

Spleen-Asthenia Syndrome with the Function of Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid-Thymus Axis

【作者】 李刚

【导师】 夏天;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 中西医结合(内科学), 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 中医学的“脾”与神经内分泌-免疫调节网络关系密切,脾虚证与神经内分泌免疫调节网络关系的研究成为“脾虚证实质”研究的重要内容。本课题拟继续脾虚证与神经内分泌免疫调节网络关系的研究,具体切入点是探讨脾虚证与下丘脑-垂体-甲状腺-胸腺轴的关系,及四君子汤对其的影响。本实验以放射免疫分析法、免疫放射分析法、高效液相色谱-电化学检测等方法,观察了脾虚大鼠血清甲状腺激素(T3、T4、FT3、FT4、γT3),下丘脑细胞核三碘甲腺原氨酸受体(T3R),胸腺细胞核三碘甲腺原氨酸受体(T3R),下丘脑、血清促甲状腺释放激素(TRH),垂体、血清促甲状腺素(TSH),各脑区、血清亮-脑啡肽(L-EK),脑皮质去甲肾上腺素(NE),胸腺细胞白介素-2(IL-2)水平的变化,对脾虚证与下丘脑-垂体-甲状腺-胸腺轴的合成分泌和调控功能的关系进行了分析研究。第四军医人学九八级硕士论丈 结果 * 血清甲状腺激素水平的变化 脾虚组、自复组血清 T;T。FT。FT。水平均较正常组、治疗组显著降低(P<0.05 或 *< *1),各组间血清丫、水平 无显著性差异(P>0.0 5X 治疗组上述指标与正常组无显著性 差异(尸>0刀5)。 2.下丘脑、胸腺细胞核T。受体水平的变化 脾虚组、自复组下丘脑、胸腺细胞核T;受体水平均较正 常组、治疗组极显著降低(尸<0.01),治疗组上述指标与正常 组无显著性差异(P>0.05)。 3.下丘脑组织、血清TRH水平的变化 脾虚组、自复组下丘脑TRH水平均较正常组、治疗组极显著降低(P<0.ofX 血清TRH 水平均较正常组、i台疗组极 显著升高(P<0刀1),治疗组上述指标与正常组无显著性差异 (尸>0.05)。 4.垂体组织、血清TSH水平的变化 脾虚组、自复组垂体xH水平均较正常组、治疗组极显 著降低(P<0.ofL 血清 HH 水平均较正常组、治疗组极显 著升高(尸<0刀1X 治疗组上述指标与正常组无显著性差异 (P>0刀5)。 5.各脑区组织、血清L工K水平的变化 脾虚组、自复组各脑区组织L工K水平均较正常组、治 疗组极显著升高(P<0.01L 血清 L-EK 水平均较正常组、治 4第四军匠大学九。、级硕士论文 疗组极显著降低(P<0刀1),治疗组上述指标与正常组无显著 性差异(P>0.05)。 各脑区组织中,额叶皮质 卜EK 水平均较下丘脑LEK 水平为低,有显著差异(P<0.05);额叶皮质L-EK 水平均较 垂体L-EK水平为低,有显著差异(P<0.05)。 6.脑皮质组织NE水平的变化 脾虚组、自复组脑皮质组织NE水平均较正常组、治疗 组极显著降低(P<0.01卜 治疗组上述指标与正常组无显著性 差异(尸>0.05)。 7.胸腺细胞IL-2水平的变化 脾虚组、自复组IL-2水平均较正常组、治疗组极显著降 低(尸<0.01厂 治疗组上述指标与正常组无显著性差异 (P>0刀5)。 结论: 1.脾虚时下丘脑-垂体-甲状腺-胸腺轴的合成分泌和调控 功能紊乱,致机体免疫功能低下,这可能是脾虚证的重要病 因或病机。 1.1 脾虚大鼠胸腺细胞IL、2 活性极显著降低,是机体 免疫力下降的重要原因之一。 1.2脾虚大鼠血清甲状腺素 T;、T。水平极显著下降,胸 腺细胞核T;受体的含量极显著减少,直接影响甲状腺素免疫 调节作用,是影响机体免疫力的重要原因之一。 1.3脾虚大鼠下丘脑细胞核T;受体的含量极显著减少, 5第四军医大学九。\级硕士论X一下丘脑自身合成 TRH的量减少,均直接影响垂体 TSH合成,致甲状腺对TSH反应的敏感性下降;下丘脑-垂体轴进而呈现 出对甲状腺激素反馈作用的应答能力下降,该轴功能减退间接影响了甲状腺素免疫调节作用;同时甲状腺合成和分泌T。T。能力下降,上述复合因素也是机体免疫力下降的原因之一。 1.4脾虚大鼠皮质NE水平的极显著下降和各脑区L-EK含量的极显著增高可能同样是下丘脑NH和垂体TSH含量下降原困之一;进而影响了下丘脑-垂体轴对甲状腺激素反馈的应答能力,这说明脾虚时下丘脑-垂体-甲状腺轴功能的减退与神经递质和神经肽功能紊乱有关。 2.四君子汤的健脾益气功能与下丘脑-垂体-甲状腺-胸腺轴合成分泌和调控功能有密切关系。四君子汤治疗后,大鼠的脾虚症状有明显改善,降低的血清甲状腺素,下丘脑、胸腺细胞核T;受体水平;下丘脑TRH,垂体TSH水平,脑皮质NE水平有明显升高;并使明显增高的各脑区LEK含量降低; 与正常组相比无显著性差异。 脾虚证与

