

【作者】 郑晨

【导师】 原毅军;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国海运事业取得了长足的进展,跨入了世界航运大国的行列。我国已从社会主义计划经济全面向社会主义市场经济体制过渡;随着WTO的全面进入,航运业的全面,迅速开放已是大势所趋,迫在眉睫。面对激烈的市场竞争,企业必须制定一套适应市场竞争环境下的经营战略来指导,面向21世纪参与国际化经营,提高企业的适应能力、应变能力和竞争能力,以便在激烈的市场竞争中生存、发展和壮大。 本课题运用市场竞争的理论,采用理论联系实际的方法,在搜集大量材料的基础上,对航运发展的宏观、微观环境和国内外航运业的发展状况以及近期航运市场情况等进行了较为全面的分析。通过分析可以看出,近年来世界经济的持续增长带动了国际贸易的繁荣,必将导致海运量的稳定增长。尤其是中国经济全方位的改革开放,将给予亚太经济以新的促进,亚太地区即将逐渐成为国际航运市场的中心。虽然我国的航运业经过几十年的发展已具有一定的规模,但与国际大航运公司相比,竞争实力并不很强。随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,中国改革开放的进一步深入,中国加入世贸组织的临近,我国航运企业面临的竞争局面将十分激烈。在此严酷的竞争大环境下,以航运代理业为主业兼营船舶经营业的大连三峰船务公司与国内外同行业相比,在经营规模、资金运营、代理网络、管理体系等多方面处于劣势地位。但同时,该企业在经营模式、品牌建设、客户群体等方面具有独特的优势。这些都是三峰船务公司今后求生存、图发展的坚实基础。 本文较为深入地结合大连三峰船务公司的实际,确定其在激烈市场竞争中的优势和劣势、机遇和挑战,找出本企业与竞争对手的差距。制定了其结合自身各种资源的状况,适当运用多样化经营战略的总体战略目标,并在此基础上通过对国际,国内及本地航运市场、竞争对手、企业竞争能力的分析给出如下的具体战略分析和实施计划。 一、继续推行总代理模式,稳定船东,广泛建立国外、国内代理网络。 二、继续经营沿海集装箱班轮,扩大沿海内贸市场份额,争取开拓新航线。 三、加强中小吨位散杂货船舶经营力度。 四、开展新业务,尝试参与集装箱近洋支线班轮经营。 五、削减传统海运代运业务,利用新旧网络开展物流化服务。 本文数据详实可靠,图文并茂,力争作到理论联系实际,具有一定的可操作性。力图对国内同行业同类型的航运企业有一定的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 With the performing of the reform and opening policy, our shipping business has made the great progress and step into the rank of the famous world shipping countries . Meanwhile, with the establishing of Socialistic Market Economy step by step progressively The operational environment confronted with by middle and small shipping company has been changing a lot. Our country has totally been moving from plan-oriented economy to market-oriented economy With the wholly entering into W1O facing to intense competition in the market, the company has to formulate a set of strategies and tactics. These strategies adopted by the company can sharpen its marketing competition edge and upgrade the company role and position in market Also they can improve company abilities to survive , develop and growth under the condition of fierce market competition. Competition and marketing theory is applied as well as method of combining theory and reality is adopted in this paper. Based on a lot of collected materials, the development of shipping business as well as shipping market both home and abroad are analyzed. Also the analysis of the external environment of shipping in China and its competition factors are based on the materials. Through the analysis above, we can come to the conclusion that the world shipping business are striding towards to scale, grouping with the processing of economic integration, international trade freedom. As the shipping demand is concerned . the need for shipping service world wide is increasing continually and the demand for shipping service in Asia-pacific region position itself in the first place in the world with rapid development of Asian economy. The old shipping business will make the more and more important role of society Compared with the international famous shipping companies, our competition ability is not quite strong. Accompanying to quickening of international economic integration and to the deepening of Chine reform and opening up drive as well as to the coming soon of China entering into WTO, the shipping market competition in China becomes more and more ruthless. Comparing with the ones abroad, Dalian Sunfed shipping company ,the main business of which is shipping agent and cargo forwarder, has many difficulties to copy with. Whatever in processing scale, capital operation , agent net or manage system ,there are still many great gaps between them. At the same time, Dalian Sunfed has its own unique strengths in operate model, experience and credit The paper has found the weakness of Sunfed and defined the general strategic target. Based on the analysis of domestic and abroad shipping market, competitors, company competition ability there are specify implement plan as following: 1. Continue to apply general agent model, establish domestic and abroad agent net. 2. Continue to operate coast container lines ,enlarge domestic trade market share 3. Strengthen the bulk operation 4. Develop new business, try to join container feeder operation 5. Decrease traditional sea transportation service , investigate logistic service.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】175