

analyzing and thinking of Chinese medical educational reform and developing in 21th century

【作者】 高爱国

【导师】 苏博; 王山青;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 知识经济来临,科学技术发展,将教育事业推到了历史舞台的幕前。改革与发展教育已成为当今世界的焦点。医学教育,由于对维护和促进人类健康具有基础性意义,在社会卫生需求日益增长的情况下,改革发展显得尤为重要。医学教育的改革与发展具有长期性与艰巨性,研究新时期医学教育的规律和探索其改革发展的基本途径,必须在解放思想的同时,遵循实事求是的原则,认识与把握医学教育的规律,按规律办事;应当通过对医学教育历史反思、当前时代背景的剖析,以及世界医学教育改革与发展动向趋势的分析,根据国家对教育,尤其是高等教育发展的规划,结合医学教育的实际,提出新时期我国医学教育改革发展的方略。为此,本课题的研讨分述以下四个部分: 一、历史昭示 文章认为一部医学教育史是与人类社会的发展史紧紧相随的。在漫长的演变进程中,它先后出现了原始社会的民间传授、师徒式教育、欧洲中世纪“修道院医学教育”、文艺复兴后受实验哲学思想影响的医学教育、弗莱克斯纳(A·Flexner)模式等发展形式,以及近数十年的新的课程模式。其中,中国传统医学教育又显示出一些有别于西方医学教育的特点。仅就这些历史剪影,可以看出:①社会生产力发展程度以及由此产生的医疗卫生需求,是医学教育发生、发展演变的根本原因;②科学技术革命是推动医学教育改革 8g军医大华硕士学柏蛤文 为要发展的直接因素;③医学的发展水平、社会经济与文化状况等外因和教与学关系、教学内容、教学媒体手段等内因的共同作用,是医学教育方式演变的内在根据;④医学脯鲜明的人文性特点,坚持先进的、科学的人文观,并与科学实证精神相结合,是医学教育的基本原则。这些医学教育的基本规律性,是我们研究医学教育滩发展的基本蝴。 二、时代挑战 要揭示医学教育改革发展的客观规律,必须深人研究其时代的背景。当今,在众多的时代挑战中,社会经济发展、科技进步和卫生事业发展对医学教育提出了最为强烈的改革与发展的期望。概以言之,现代医学 教育面临着以高技术、信息化和全球化为特征的知识经济的挑战,以理论技术 巨大发展、医学模式历史性转变为特征的现代医学科学的挑战,和以需求日益 增长而卫生资源相对不足为基本矛盾的卫生事业的挑战。它们不仅引发了教育 理念的深刻变革,形成了和平发展教育、终身素质教育、科学人文教育、创新 教育等一系列新的教育哲学观念,而且对医学教育(教学)目标、内容与过程 产生了巨大的改革压力。与此三个挑战相比较,晰的医学教育的教育思想和 劝k念、办学模式和培养目标、课程结构与教学内容、教学方式方法等均有较明 显的不相适应处。在历史地、辩证地、唯物地继承其合理内核的同时,必须站 在h世纪的高度,根据现代科学技术发展的趋势和特征,合理借鉴国外医学 教育改革的成功经验,系统地思考和整体化地推进医学教育的改革与发展进 程。 三、动向趋势20世纪后叶以来,国外医学教育关于人才素质、课程模 式、教学内容、教学模式、教学方式方法以及办学模式等的改革实践,已基本 预示了未来医学教育(教学)发展的特征,主要表现为多样化、社会化、个性 化、终身化、现代化、国际化的趋势。这些趋势对于医学教育改革发展的综合 影响作用体现在两个层面上,一个是医学椭发展的溅、结构和速度;另一 个是医学教育微观、具体的教学改革,诸如人才培养目标和培养模式、教学内 2 MngdeHrtpe4W:eoprtftrt tqlg容和课程体系、教学方法和教学手段改革等。两个层面的作用最终归结于一点,就是培养适应社会经济、政治、科技、文化发展需要的医学人才。 四、运谋征途 在中国民族又迈上新世纪更为宏伟征途的今天,运谋医学教育改革与发展的方略是历史赋予的重任。为此。在将上述历史昭示、时代挑战和动向趋势的论点进行逻辑延伸的同时,根据我国在21世纪头十年的现代化建设规划,特别是包括高等医学教育的高等教育发展的行动纲领,就医学教育的规模发展、办学体制改革、培养目标与培养模式、教学改革以及教育管理改革提出了一些基本思路:·医学教育的规模发展应基本与整个高等教育规模发展速度取平,即处于一般的发展速度,规模的发展不能只讲数量,更须讲质量;医学教育的办学体制应由一元化、单科化的模式向多元化投资与管理、综合大学医学院与仍单科式的办学模式相结合方向发展;·医学人才的培养目标与培养模式,应将时代提出的全面要求与我国实情、医学人才的成长规律相结合。必须以素质教育,尤其培养具有创造性素质的人才为基点,充分体现医学的特点(自然科学、社会科学双重性、社会性、整体性、实践性)

