

【作者】 温文治

【导师】 陈立虎;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 代理制是现代社会中的一项非常重要的法律制度。随着商品经济的发展、社会分工的细化,民商事活动愈来愈多地依赖代理人来完成,外贸代理更以其专业化、产业化、独立化的特点备受各国的推崇。但我国外贸代理制起步较晚,且发展缓慢,效果不很理想,已经陷入困境。其中二个重要的原因是调整外贸代理制的法律规范和外贸企业的自身发展已远落后于代理实践的要求。虽然我国已明确外贸代理制是外贸体制改革的重要方向,但对如何改变外贸代理滞后的局面,仍缺乏清晰的整体发展思路。因此探讨这个问题,不仅有其理论价值,而且还有较大的现实意义。 国内研究外贸代理的著述颇丰,其研究范围从代理的定义、特征、代理权、当事人的权利和义务,到外贸代理的相关法律规定、法律漏洞及解决对策等不一而足。一般认为:我国代理秉承了大陆法代理立法,《民法通则》关于代理的规定是外贸代理的法律基础,但建立在实践基础之上的外贸代理制并不囿于民法代理的桎梏,在某种程度上超出了民法代理的范围,这就必然造成法律的冲突。因此我国外贸代理立法也在不断调整,而对外贸代理制的研究也就随着立法的调整而不断深入,但困扰我国外贸代理制发展的问题至今没有解决。因此笔者在对外贸代理制进行深入细致地探讨后,提出了外贸代理制的整体发展思路,并提出若干具体的设想。 1.外贸代理立法的统一和完善问题。首先是要统一外贸代理立法,由于《民法通则》与其它相关法律法规之间关于代理规定的矛盾依然存在,只有全面调整我国代理立法才能从根本上解决目前代理法冲突的窘境。通过对代理及外贸代理的性质、现状、缺陷分析后,笔者提出了制定《民法典》、《合同法》实施细则等相应办法。其次对如何完善外贸代理制,笔者认为立法中应采用广义代理的概念,扩大代理的内涵,把直接代理、间接代理(行纪)囊括在代理法中,并吸收英美法中本人身份不公开代理的合理因素。对于居间、信托等“准代理”制度,笔者将居间纳入了代理,把它看成是代理权(主要是缔 试论我囚外贸代理制的完善 提蛮 约权)受到限制的代理,却将信托排除在外。信托制度虽与代理制有 较大的不同,但又与代理制有许多相似的特点:都是基于当事人信任 关系而成立;受托人或代理人都必须按委托人的意思实施法律行为: 都由委托人承担法律后果。同时各国信托制度中一般都允许当事人对 财产所有权、受托人的授权另行约定,因此把信托中的授权法律关系 由代理法来调整也不为过。但考虑到信托制度的完整性以及我国正在 制定单行《信托法 的现实,最终未把信托列人代理法中。当然广义 的代理也并不是包囊一切为他人利益的民事行为,不符合代理特征的 一般民事行为可通过委托关系调整。最后为使代理关系更清晰规 范,笔者认为应在立法上对代理进行具体分类并规范各类代理行为。 2.外贸企业的发展问题。良好的法律环境只是外贸企业发展的 前提条件之一,从宏观上看它还面临政治、经济、科技、文化的影响, 其中最直接的是政府的政策。因此政府应排除对外贸企业的直接干 预,完善市场经济体系,鼓励和扶持其发展,为其发展提供宽松、公 平的外部环境。更为重要的是外贸企业应努力提高自身实力,加快 结构调整和专业化、综合化建设的步伐,增强服务意识,强化服务功 能,这才是外贸代理制椎广和外贸企业得以发展的出路。 本文分成三部分: 第一部分:主要论述代理的含义、国际代理制度的差异以及我国 代理制度的特点,揭示我国外贸代理制度的法律性质。 第二部分:阐述了目前代理制运行的现状,探讨我国外贸代理制 的结症,分析其停滞不前的原因,并进一步剖析我国外贸代理制存在 的法律缺陷。 第三部分:针对我国外贸代理制所表现出来的问题以及阻碍其椎 广的不利因素,相应地提出一些对策和建议,以期能为完善我国外贸 代理制提供可资的借鉴。

【Abstract】 The agency system is very important in modern society. With the development of commodity economy and the specification of the division of labor in society, the action of civil suit and commercial affairs are relying on agents more and more. Foreign trade agency especially has the greatest esteem for its specialization, industrialization and independence. But agency system of our country falls into dire straits because of beginning lately and developing slowly, and has not a so good effect. Two of the most important reasons for above are that the legal norms adjusting foreign trade agency and the development of the foreign trade enterprises are far behind the demand of practice. Although the orientation of foreign trade reform is foreign trade agency, it still lacks clear and whole thinking on how to change the backward conditions of foreign trade agency. So it has not only theoretical value but also practical meaning to explore this problem.There are many books on studying foreign trade agency, from the definition of agency and its nature, to authority of agency, from rights and duties of the parties, to the interrelated legal rules, the holes of agency and its resolvements. It is generally considered that the agency law of our country takes the orders from continental law system, the rules on agency from civil law are the bases of foreign trade agency. But in fact, the foreign trade agency is not confined to Civil Law, it has surpassed the range of civil law to a certain extent, and inevitably cause conflicts. So the laws on the system have been adjusted continually, the study to foreign trade agency is going deeper. But the problems perplexing the development offoreign trade agency have not heen solved up to now. After probing into the system of agency in foreign trade attentively, the author puts forward whole thinking on how to develop the system of agency in foreign trade and raises some concrete tentative ideas.l.The ideas on unifying and perfecting legislation in foreign trade agency. Firstly, the laws on agency should be unified because of contradictions between Civil Law and other laws, which can only be solved by the adjustment of agency law. After analyzing the nature, current situation and defects of foreign trade agency, the author puts forward proposals on making some laws such as Civil Law, Implementing Rules of Civil Law; Secondly, the connotation of agency should be extended including direct and indirect agency, and the positive factors of undisclosed agency in common law family should be absorbed in it. As to brokerage and trust, the author puts brokerage into agency, regarding that its authority is restricted. Regardless of many similarities between agency and trust, the author eventually excludes trust from the broad agency in view of its completeness and the fact that Trust Law is being drafted in our country. Of course the general agency does not include all the civil action serving for the benefit of the others, those failing to conform to the agency characters can be adjusted by entrustment; Finally, the author thinks it is better to classify the agency and specify the agency action and further to standardize the agency behavior.2.The problems on developing the foreign trade enterprises. Sound law circumstances is one of the prerequisites for developing foreign trade, the foreign trade enterprises have to face to the affects of politics, economy, science and慥technology, culture, especially the policy of the government. In order to develop the foreign trade, the government should reduce direct interference, and perfect the market economy system for the foreign trade enterprises, in return give aid to them, and make great efforts to perfect the market system, which can supply them with good environment for development. The more important is that the foreign trade enterprises should try to enhance their actual strength, improve their service, and speed up their specialization or raise their level of syntheses, which is their only way o

【关键词】 代理外贸代理制完善
【Key words】 AgencySystem of agency in foreign tradePerfect
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【下载频次】211