

【作者】 孟凡录

【导师】 武春友;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球经济一体化进程的加快及我国社会主义市场经济的不断发展和加入世界贸易组织的不争事实,我国国内市场与国外市场迅速并轨,这就意味着国外大量质量高、价格低的产品将快速进入我国市场,使我国石化行业面临着市场竞争的严峻考验。 辽宁华锦集团盘锦乙烯公司是国内中等规模的乙烯-合成树脂石化企业,经过十年的发展壮大,现已成为国内中等规模乙烯企业的排头兵。但随着企业外部环境的不断变化,企业优势逐渐减弱,生产经营困难重重,生存与发展处于关键时期,机遇、挑战,希望、困难同在。 本论文根据现代企业管理思想,采用理论联系实际、调查研究、统计数学分析和预测的方法,通过对盘锦乙烯内外部环境分析研究,针对资金紧张和原料短缺的现实,详细分析了乙烯公司所面临的两个改造思路,得出盘锦乙烯的发展方向,在国家不给予大的资金支持的情况下,只有通过自身的改造,在市场有竞争优势的专用料方面和进一步的挖潜上下功夫,来弥补自身的先天不足。论文以16万吨高负荷运行改造为决策结论,以次力图对盘锦乙烯公司的发展有所借鉴。同时对国内其他中小型乙烯企业的改造提供一条新思路。

【Abstract】 With the speed up of the economic globalnization, the development of socialist market economy and the inevitable trends of entering WfO Our internal market is about on the track of international market0 All these mean that a large amount of high-quality low-price foreign commodities ~vill go into domestic market0 The petro-chemical industiy also faces the great challenge0Par~jin ethylene company limited of huajin groups is a medium-size ethylene-resin petrochemical enterprise After ten years production and management ,it now becomes one of leading company among the medium-size petrochemical companies 0 With the changing external environment ,the advantage of our company is on the ~ne0 The production and management encounter so many problems, the existence and development is on the verge of crucial moment0 Opportunities and challenges prospects and difficulties are inseparable0This paper is based on the modem enterprise management system, investigate conditions at the giass-roots, ntegrate theory with practice adopted statistic mathematical analysis and prediction methods 0 Due to the capital and raw-material shortage, this paper analyzed in detail the three-revamping options, concluded the orientation of panjin ethylene company limited0Under the condition of not enough fund-supported from the state, the only way out for the company is to depend on developing specialities that have the competitive advantages in the market and through further reforming the management system0 Its decisive conclusion based on 160000/yearly high productivity revamping0 After publication, The purpose of this paper not only benefits panjin ethylene company limited ,but also provide a new method for the development and revamping of the other ethylene companies concerned0

【关键词】 乙烯改造决策研究
【Key words】 ethylenerevamping decisionsresearch
  • 【分类号】F273.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】47