

【作者】 刘利娜

【导师】 陆林;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 学科教学论, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 职业高中政治课在职业高中德育体系中占有重要地位,其德育功能的有效发挥对促进职业高中学生良好政治、思想、道德及心理素质的形成具有重要意义。本文在对职业高中学生政治、思想、道德、心理素质状况及职业高中政治课教学现状进行调查、分析的基础上,透视职业高中政治课的德育功能及其缺失,并探析原因,以求探循政治课教学改革思路,使其充分发挥在学生素质全面发展中的重要作用。 文章从政治课的德育课程性质、德育主渠道地位、发展学生政治思想道德及心理素质的课程任务以及职业高中政治课的特点出发,阐述了职业高中政治课的德育功能,即:政治思想品德发展功能;智、体、美育保证功能;个性发展促进功能。 本文重点分析了目前职业高中政治课德育功能缺失及其原因,认为:目前职业高中政治课的政治思想导向、道德品质奠基、智体美育保证、心理保健等功能不同程度存在缺失,探究其原因主要有:教师教育观念滞后;教材内容脱离实际;教学方法陈旧;考核评价方式单一等。 文章还针对职业高中政治课的这些缺陷和不足提出了改革现有政治课教学的原则与主要内容。就是要在坚持知识性与教育性,突出教育性;坚持目标的统一性和层次性,注意可行性;坚持特殊性和普遍性的统一,把握规律性等原则指导下,建立有职业高中特色的课程内容体系,探索符合职业高中学生认知特点的课堂教学策略、优化教学方法,改革完善考核评价制度等,以充分发挥职业高中政治课的德育功能,实现育人目标。

【Abstract】 Subject & Major:Teachins: Moral EducationSpeciality:Teaching of Moral Education in Secondary SchoolsSupervisor:Associate Prof Lu LinAuthor:Liu Lina (198026)Politics plays an important role in the system of moral education in vocationalsecondary schools and an effective exert of the function of it is significant for theformation of the good qualities of students’ political, ideological, moral andpsychological traits. This thesis firstly supplies a survey and an analysis of these aspectsand the present situation of the teaching of this subject in vocational secondary schools.Then with this as the basis, the author tries to see through the function and loss of moraleducation in the subject of politics in vocational secondary schools, and to explore thecauses of it so as to find out a possible kind of reform in the teaching of this subject andmake full use of it in the overall d~yelopmentQfthe good qualities of secondary schoolstudents.The thesis illustrates the moral-educational functions of politics in vocationalsecondary schools from the perspectives of the property of moral education, the majorchannel position of it, the task of developing students’ qualities of moral andpsychological thinking, and the characteristics of the subject. These functions are as thefollowing: the developing function of political qualities; the assuring function ofintelligence, health and aesthetics; the promoting function of personalityIn this thesis, we mainly analyze the loss of the functions and its causes. It is arguedin this thesis that there are losses on different degrees in the present direction of ideology;the foundation of moral qualities; the assurance of intelligence, health and aesthetics; andthe psychological care as well. The major causes are as the following: the lagging behindof the teachers’ thinking, the unpracticability of text books, the out-of-date methods ofteaching, and the lack of multi-methods in evaluation.In order to solve these problems, we also proposes principles of reform in thepresent situation, that is, to adhere to knowledge and education property and toforeground the education property; to adhere to the unity and different levels and toemphasize on the feasibility; and to adhere to the unification of particularity andgenerality. Under the guide of certain rules, we can set up a characteristic system ofmoral education in vocational secondary schools and explore the teaching strategiesproper to the cognitive features of students in vocational secondary schools. We can thusoptimize the teaching methods and reform, and improve the evaluation system so as tofrilly bring into play the moral-educational functions of politics in vocational secondaryschools and realize the purpose of educating.

【关键词】 政治课德育功能缺失
【Key words】 politicsmoral-educational functionloss
  • 【分类号】G633.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】244