

Study on continuous progeny selection and relationships between blood biochemical indices and egg-laying performances in muscovy ducks

【作者】 郑嫩珠

【导师】 王光瑛;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 为进一步提高白番鸭的生产水平,在原有选育的基础上,本研究采用家系选择和家系内个体选择相结合法,应用综合指数选择,对亲本R、F系白番鸭进行继代选育。结果表明,利用综合指数法进行家系选择可取得较好的效果:①选择后的父系43周龄和56周龄产蛋量分别比原有父系多0.47枚和2.68枚;43周龄和56周龄蛋重分别比原有父系重3.91g和1.59g;受精率、孵化率和初生重分别比原有父系多3.05%、3.9%和1.1g;②选择后的母系开产日龄比原有母系提前2.49天;43周龄和56周龄产蛋量分别比原有母系多3.1枚和7.03枚;43周龄和56周龄蛋重比原有母系分别重0.67g和0.34g;受精率、孵化率分别比原有母系高0.04%和0.13%;③一世代父系生长速度比母系快,父系各阶段平均体重和日增重均比母系高,10周龄时父系平均体重和日增重分别比母系多230.5g和7.64g;另外,父系10周龄料肉比低于母系0.1,10周龄胫长和存活率与母系相差无几。 本研究还对60只56周龄母鸭采用“托蛋法”测定个体产蛋性能,并对翼静脉采血进行9项血液生化指标测定,探讨其与产蛋性能间的关系,为早期选种提供科学依据。结果表明:①谷草转氨酶、碱性磷酸酶、乳酸脱氢酶、甘油三酯、总胆固醇和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇与产蛋性状均属弱相关(r=0.008~0.21);②谷丙转氨酶与开产日龄呈极显著负相关(P<0.01),与开产体重呈弱负相关(P>0.05),与43周龄、50周龄和56周龄产蛋量均呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);③血清总蛋白与50周龄和56周龄产蛋量呈显著正相关(P<0.05),与其它产量性状无显著相关(P>0.05);④高密度脂蛋白胆固醇与开产日龄呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与开产体重呈显著正相关(P<0.05),与43周龄、50周龄和56周龄产蛋量均呈极显著负相关(P<0.01);⑤产蛋与休产母鸭血清雌二醇含量分别为86.71±44.82pg/ml和24.38±7.44pg/ml,产蛋鸭比休产鸭高出62.33pg/ml,差异极显著(P<0.01)。

【Abstract】 The study was conducted in attempt to further improve productivity in white muscovy duck. Based on the former selection , the method of family selection combined with individual selection and synthetic index selection was applied to R and F strains of parental generation for continuous progeny selection.The results showed that using synthetic index selection had a fairly good effect on family selection in white muscovy ducks: ①As for the selected paternal line,egg production at the age of 43 weeks and 56 weeks was 0.47 and 2.68 eggs more in number, and 3.9land 1.59 grams higher in egg weight ,and the fertility,hatchability and body weight at the age of hatching were 3.05%, 3.9% and 1.1 grams higher, respectively, than the former paternal line; ②As for the selected maternal line,the age of first laying was 2.42 days earlier, egg production at the age of 43 weeks and 56 weeks 3.1 and 7.03 eggs more in number, egg weight at the of 43 weeks and 56 weeks 0.67g and 0.34g heavier, the fertility and hatchability 0.04% and 0.13% higher ,respectively,than the former maternal line; ③In the first generation ,the paternal line had a faster growth rate than the maternal line:the average body weight and daily gain of the paternal line in different growing periods were heavier than those of the maternal line. For the paternal line , the average body weight and daily gain at the age of 10 weeks were 230.5 and 7.64 grams heavier, respectively, and the feed conversion rate was 0.1 less than that in the maternal Iine,but differences of the livability rate and the length of shank were negligible with two line.In order to provide a scientific basis for early selection ,egg-laying performances of muscovy ducks were recorded individually by “bdominal palpation method” nine blood biochemical indices of 56-week old female ducks were measured, and the relationship between blood biochemical indices andegg-laying performances were investigated. The result showed ?No significant correlation between serum GOT,AKP,LDH,TG,CHOL or LDL-C and egg-laying performances were found (r0.008桹.21) . 〨PT had a significant negative correlation with the age of first laying(ABF)(P<O.O1 ),a slight negative correlation with the body weight at first laying (BWI)( P>O.05), and a significant postive correlation with the egg production at the age of 43 weeks(EN-43) ,50 weeks(EN-50) or 56 weeks(EN-56) (P<O.O 1). 甌here was a significant correlation between TP and EN-SO or EN-56(P<O.05),while no correlation was obsersed between TP and other egg-laying performances. ?HDL-C had a significantly postive correlation with ABF (P<O.O1) or BW-1 (P<O.05), a significant negative correlation with EN-43, EN-50 or EN-56 (P<O.O I). ㏒erum estradiol(E2) levels in ducks during laying and laying-pause periods were 86.71 pg/mI and 24.38 pg/mI respectively,showing a significant difference between these two periods(P<O.O 1).

  • 【分类号】S834.2
  • 【被引频次】3
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