

A Study on Tourist Development of Theme Park

【作者】 王志稳

【导师】 陶家元;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 主题公园是在现代旅游业大发展的形势下出现的新生事物,是为了满足旅游者休闲娱乐需求,采用文化、现代科技等多种表现形式,按照特定主题来设置娱乐内容和方式的现代旅游活动场所。它具有主题的独创性与纯粹性、整体的多适性与动态性、主题活动的多样性与丰富性、经营方式的灵活性、盈利的高风险性、效益的广泛性、民族性和地域性等特征。主题公园的产生和发展,促进了旅游资源的多元化开发和综合性经营,推动了旅游业从过分依托自然条件的粗放式发展阶段向依托人为可控制性条件的集约化发展阶段的整体攀升;同时,也标志着旅游业开始走向规范化、标准化和制度化的经营管理之道。 主题公园发展大体上经历了从贸易媒介到户外娱乐形式,出户外娱乐形式转变成专门化娱乐场,再演变成游乐园,直至提升发展成现代主题公园的漫长历程。国内主题公园自70年代后期引入游乐项目开始探索性发展,到1989年深圳“锦绣中华”正式开园营业代表具有真正主题概念的主题公园的初步建立,目前已进入产业化发展阶段。短短二十年的时间,我国的主题公园从原先低层次的盲目发展逐渐过渡到市场性规范化经营时期。但在实际发展过程中,国内主题公园存在着许多问题和不足,主要表现在:发展数量过多、规模过大;区域布局不合理;主题内容雷同重复;规划设计简单、施工粗糙等。 在主题公园的发展中,区域经济发展水平、政府的态度及政策、客源市场的规模和消费水平、主题公园的集聚竞争状况、经济距离、主题内容等起了主导作用。通过对各要素作用的具体分析,建立起主题公园旅游供给和旅游需求的理论模型。该理论模型较好的解释了诸如主题公园多布局于较发达的地区、主题公园的高门票等现象,并可以为简单估测主题公园的供需规模提供参考。主题公园的演化情况比较特殊:探索、起步和发展三个阶段十分短暂;进入成熟期后会分化为两种情形,短周期代表一些主题公园由于各种原因迅速衰落;长周期则是主题公园通过有效手段延缓了衰落,从而出现长期波状起伏。 区位因素和产品质量因素是主题公园开发中最重要的影响因素,这决定发导向主要存在市场导向、交通导向、环境导向和吸引力发展导向四种模式。主题是主题公园个性和吸引力的核心支点,主题公园的主题选择应当遵循以下原则:特殊性原则,协调性原则,形象化原则,有机性原则,并利用时间、空间、文明三轴的交叉组合形成基本选择框架。主题公园的产品直接影响和决定着主题公园的品牌形象和核心竞争力,其创新发展的基本途径有两条:因地制宜地采用不同形式和方法,按照一定的程序进行新产品的开发;根据产品的不同特性和旅游者的需求偏好进行现有产品的组合。

【Abstract】 As the new thing emerging from the lay of the development of modem tourism. theme park is the modem tour stage according to especially theme setting up the content and mode of amusement; it is for the purpose of satisfying the needs of entertainment of tourist and adopting manifold representative form, such as culture. modern science and technology, etc. It have the characters: the original creation and purity of theme, universal applicability dynamic, the diversity and richness of the theme, the agility of the management mode, the high venture of the payoff. the universality of the benefit, the nationality and zone nature. The produce and development of the theme park promote the exploitation and the synthesize management of tourist resources, and drive the tourism climb entirely from relying on extensive style seedtime without measure to relvi ng on intensive seedtime of artificial controllable conditions. which is the symbol that the tourism begins to make for the normative and the institutional managing path of standardization. The development of the theme park goes through the long course that changes from trading medium to outdoors pleasure ground. then to the amusement park. up to the modern theme park. The domestic theme park has now entered into the industrial seedtime since the amusement items have been introduced and began to develop exploringly in the late 70抯. till in 1989 the ~beautiful China?in Shenzhen did business normally, which stands for the initial foundation of the real theme park. However, there exists many problems and deficiencies in the domestic theme park in its development, it mainly represents in the following respects: the amount too large, the scale excessively big; the distribution irrational; the contents repeat: the programming and design too simple; the rough and slipshod construction. Many factors play the leading roles in the development of theme park. such as: the level of the regional economic development, the attitude and policy of the government, the scale of tourist market and its consume level, the status of the centralize competition, the economical distance, the thematic contents. The theory II i~ J?~?1- ER THESIS model of the tourist supply and the demand has been set up through analyzing the factors. The exploration, involvement and development stages are very tentative. After the mature stage, the evolvement has brief cycle and long cycle. Theme park has four development models of market guidance, communication guidance. environment guidance and attractive guidance. The choice of theme park must follow the rules: the particularity, the harmonization, the visualization, the organism, and forms the basic frame by making use of intersecting and combination in three axes of time, space and civilization. There are two basic ways in creative developing of the product of theme park: one is developing new production. the other is combing the existing production.

  • 【分类号】TU986
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】1989