

Some Ideas About the Standard Making of PSSSA

【作者】 范改荣

【导师】 余学峰;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 知识经济时代的到来要求培养出具有高素质的人才,素质教育的实施,正是顺应时代要求而展开的。21世纪到底需要什么样的人才?应持什么样的人才标准?这反映到教育上,就是指学生评价标准。学生评价是教育评价中最重要组成部分,因为学生是教育的对象,学校、教师、家长的全部工作都要凝结到学生身上,教育质量的高低也只有通过学生评价才能体现出来。当前,我国中小学学生质量评价主要是从德、智、体、美、劳五个方面来制定评价标准,较之原来单纯以主观判断和考试分数为主的评价机制前进了一大步,特别是在科学性与精确性方面有了很大的发展。但仍存在着明显的不足,突出地表现在忽视创新能力培养方面。所以,笔者认为,构建中小学学生评价标准必须跳出:“五育并举”模式的圈子,回归到学生本身上来,明确培养身心两健,有创新能力人才这个主旨,只有这样,才能保证中小学学生评价的健康发展。 全文共分三部分: 第一部分主要探讨当前学生评价标准中存在的突出问题。这些问题主要表现在五个方面。第一,学生评价机械地以教育目标为标准,第二,人为地割裂了五育之间的联系。第三,五育评价模式无法涵盖对学生的全面要求。第四,评价标准片面、绝对,采用“完人逻辑”。第五,评价标准过分追求量化。 第二部分是探索如何构建以创新能力为核心的中小学生评价标准、探索其理论依据及现实依据。如素质教育理论、可持续发展理论,人的全面学说等。现实依据主要从知识经济时代的要求;创新教育的要求及新的教育理念的要求几方面去谈。 第三部分阐述以创新能力为核心的中小学学生评价标准的设想。主要从道德评价、学习评价、身心健康评价、生活评价这四个方面去考虑。

【Abstract】 The knowledge oriented economy which is coming requires high-quality trained talents. The implement of quality education comply with present tide. What on earth kind of talents does the 21 慡t century require? What talents standard shall we hold? The standard reflected on education is the students?assessment standard. Students?assessment is the most important part of education assessment, because students are the object of education; all works of school, teachers and parents settle on students; education quality appears only through students?assessment. At present, quality assessment standard making of primary and secondary school students come from five aspects: morality, intelligence, physical condition, esthetic, labor ability. Compare with previous assessment mechanics which only judge subjectively and appraise from scores, it make a big progress, especially developed in scientific nature and accurate nature. However, there are obvious shortcomings still existing, especially appeared that creative ability training is ignored. So the author think that:To construct primary and secondary school students?assessment standard must jump out of the 揻ive kinds of education advance together?circle, return to students themselves, train talents healthy physically psychology, having creative ability. Qnly this can assure the healthy development of primary and secondary school students?assessment (PSSSA).This thesis concludes three parts.Part I mainly deal with the outstanding pro balms existing in present students?assessment. Discuss from five aspects: assessment standard reflect education object mechanically; cut apart the contact of the 揻ive kinds of education?artificially; that kind of model can抰 meet the needs for educating students; That assessment standard. Is too unilateral and absolute, adopt 損erfect man?way; assessment standard expressed only by digit:Port II deal with how to construct PSSSA, the kernel is to train creative ability. In my opinion, quality education is the key of PSSSA making; sustainable development theory; human brain function and children抯 physicaL psychological development rules theory supply scientific grounds for PSSA establishment.Part 111 discuss the basic thoughts of PSSSA construction: creative ability as the kernel including four aspects: moral assessment; the assessment for study; physical and psychological assessment and everyday life assessment.

  • 【分类号】G635.5
  • 【被引频次】13
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