

【作者】 杨树兵

【导师】 朱永新;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以实证方法为主,重点阐述高新技术产业开发区与高等教育的关系,重点阐述中国高等教育存在的问题和改革的方向。本文对我国如何通过高等教育结构调整,来促进高新技术产业开发区发展有重要的理论意义和现实指导作用。 本文首先从高新技术以及高新技术产业开发区的概念着手,阐明高新技术产业开发区的发展特征,并介绍国内外高新技术产业开发区的发展历程,阐明了高新技术产业开发区的发展原因以及在社会经济发展中的作用。在概况和概念分析的基础上,本文通过实证个案研究和理论研究的方法,具体探讨了高新技术产业开发区与高等教育的发展关系问题。一方面通过美国硅谷、英国剑桥、日本筑波、台湾新竹以及北京中关村五个高新技术产业开发区的发展情况,揭示高等教育在他们发展过程中所起的重要作用,然后从理论层面上详细阐明高新技术产业开发区与高等教育的关系。首先,高等教育对高新技术产业开发区发展的促进作用,表现在:高等教育为高新技术产业开发区发展提供人力资源(包括在职培训);高等教育推动高新技术产业开发区企业的技术创新与进步;高等教育促进高新技术产业开发区文化氛围与特色的形成等几个方面。其次,高新技术产业开发区对高等教育发展的促进作用主要体现在:高等教育与高新技术产业开发区的合作发展,有利于高校深化教学改革,提高教育质量;有利于增强高校的自我发展能力,改善高校的办学条件;有利于高校把高新技术转化为现实的生产力,加速科技成果的商品化。 为使高新区和高等教育发展的理论更加具体化,更具有可操作性,本文又以苏州高新区发展与高等教育的发展为典型,阐述他们目前的现状和存在的问题。提出调整苏州高等教育结构的相关政策。包括在学科专业的组成、层次类别的布局、教学和科研结构的重点、办学结构与方式以及高等教育的组织管理结构等方面提出了若干建设性建议。最后还提出,必须要以高等教育的结构调整为突破口,带动高等教育其它方面的改革促进苏州高等教育与高新区形成协调发展,如增加高校投入,加强高校的科研创新能力,促进高校的产、学、研结合,提高科技成果的转化率,发展高科技产业,积极主动介入高科技园区等。通过对苏州高新区与高等教育发展关系的研究,也将对其它高新区与当地高等教育建立协调的发展模式具有更直接的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 The article elaborates the relationship between the development of the high-new technology industry development districts and the higher education with the method of the demonstration The article also points out the present problem and the direction of reform .the article possess important theoretic significance and actual guiding for how to adjust the structure of higher education ,accelerating the development of high-new technology industry. The article firstly takes the concept of high-new technology industry development district indicating the characteristics of progress of the high-new technology industry development district. showing the reasons why the HNITLDD develop and its role-play in the development of social economy. Based on the analysis of concent and survey, the article completely discusses the so-called problem of relationship between the development of the I-INTIDD and the improvement of higher education in detail by using the realistic case study and theoretic study. The article clears the role of higher education in the following five HNTIDD ?-- the U.S. Silicon Valley, English Cambridge, the Xinzhu in Taiwan and Zhongguan chun in Pecking, which are examples in the article. And at the same moment state the relation between the HNTIDD and higher education detailly from the angle of theory. Firstly, the higher education accelerate the development of district and the promotion includes the following aspects: higher education providing human resources for the development of HNTIDD(including the training for those who are employees);higher education giving impetus to the technological promotion and creation in the development of the districts, etc. Secondly, the HNTIDD propel thee higher education forward, including the following aspects: the operation between the two sides benefiting the college reform and rising the quality of college teaching; strengthening the self-developing competency of colleges and universities, improving the condition of education; the cooperation between the HNTID[) and the higher education being good for changing the high-new technology into realistic productive force, and taking the research findings into market more quickly. In order to detail the theory of high-new technology, industrial development district and higher education, the article takes the relation between Suzhou High-new Technological Industrial De- velopment District and the higher education in Suzhou for special example, introducing their cur- rent condition and pointing out the present problems, also in order to let the theory the author launched have more practical value as well. The article reveals some policies related to adjustment of structure of higher education in Suzhou on the foundation of analyzing the present conditions and problems of both Suzhou High-new Technological Industrial Development District and the Higher education of Suzhou. The article, according to the meaning of high education structure, the factors that influence the development of higher education structure, and the conditions that the reasonable higher education should own, provides several constructive suggestion which have connection with makeup of majors, types and arrangement of majors composition, the focal points of teaching and study structure , the structure of running colleges, the management structure of organization of higher education, and so on. In the end of this thesis, it points out that the adjustment of higher education ,as the breach , should help the other reforms of higher education make progress in order to better the cooperative development of both Suzhou higher education and HNTIDD.These refoms include

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】541