

【作者】 邱小莉

【导师】 刁隆信;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 学科教学论, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 品德教育一直是我国全面发展的教育思想的重要组成部分。我国教育工作者及相关社会学家在品德教育工作方面积累了丰富的经验。近年来,在考察国外研究成果并结合我国品德教育实践的基础上,他们提出了许多具有实践价值的理论。对于尚处在不完善的社会主义市场经济体制环境中的思想品德教育,这些经验和理论仍具有一定的指导作用。 中学时期是个体思想品德形成的关键期,学校在对中学生进行思想品德教育、培养良好的思想品质方面做了大量工作。但是这些工作所产生的教育效果却不近人意。究其原因,是因为当前中学德育工作缺乏足够的针对性,教育者对被教育者的内心需求、愿望等缺乏足够的了解和认识。这些现象表明,指导中学德育工作的已有思想和理论有待于进一步的改进和创新。 鉴于以上原因,本文将从中学生的需要这个角度,探讨影响当前我国中学生思想品德形成和发展的因素。本文结构如下: 第一部分为前言,主要对不合理需要进行界定,并概述人的需要与品德形成之间的关系。 第二部分陈述当前中学生的不合理需要、表现形式及可能导致的问题。 第三部分论述当前中学生不合理需要产生的原因,以探寻新时期思想品德教育的合理依据。 第四部分论述对中学生不合理需要进行教育的可能途径。 第五部分为结语。

【Abstract】 The training of moral character has always been regarded as one of the major elements of our all-round education. These years the teaching staff and sociologists concerned in our country have accumulated a wealth of experience of moral education on the basis of the research and practice by themselves and their counterparts at home and abroad. They have established a variety of theories of practical significance. In the situation of today’ s immature market economy, these theories have been playing an impotant role in guiding our moral education.The period of high school years is of crucial importance for young people to develop their moral characters. Schools have exerted great efforts to carry out moral education and to develop students’ moral characters. But at the present time, efforts by schools on moral training are producing less and less efficiency. The actual cause of this dissatisfaction is that our work on moral education has not gone deep enough to gain a clear idea of what the young people are thinking about and what they desire to achieve. Such realities call for improvement and renovations to the established ideas and theories In our moral education.In view of the above-mentioned facts, this dissertation intends to investigate what affects the formation and development of young people’ s moral characters at the present time from the angle of psychological needs rather than anything else. It includes the following parts:Part One is the introduction. It provides a definition of irrational psychological needs and explains how people’ s moral characters are connected with their psychological needs.Part Two will present the common irrational needs of the present high school students and their conseqent problems.Part Three will analyse the causes of the above irrational needs for the purpose of finding out the thoeretical bases for future moral education.Part Four introduces the possible ways and methods to help the young people with the irrational needs and to develop rational psychological needs.Part Five is the conclusion.

  • 【分类号】G639.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】109