

Jhinking of the Iniliatioe Education In Middle School Glassroom

【作者】 蒋含丹

【导师】 陈传理;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学·数学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 江泽民同志指出:“创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达不竭的动力。”教育是知识创新、传播和应用的主要基地,也是培育创新精神和创新人才的重要摇篮。在学校实施创新教育是社会发展的需要,是实施素质教育的需要,中学生的学校生活平均80%在课堂中度过,课堂成为心智、技能发展的温床,因此课堂是创新教育的主阵地,对于有传统色彩的经典数学教学也不例外,从中学数学教学这个侧面来思考,创新教育主要发展学生的思维能力,使他们在数学学习的过程中,在数学方法上有所创新,在数学问题的探索过程中有新的发现,在思维层次上有新的提高。 数学是一门古老而又年轻的科学。她的古老是通过教材和课堂教学向人们诉说着很久很久以前古代人民的智慧,需要我们继承和传播,因为即使是在今天知识经济时代仍然是现代科技的基础支柱。她的年轻是得益于我们的一批数学工作者的创造性的工作,给数学不断地添加新鲜血液,使之发扬光大。新老数学家和数学教育工作者的卓有成效的工作,给我们中学课堂创新教学带来了一些启示,笔者通过这次华中师范大学研究生学习,结合多年来教学实践经验,对中学数学课堂创新教育实践作一番思考,并把它作为学位论文。 关于创新教育和课堂创新教学,在理论界有许多争议,目前尚未定论,这也许是这篇文章的价值所在。本文从一个或多个角度谈一谈什么样的一堂数学课是创新课,中学数学课堂创新教育的原则,中学数学课堂创新教育的内容,中学数学课堂创新教育的模式,中学数学课堂创新教育的特点,中学数学课堂创新教育的关系,如何实施中学数学课堂创新教育,中学数学课堂创新教育的评价等几个方面作了分析,对中学的现行教材的有关知识点的创新教学作了一番思考,实践表明,人的创新意识、创新精神和创新能力主要是后天培养教育的结果,创新具有不同的方面和层次,只有从作为学校源头的中小学就开始进行创新教育,不失时机地培养青少年的创新精神,才会使一批又一批优秀年轻人脱颖而出。 通过对中学数学课堂创新教育研究,其目的是,一方面探索中学数学课堂创新教育的途径,通过中学数学课堂创新教育增强学生创新意识,提高学生实践能力,并把这种立足传统、勇于创新的精神应用于其它学科,为人类创造出更多、更好的精神财富和物质财富,推动科学技术和人类文明的进步。另一方面是试图丰富和完善中学数学课堂创新教育理论,构建中学数学课堂创新教育体系,为全面推行素质教育服务。

【Abstract】 Comrade Jiang Zemin once pointed out: 揑nitiative is the soul of a nation s progress, the motive power of a country抯 prosperity.?Education is the main base for the initiative, spread and application of the knowledge. It is also the important place for the cultivation of talents who have the ability of initiative. To implement initiative education in school is the need of society and the reed of quality-oriented education. For middle school students, about 80% of their time is spent in class, and the classroom has become the breeding ground for the development of mental ability and skills. Therefore, the classroom is the main place for initiative education. There is no exception for the traditional math抯 teaching. As for as the math抯 teaching in middle school is concerned, the purpose of initiative education is to develop students?thinking ability. So that they can adopt new learning methods in the process of learning maths, make new discovery in the process of exploring problems, have new improvement on the thinking level. Math抯 is a science both old and young. We say it is old became it tells us the wisdom of ancient people long ago through texts and classroom teaching. Such knowledge should be inherited and spread. For even in the era of intellectual economy, math抯 is the pillar for the modern science and technology. We say it is young became we, a group of people working on math抯, make initiative effort and put some new ideas to the math抯. The effective work of those mathematicians and math抯 teachers has given as some enlighten for the initiative education. According to the postgraduate study in central china nonnal university, and with the practical experiences in math抯 teaching, the present writer thinks about the implementation of initiative education in middle school classroom and considers it as the topic of the thesis paper. For the initiative education and initiative teaching in classroom, there are many disputes in theoretical field but no final conclusion. And maybe it is the valve of this paper. The paper mainly focuses on the following aspects from one or several angles; what is an initiative lesson of math抯; the principle, content, model and characteristics of initiative education of math抯 in middle school classroom; how to implement initiative education; and the evaluation of initiative education.

【关键词】 数学课堂创新教育创新思维
【Key words】 Math’sClassroomEducationInitiative Thinking
  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【下载频次】294