【Abstract】 The spleen in TCM is closely linked to the neuroendocrinimmunology (NET) net in Modem Medicine, spleen-asthenia will lead to the impairment of the immunity function .The study on “Essense of Spleen-.Asthenia”has dealt with it. in the present experiment , the subject - “relationship of Spleen- Asthenia Syndrome with the function of hypothalamus- pituitary-thyroid- thymus axis”, was studied . Their correlation was studied by using immunoradiometric assay , radioimmunoassay , HPLC-EC to observe a series of parameters. The parameters showed the changes of the levels of serum T3 T4, FT3. FT4, y T3 , the contents of nuclear T3 receptors in hypothalamus cells & thymus T lymphocytes , the contents of TRH hypothalamic, TSH pituitary , TRH, TSH serum levels ,the contents of L-EK brain tissues , and serum levels , the levels of NE in frontal cortex , and the expression of IL-2 levels of thymus T lymphocyte . Results as follow: 1. Changes of the levels of rat serum T3、 T4、 FT3、 Fl4, y 13 In SPL and SPO , T3 ,T4 , FT3 ,FT4 rat serum levels, were lower than those in CON and TRE (P、zO.O5 or P O.O 1); in these groups, y -T3 serum levels had no significant difference. The parameters in CON and TRE had no significant difference(P>O.05). 2. Changes of the contents of nuclear 13 receptors in hypothalamus cells & thymus I lymphocytes in SPL and SPO , the contents of nuclear 13 receptors in hypothalamus cells and in thytnus T lymphocytes were remarkably lower than those in CON and IRE ( P<O.O 1); The parameters in CON and TRE had no significant difference(P>O.05 ). 3. Changes of the contents of TRH hypothalamic, TSH pituitary, and TRill, TSH rat serum levels In SPL and SPO ,the contents of TRJ-I hypothalamic, TSR pituitary levels were remarkably lower than those in CON and IRE (P?O.O 1); In SPL and SPO , the contents of IRK, TSR serum levels were remarkably higher than those in CON and TRE (P<O.O1);The parameters in CON and IRE had no significant difference(P>O.05). 4. Changes of the contents of in L-EK brain tissues , and serum levels In SPL and SPO , the contents of L-EK serum levels were remarkably lower than those in CON and IRE (P<O.O1); In SPL and SPO , the contents of L-EK brain tissues were remarkably higher than those in CON and TRE ( P<O.O 1 );The parameters in CON and TRE had no significant difference(P>O.05). 5. Changes of the contents of the levels of NE in frontal cortex , and IL-2 levels of thymus T lymphocyte In SPL and SPO , the levels of NE in frontal cortex and the levels of IL-2 of thymus T lymphocyte were remarkably lower than those in CON and TRE ( P<O.Ol) . The parameters in CON and IRE had no significant difference(P>O.05). Conclusion: 1 .Impaired hypothalamic- pituitary-thyroid regulation function may be attributed to progression of spleen-asthenia. 1 .1 The decline of the expression of IL-2 levels of thymus I lymphocyte may lead to the impairment of immunity. 1.2 The decline of the levels of serum T3, 14, and the contents of nuclear T3 receptors in thymus I lymphocytes , may lead to the impairment of immunity. 1.3 The decline of the levels of serum 13 T4, and the IRK hypothalamus levels makes TSH pituitary levels lower, and the function of hypothalamus- pituitary- thyroid- thymus axis is weaker. 1.4 The decline of the levels of NE in frontal cortex, and the increase of L-EK brain tissues are attributed to the decline of IRK hypothalamus levels & TSR pituitary level

  • 【分类号】R256.3
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