

【作者】 张远彬

【导师】 胡庭兴; 潘开文;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 森林培育学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 通过扁刺栲-华木荷林区现有天然次生阔叶林(18a和45a)和人工林(人促混交林和人工纯林)物种多样性、种群立木级、优势种群分布格局、优势树种生长量、乔木层生物量以及土壤化学性质的比较,其结果表明: ①人工促进混交林乔木层Shannon-Wiener多样性指数最高,达3.4664,其次为18a生次生阔叶林,为3.056l;灌木层Shannon-Wiener多样性指数以杉木纯林最高,其值达3.8331;草本层Shannon-Wiener多样性指数以日本落叶松纯林(3m×4m)最高,为4.1159。灌木和草本层的物种多样性随着乔木层的盖度增加而下降。放弃炼山、水平带状整地、穴垦保阔栽针、适度稀植(833~1250株·hm-2)以及间伐是促进林下植被生长发育、保护生物多样性、维护林地地力的一种有效方法。 ②人工林林下自然更新的乡土阔叶树种属于增长型或稳定型种群。混交林和次生阔叶林中优势树种扁刺栲属于增长型种群,而阳性树种山苍子为衰退型种群,随着演替的进展,山苍子将逐渐退出乔木层。45a生次生阔叶林中优势树种属于稳定型种群,而处于乔木亚层的润楠则属于增长型种群。 ③随着演替的进展,优势种群聚集程度在减小,分布格局向随机分布方向发展。针对这一结果进行了讨论。 ④造林8年后,优势树种单株材积和胸径生长,在混交林中快于在次生阔叶林中的生长;树高则与其相反。日本落叶松单株材积、树高和胸径的生长,在低密度(833株·hm-2)中比在中等密度(1666株·hm-2)中生长快。针叶树种材积和胸径生长,在混交林中比在纯林中要快;在早期,混交林中树高生长快于在纯林的生长,中后期则相反。 ⑤次生阔叶林乔木层地上部分生物量比同龄混交林和人工林的高;混交林生物量比中等密度(1666株·hm-2)纯林的要高,与低密度(833株·hm-2)纯林的生物量接近。18a和45a生次生阔叶林乔木层地上部分生物量干重分别为24.3344和469.6757T·hm-’。 ⑤次生阔叶林土壤有机质、全N含量比混交林和人工林的高,混交林的比纯林的高。次生阔叶林和混交林土壤全P含量均比人工林的低,其原因可能与林下植被的种类、数量、生长状况等因素有关,对此进行了讨论,并提出进一步研究的方向.人工针叶纯林土壤的值体很交林和次生阔叶林的低,针叶纯林会导致土壤的酸性增加,对土壤中速效P有固定效应。 ①在分析比较多项指标的基础上,提出了该区域人工林经营技术的主要环节:保阔栽针的主要配置方式,整地,造林密度,幼林抚育,抚育间伐等。对次生阔叶林,提出了灌丛期、群落形成期、群落稳定期和更新期的经营技术措施。

【Abstract】 Comparison between Secondary Broad桳eaved and Plantation in Castanopsis P/atyacantha and Schima Sinensis Forest and the Research on the Management Measure Zhang Yuanbin (College of Forestry and Horticulture, Sicbuan Agricultural University, ya抋n, 625014) Abstract Using the method of community research on natural secondary broad-leaved forest and plantation in Castanopsis Plalyacantha and Schima Sinensis forest, the community comparison including species diversity, living tree class and pattern of dominant population, growth in diameter, height and volume of dominant tree, and biomass of tree layer, have been studied in this paper. The results indicate: The Shannon梬iener index of diversity of the tree layer of artificial mixed forest community, the bush layer of cunninghamia lanccolata pure forest community (thinned stand) and the herb layer of larix kaempferi pure forest (3m x4m) is3 .4664, 3.8331 and 4.1159 respectively. With the increase of coverage of tree layer, the species diversity of bush and herb layer decreases. Giving up control burning, level-strip soil preparation, conserving indigenous broad-leaved tree and planting conifer tree, suitable density and thinning is an effective measure for inducing the development of the under vegetation, conserving biodiversity and maintaining productivity of forest soil. Naturally regenerated indigenous broad-leaved trees under the plantation belong to increasing or stable population. The castanopsis platyacantha population in artificial mixed forest and secondary broad-leaved forest belongs to increasing population. But the litsea cubeba belongs to declining population. With the development of succession, the population will diminish. The dominant population in stable secondary broad-leaved forest community belongs to stable population, but the Machicuspingii in sub-free layer belongs to increasing population. With the development of succession, the contagious degree of population becomes smaller and smaller, and the dominant populations are declined to random distribution in secondary broad-leaved forest. The reason was discussed in this paper. After planting 8 years, growth in volume and diameter of dominant frees in 84 mixed forest is faster than that of the same dominant trees in secondary broad-leaved forest. The growth in height of dominant trees in mixed forest is slower than that of dominant trees in secondary broad-leaved forest. Growth in volume, diameter and height of Larix Kaempferi in small density (833N . hnf2) is faster than that of Larix Kaempferi in moderate density (666N Growth in volume and diameter of conifer trees in mixed forest is faster than that of the same conifer trees in pure forest. Growth in height of conifer tree in mixed forest is faster than that of conifer trees in pure forest in early time, but the result is contrary in the median-time and later period. The dry biomass of tree layer in natural secondary broad-leaved forest community is higher than that of the same age mixed forest and plantation, and the biomass of mixed forest is too bigger than that of plantation. The dry biomass of the natural secondary broad-leaved forest (18a and 45a) is 241.3344 and 469.6757 T ~-2 respectively. The organ

  • 【分类号】S757.46
  • 【下载频次】101