【Abstract】 The cause of education, especially high education, has been pushed to history’s ante-stage by coming of knowledge economy and progress of science and technology. It is a worldwide issue to reform and develop education today. Under the circumstance of increasing of social hygienic need, innovating and developing medical education appears very important because of its basic significance in maintaining and promoting mankind’s health. However, reforming and developing medical education is a long-term and arduous work. When we try to find the laws of medical education and seek its basic ways of developing hi new times, we should emancipate the mind, follow the reality and hold its laws.By looking back medical education’s developing history, analyzing its backgrounds hi this times and exploring trends of innovating all over the world, this essay will make a conclusion and give some advice to promote Chinese medical education in 21th century. There are four sections as following.No.l Inspiring from historyAccording to this essay, history of medical education is bound to follow developing of the mankind society. During the long evolving progress, medical education successively emerged several teaching models such as privately passing in popular in primitive society, Master-appenticed training, monastery educating of Middle Ages hi Europe, educating under the influence of experimental-philosophy after the Renaissance and the Flexner model of U.S.A. Inaddition, a few of medical course models were put forward in last decades. For example, there were core curriculum pattern, comprehensive curriculum pattern, question-based curriculum pattern and community-based curriculum pattern. By studying the history of medical education, we can conclude as following:﹖he level of social producing and the increasing of medical service need are the most essential factor which spurred medical education progress. ?Revolution of science and technology is the most promoting factor. 〤omprehensive effect of External factors as level of medicine development, situation of social economy and culture and internal factors as links between teaching and studying, context, media and methods of teaching is its foundation. 〩olding the humanity of medicine is the basic principle of medical education.No.2 Challenges of the new timesTo declare the objective law of medical education reform, we must study the background of its times thoroughly. Nowadays, modem medical education is facing with the challenge of knowledge economy featured in high-tech, information and globalization, with the challenge of modern medicine featured in theoretical and technical greatly developing and historical transforming of medical pattern, and with the challenge of health cause featured in contradiction between require and health resource shortage. They not only lead to the profound change in educational principle and educational philosophy idea, but also lead to the giant reform pressure in object, content and process.No.3 Trends of developingSince the last 20th century, the medical education reform in foreign countries which is about the level of competence, pattern of course, the content of course and so on, has already indicated the features of future medical education, which mainly manifests the trends of diversity, sociality, individuality, modernizing, lifelong and mternationality. These trends affect the development of medical education on tow levels. One is the scale, the structure and the speed of the medical education’s developing, and the other is the microcosmic concrete teaching innovating, such as the purpose and pattern of training, the course content and system, the teaching methods’ reforms and so on. Functions of these two levels are finally reduced to one thing, that is to train the medical talents who are fit in with the needs of the society.No.4 Tactics for the futureToday, carrying out the medical educational reform is a historical task. From the modernize construction program in the 21th century’s f

【关键词】 医学教育规律改革发展思路
【Key words】 medical education lawsdevelop and reformthinking
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