

【作者】 黄晓砥

【导师】 毛根旺;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 航空宇航推进理论与工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 近十几年来,对各种类型的卫星、探测器、空间站等航天器推进系统的性能的要求不断提高,使电推进系统进入一个长足的发展时期。微波等离子推力器(MPT—MicrowavePlasma Thruster)是一种新型的在研电热推进装置。它具有寿命长,效率高,羽流污染小的特点与航天器兼容性好。 在微波等离子推力器中,微波谐振腔是组织微波能量吸收的重要部件,它和化学推进的燃烧室一样,实现高效率的能量转化。研制出一个高水平的谐振腔对于整个微波等离子推进系统至关重要。 本文介绍一种新型的集中电容微波谐振腔推力器。它与目前该领域使用的圆柱体TM011微波谐振模式谐振腔相比,有鲜明的特点。在100W的电功率功耗下,它能在常压下可靠启动并稳定工作。 所作的研究工作主要包括以下几方面:1.研究了集中电容微波谐振腔的特性和把它应用于微波电热推进系统的适应性;2.利用工程有限元法对设计的微波谐振进行了模态分析;3.将理论分析的结果用于工程设计;4.设计,加工,安装和调试了实验装置,进行了地面试验,并对结果进行分析。 经过多次的冷调和改进,使MPT能顺利启动并稳定工作,产生了等离子体区。说明MPT系统原理和设计是可行的,为进一步的工作打下了基础。

【Abstract】 In the recent decades, it has lasting demand for high performance of all kinds of satellites, probes and space stations .lt makes the electric propulsion have a chance to develop itself afond . Microwave Plasma Thruster (MPT) is a new type of Electric Propulsion (EP) , which has many advantages , such as high efficiency , moderate Specific ImpuI~,long life , well compatible with spacecraft and so on. In MPT system, the microwave resonance cavity is the important part, which is in charge of making better use of the energy by the gas which is for propulsive use. Like the combustion chamber in chemical propulsion, it makes the energy conversion in high efficiency. To develop a potent resonance cavity is the key to all MPT system development. In this paper, a new type of the microwave resonance cavity for producing plasma was introduced. It is concentrated capacity microwave resonance cavity .lts construction form is first used in the EP field. Contrasted with the cylinder TM011 resonance cavity ,which is successfully used in the EP field , this cavity has some unequivocal character At the low electric power and constant press ,100W, it can ignite reliably and propel stably. The content of this paper indude: 1. Doing research on the character of the concentrated capacity microwave resonance cavity and the adaptability of this cavity using in the EP system; 2. Converting the result of theory into the engineering; 3. Analyzing the mode of the resonance cavity; 4. Processing the MPT experiment and analyzing the result

  • 【分类号】V439.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】216