

【作者】 向晓安

【导师】 古天祥;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文讨论了高速便携式数据采集系统的原理、组建方法和抗干扰技术,并介绍了系统中的最关键部分——数据采集模块的硬件研制过程和系统软件设计过程。 全文的重点是数据采集模块的硬件设计,完成了数据采集模块的三个组成部分,即模拟输入/输出、数字逻辑部分和通讯接口部分。并对三个部分中诸如放大、模数转换、存储、传输以及EPP通信接口等的关键技术进行了研究。 本文还完成了数据采集系统的软件设计,实现了以动态链接库(DLL)为基础的驱动程序。通过对采集结果实行数据库管理,使得采集过程与采集结果管理更加方便。 论文最后附有测试数据结果和详细的误差分析。 该系统具有较高的性能价格比,具有一定的实用价值,配合软件使用,既可作为通用的数据采集卡,亦可作为示波器、多用表、频谱仪等虚拟仪器使用。该论文成果已经顺利通过“九五”正式验收。

【Abstract】 The thesis discusses about constitution of the system and anti-interference technology of High-speed Portable Data Acquisition System, and introduces the research and realization of High- speed Data Acquisition Module, which includes hardware designing and software programming. The specific subject of the thesis is hardware designing of Data Acquisition Module. This thesis detail on the implement of three components of the Module, which are analog input/output, digital circuit and communication via EPP interface, and discusses about key technologies such as Signal Condition, amplifier, filter, Analog-to-digital converter, data store, data transmission and anti-interference of High-speed Data Acquisition System. Software programming based on Dynamic Link Library (DLL) is also presented in the thesis. It is convenient for data acquisition and data management by making use of database. The measured data and detailed error calculation are given in the thesis. The system has higher performance-price ratio, wider bandwidth and higher accuracy, while used along with software, it is not only used as a normal data acquisition system, but also used as virtual instruments, such as oscilloscope, universal meter, etc. At present, the project has been successfully passed through formal testing.

  • 【分类号】TP274.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】386