

Contrastive Analysis in Foreign Language Teaching

【作者】 段少敏

【导师】 舒白梅;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对传统对比分析理论的再认识,重新肯定它对外语教学的指导意义,并提出一种新的对比分析模式--新对比分析(Neo-Contrastive Analysis)。文章在简短回顾对比分析假设的三种模式、理论根源、发展史及其受到的批评后,重新探讨了它的理论基础--转移理论和行为主义心理学。同时,文章建议对传统对比分析的研究范围从仅仅语言形式的对比,扩充到语言功能和篇章结构并重的对比;并在对比手段上进行革新,引入建立在计算机基础上的电子语料库。这种新对比分析将会为外语教学中的课堂组织、教材设计、外语测试及错误分析提供有力的帮助。

【Abstract】 This paper, aiming at reappraising Contrastive Analysis’s (CA) contribution to foreign language teaching, suggests a new model of Contrastive Analysis -- Neo- Contrastive Analysis. After giving a historical review of the three forms of Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis, CA’s theoretical backgrounds, historical development and the criticisms it received, the paper reconsiders its theoretical foundation--Transfer Theory and Behaviorist psychology from a more cognitive aspect. It is argued that both language function and discourse structure should be included in the scope of CA besides its traditional language form, and that the computer-based electronic corpus be introduced as an innovation to its research methodology. The revised Neo-Contrastive Analysis can offer great help to the classroom organization, course material development, designing testing items and Error Analysis in foreign language teaching.

  • 【分类号】H09
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】378