

Research on the School Accident Tort During Compulsory Education Stage and Its Prevention and Care

【作者】 陈振全

【导师】 李晓燕;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文试图从教育法、民法等法学基本理论出发,通过对义务教育阶段学校事故的界定和侵权行为特殊性、归责原则、构成要件、认定模式、免责条件、法律责任及归因分析的探讨,提出了义务教育阶段学校事故侵权行为的防治途径。全文共分五个部分: 第一部分,从法学理论界关于学校事故的定义入手,通过对学校事故的简单分类,明确本文研究的范围,并对义务教育阶段学校事故及其侵权行为进行了界定。 第二部分,从民法、刑法和有关行政法规的归责原则(或依据)出发,探讨了义务教育阶段学校事故侵权行为的归责原则、构成要件,认定模式及其免责条件。其中归责原则是司法机关处理侵权纠纷要遵循的基本原则,其主要任务是要解决侵权责任由谁承担的问题;构成要件是归责原则的系统阐述和具体体现,是司法实践如何归责的具体尺度;认定模式是人们判定学校事故是否构成侵权行为,是否承担侵权责任的一般方式。以上各方面紧密相联,息息相关,构成了一个有机整体,是义务教育阶段学校事故侵权行为法律责任承担的理论依据。 第三部分,主要探讨了义务教育阶段学校事故侵权行为的法律责任。主要包括民事法律责任、行政法律责任和刑事法律责任,如果学校事故中的侵权行为同时涉及到民事侵权,行政侵权和构成犯罪,学校事故责任人要同时承担几种法律责任,法律责任是可以兼负的。 第四部分,通过实际案例,对导致义务教育阶段学校事故侵权行为的原因进行了归纳分析,主要包括学校管理不善、教师法制观念淡薄、法律不健全等,为义务教育阶段学校事故侵权行为的防治提供现实依据。 第五部分,根据上述义务教育阶段学校事故侵权行为的归因分析,提出了义务教育阶段学校事故侵权行为的防治途径,主要包括:加强学校内部管理、增强师生法制观念、完善法律体系、加大社会综合治理力度等等,旨在最大限度减少和避免学校事故的发生,这是本文的落脚点。

【Abstract】 Abstract This article advances the channels of how to prevent the school accident tort during compulsory education stage through the definition of it and the discussion of the particularity of tort ... the principles of the imputation responsibility, of constitutional essential factors. defining mode, conditions of exempting responsibility~. legal responsibility, analysis of the reason based on the basic theory of educational law and civil law. The whole article can be divided into five parts: I ~ The school accident during the compulsory education stage and tort are defined through simple classification of school accident. 2~. The principles of the imputation of responsibility defining mode and the conditions of exemption of responsibilities one discussed based on the Civil law penal law and relevant administrational law and regulations The principles of the imputation of the responsibility refers to the basic principles that the judicature mechanism should follow when dealing with tort It serves to solve who should undertake the responsibility of tort. Constitutional essential factors is the systematic expound and specific embody of the principles of the imputation of the responsibility. It is also the specific measure of judicature practice. Defining mode refers to the mode of discrimination and definition. It includes the general ways to define whether some school accident should be defined to be tort and who should undertake the responsibility. All the aspects mentioned above related closely make the theoretic foundation of the legal responsibility of the tort. 3-. The legal responsibility of school accident tort during the compulsory educational stage is discussed in this part. And the legal responsibility of civil case. legal responsibility of administration legal responsibility of penalty are included. 4-. The reasons causing the School accident tort during the compulsory education stage are induced and analyzed by means of actual precedents. For example, school system is not strict ; the school management is not perfect some activities that school launched violate relevant law and regulation; teachers ii lack professional moral self-cultivation and legal sense; criminals?intended destroy; legal system is not perfect. They offer the practical foundation for the prevention and care of the school accident tort during compulsory education stage. 5.. The prevention and cure methods of school accident tort during compulsory education stage are advanced based on the analysis of it They mainly include: Strengthen the internal management of school and the teachers?professional morality and legal education; school~ family and society cooperate closely to offer a fine environment for the young people抯 growing up; Perfect the legal system and strengthen the comprehensive social administration.

  • 【分类号】G637.1
  • 【被引频次】5
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