

Military professional status personality trait of cadets in military college

【作者】 罗正学

【导师】 苗丹民; 皇甫恩;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 应用心理学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 在军事组织与军事管理中,军事指挥员始终处于主导地位,他们的心理品质、军事才能和领导能力,直接影响部队的军事训练效率和战斗力,是决定军事组织能否在战争中生存并取得最终胜利的最重要的因素之一。人格是心理品质中最重要的心理特征,表现为对人对己对环境适应的方式。人格并没有好坏之分,但是,不同职业对人格特征倾向会有不同的要求。具有与某种职业相适应的人格特征,会具有对其更好的职业适应性,提高其工作绩效。军事作业环境具有极大的特殊性,在高技术军事作业环境中工作的军事指挥员的工作任务、工作性质和工作方法有其要求的独特性,对其心理品质的要求也远远超出常人。因此,有效地进行人格特征与军事职业资格的预测及人格特征与陆军学院学员的选拔和培训研究就显得十分重要。 本研究以陆军学院学员为研究对象,以修订后的中文版MBTI人格类 第四军医大学硕士学位论文 中文摘要一型量表为测量工具,以陆军学院学员军事职业资格评价体系为效标,通过研究陆军学院学员军事职业资格与人格特征的关系,揭示军事职业资格对人格特征的要求。本研究主要结果有:①首次修订完成了中文版MBTI人格类型量表,经验证该量表具有较好的效度和信度,适用于陆军学院学员军事职业资格选拔和测试;②建立了一套适应陆军学院学员军事职业资格评价体系,通过11个评价因子对陆军学院学员的军事职业资格进行评价,经过验证该效标体系具有较好的效度并取得了较好的效果;③优秀的陆军学院学员人格特征上有独特的表现形式,个性特征表现为日、S、T、J人格倾向。

【Abstract】 In military organization and management, military commanders are all the time in the leading position. Their psychological features, military talent and leadership have direct influence on military training efficiency and combat effectiveness, and are one of the most important factors that decide if the military organization can exist and finally win victory in a war. Personality is one of the most psychological characteristics in psychological trait, and represents itself as the way people adapt themselves to their environment. Personality is not distinguished as good or bad. Different professions have different requirements for personality. People with a personality matching their professions will have a better professional adaptability and a higher working performance. Military operation environment is very demanding. Task, nature and way of work of military commanders working in high-tech military operation environment are very unique, demanding of them psychological trait far more than of ordinary people. Therefore, studies on effective prediction of personality and military professional status and relations of personality to selection and training of cadets are very important.In the present study, with cadets from a military college as subjects, with naturalized Chinese version MBTI personality type inventory as tool, and with military college cadets’ military professional status system as criterion, relations are studied between military college cadets’ professional status and personality characteristics, and requirements of military professional status for personality are unveiled. The main results are as follows: (1) MBTI personality type inventory is first naturalized into Chinese version in China; Testing shows that the naturalized inventory has a high validity and credibility, suitable for military college cadets’ military professional status selection and test. (2) A military professional status assessment system is established fit for cadets from military colleges; Evaluation is conducted of military professional status for cadets from a military college using 11 evaluation factors; Testing shows that the criterion system established has a good validity and achieves a good result. (3) Excellent military college cadets have unique forms and factors of representation in personality trait; Personality trait demonstrates personality inclinations as E, S, T and J.

  • 【分类号】B848.6
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】271