the system is based. The motive factor of the system lies in the separation of the enterprise’s ownership from the management right and entrusting--demanded by the agent relationship and inspiration problem, thus defined necessity of establishing the system. China’s Accounting Law and Specific Accounting Rule, etc. has provided the most basic guiding foundation for the enterprises’ financial internal controlling system.In the second part, I analyze the general condition for the enterprises’ financial internal controlling system. First of all, the system shall be on the base of the management and four aspects of works shall be done well, they are: the relationship of the enterprises equity, the strategy planning, the organization structure and the staff’s quality; Secondly, the establishment of the system shall be in accordance with the Eight Principles, they are: parity, strictness, pertinence, consistency, adaptability, economic, applicability and growth capability; Thirdly, the system must be designed and systematic through the stages of preparation, draft constituting, revision & consummating, issuing & implementation and <WP=7>system summing-up according to regular procedures; Finally, the system is set to reach the control goal of each of the inner links to realize "Five Assurance

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