

【作者】 杨曦

【导师】 张诗亚;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 教育管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 历经人类社会的沧海桑田,家庭教育也一步一步从历史走到今天。无论东西方,人类对自身家庭教育的关注经年不衰,其中间或有所消长,但先人不仅为我们留下许多宝贵的遗产,并为我们打开了认识家庭教育的视界,形成了多元的理论模式。而现实社会的巨大变迁,也推动着家庭——社会的细胞——发生着前所未有的变化,从而不断为家庭教育提出新的课题。在这其中,离婚导致的家庭结构变化,使一个新的现实问题凸现出来——离异单亲家庭问题。的确,主要由于离异单亲家庭的家庭结构发生了变化,其家庭教育也有所改变。那么,离异单亲家庭的家庭教育现状如何,是摆在我们面前的一个现实问题。国外一些国家和地区,在离异单亲家庭的家庭教育的理论研究方面已有长足进展,并在实践中形成了网络化的现代教育体系。与此相对,国内的相关研究及实践则显现出明显的不足。为此,笔者通过对成都高新区普通高中生家长的抽样调查,初步了解了该区离异单亲家庭的普通高中生的家庭教育现状,发现了制约离异单亲家庭的家庭教育的几个问题: 1.家庭教育总量的骤降,对离异单亲家庭的家长和子女均造成了前所未有的压力; 2.教育观念的滞后性,使得大多数离异单亲家庭的家庭教育难以“突出重围”; 3.缺乏系统的现代家庭教育的科学指导,使得大多数离异单亲家庭的家庭教育仍处于 自发的经验型阶段; 4.家庭外部的教育力量,尚未整合到离异单亲家庭的家庭教育之中。 针对上述问题,笔者通过深入钻研家庭教育等相关理论,查阅大量的相关信息,经过认真思考,提出了离异单亲家庭的家庭教育平台的构想,并提出了离异单亲家庭的家庭教育相关的原则、内容与方法。笔者进一步认为,对于离异单亲家庭的家庭教育的认识,不能局限于单纯的教育的视界,还应从更开阔的社会视界,来全面系统地认识离异单亲家庭的家庭教育;在此基础上,深入离异单亲家庭的家庭教育的实际,明确其现状与需求,进而有的放矢地加以科学指导,并积极探寻离异单亲家庭的家庭教育的新出路,以切实有效地增进离异单亲家庭的家庭教育。 由于家庭教育本身的复杂性,本文的研究不尽完善,但求能为离异单亲家庭的家长助一臂之力,为离异单亲家庭的子女的健康成长尽教育工作者的责任,夫复何求。

【Abstract】 Family Education has developed over centuries since families emerged in the society of mankind. No matter how family education is in the West or in the East, it has been paid close attention to. Although it experienced grown and declined, our forefathers have left us a lot of works on family education and vary theory models through which we can recognize family education clearly. The tremendous changes have promoted families----the cells of the society to change unexpectedly, which caused a series of new and continuous problems to deal with on family education. Among them, the problem of Divorced Single-Parent Family appears when the family structure changes because of divorce. With Divorced Single-Parent Family increasing, the education problems of the children in Divorced Single-Parent Family have appeared. Because the construction of Divorced Single-Parent Family has changed, their family Education has varied. What is the status situation of Divorced Single-Parent Family becomes a realistic problem that we are facing. By a sample survey on the parents of the senior students in Chengdu Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, the author finds the primary actuality of Family Education for the senior students in Divorced Single-Parent Family in this zone, and has found the following elements which restricts their families? education: 1. The amount of Family Education dropping; 2. The parents?education ideas lagging behind the time; 3. Lacking of the science guidance on the contemporary Family Education; 4. Little support from the other ways having been converged into the Family Education. In allusion to the elements, the author studies the theory on Family Education, and refers to the many correlative materials. On this condition, the author has a design that is called the Work Platform on Family Education of Divorced Single-Parent Family, and gives some relative principles, contents and methods. The author suggests further that the family education of Divorced Single-Parent Family should be known systematically through the more expansive range of vision rather than the pure education direction. According to the present conditions and demands of family education of Divorced Single桺arent Family having been defined by practice, we should give parents the science guidance. By exploring the new ways positively, we could improve family education of Divorced Single-Parent Family. As we know, Family Education is so complex that the study of this thesis is awaiting improvement. What the author expects is to help the single parents make their children thrive freely and actively.

  • 【分类号】G78
  • 【被引频次】4
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