

【作者】 李盛青

【导师】 黄耀权; 黄兆胜;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 中药学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 左金丸出自《丹溪心法》,由黄连与吴茱萸2味药物组成,临床上广泛用于治疗消化系统的多种疾病和一些内科杂病,是古今常用的良方。 为了探讨中药药性实验研究的方法,本课题研究了左金丸对大鼠热证模型有关交感-肾上腺系统、TSH-甲状腺激素系统、钠泵、细胞团子等与产热过程有关指标的影响,还观察了肝细胞的超微结构等。对塞证模型的部分指标也进行了研究。 实验分两部分进行,实验一每只大鼠每天用党参和黄芪(1∶1)煎剂(相当生药1g/ml)4ml灌胃2周,造成热证模型,再用左金丸治疗2周,研究左金丸对热证大鼠的影响,方法和结果如下。 ①用电脑数字式体温计测量大鼠肛温,用电子天平测量大鼠体重。结果表明在金丸6∶1组使热证大鼠肛温显著下降,提示6∶1组有清热作用。大鼠的体重变化无明显差别。 ②断头处死大鼠,迅速取肝脏组织切成小块,经固定、脱水、包埋、超薄切片和染色,用JEM-1200EX型透射式电镜观察肝细胞超微结构的变化。结果表明6∶1、2∶1组能使热证大鼠肝细胞的超微结构基本恢复正常,1∶1组使肝细胞大部分恢复正常,提示3组均有清热作用。 ③取大鼠血清用酸性正丁醇提取NE、DA,在碱性条件下与碘试剂反应,分别生成具有荧光性的三羟基吲哚化合物和二羟基吲哚化合物,用荧光分光光度计测定血清NE、DA含量。结果表明,左金丸6∶1、2∶1组能使热证大鼠血清NE、DA显著降低,这2组与1∶1组均有显著差别,提示6∶1和2∶1组有清热作用,1∶1组则无清热作用。 ④取大鼠血清用放射免疫法测定皮质醇(F)的含量,用722分光光度计测定血清17-OHCS的含量。结果表明,左金丸6∶1、2∶1组能使热证大鼠血清皮质醇和17-OHCS显著降低,这2组与1∶1组的17-OHCS有显著差别,提示6∶1和2∶1组有清热作用,1∶1组无此作用。 ⑤取大鼠血清用放射免疫法测定T3、rT3、T4、TSH的含量。结果表 中文摘耍明,左金丸 6:l组使大鼠血清 T。、T。、TSH含量下降,使 I’T。增加,2:1组使大鼠血清L、HH含量下降下降,1:1组的L、:L、L与6:1组有显著差别,提示61组有清热作用,2:1组也有一定清热作用,1:l组则无清热作用。。 ③取EDTA抗凝全血,用化学比色法722分光光度计测定红细胞膜Na”-K”-ATP酶活性和 Ca‘“Mg‘“-ATP酶活性。结果表明,左金丸 6d和 2:1组使热证大鼠红细胞膜Na”-K”-ATP酶活性和Ca”-Mg‘”-ATP酶活性降低,提示6:1和2:1组有清热作用。 ①取大鼠血清用放射免疫法测定IL-6和IL-8的含量。结果表明,左金丸6:1、2:1组均能使大鼠血清几-6和几-8的含量降低;1:1组也使几-8含量降低,但1:1组与6:1组、2:1组均有显著差别。提示6:1和2:1组有清热作用,1:1组也可能有清热作用。 实验二每只大鼠每天用大黄、黄连与黄芬(1:1:1)煎剂(相当生药ig/ml*ml胃,造成寒证模型,再以左金丸蠢胃 2周,然后测定大鼠体重、体温、血清 NE、DA、17XIllCS、红细胞膜 Na”-K+-ATP $活性的变化 (方法同前)。结果表明左金丸6:1、2:1组大鼠肛温下降;6:1组使大鼠血清 NE和肾上腺 17-OHCS含量、红细胞膜 Na”-K’-ATP酶活性显著降低,2:l组还使红细胞膜 NS乙K乙ATP N活性显著降低:6:l、2:l、1:1组均使血清OA降低;1:1组的帖与6:1组和2:1组均有显著差别。提示6:l、2:1组有致寒作用,1:1组的致寒作用不显著。 综合上述,左金丸6:1组能使热证显著减轻或使寒证显著加重,2:1组也能使热证显著减轻或寒证加重,但6:二组与2:1组在部分指标有差 0别;l*组个别指标显示其有减轻热证或加重寒证的作用,多数指标显示此作用不显著,而且部分指标与6:1组、2:1组有显著差别。故左金丸6:1、2:1的比例其药性为寒性,6:1的寒性大于2:l的比例的寒性,1*的比例其药性为平性(在平性之中略偏寒)。

【Abstract】 The paper repored the study on the testing method of the nature of Chinese herb, and the nature of Zuo Jin Pill (ZIP), especially about its effects on the indexes of heat syndrome, and cold syndrome were also studied. In Test I the sthenic heat syndrome model of rats were established by administering the decoction of Radix Codonopsis and Radix Astragali orally so as to study ZJP - s effects on it. Some experiments were carried out, for instance, the changes of the hepatocyte ultrastructures were observed with transmission electron microscope of Model JEM-I200EX, the concentrations of T3, rT3, T4, TSH, cytokine IL-6, IL-8 and F in rat sera were examined by the method of radioimmunoassay, the concentrations of NE, DA in sera were measured with spectrofluorometer, the concentration of I 7-OHCS in sera, the activities of Na+-K+-ATP enzyme and Ca2+-Mg2+-ATP enzyme in erythrocyte membranes were measured with spectrophotometer of Model 722, and the changes of temperature and weight were also examined. The results showed that the hepatoeyte ultrastructures of rat in heat syndrome restore to normal nearly in Group 6 1 and Group 2 :i, and partially in Group 1 :1; the anal temperatures were decreased significantly in Group 6 1; the concentrations of NE, DA, F, TSH, IL-6, IL-8, adrenal I 7-OHCS in rat sera and the activities of Na -K4 -ATP enzyme and Ca2+-Mg2+ -AlP enzyme in erythrocyte membranes were decreased significantly in Group 61 and Group 21; the concentrations of T3, T4 in sera were decreased, that of rT3 was increased in Group 6 1; the concentration of T4 in sera was also decreased in Group 2 1 and that of IL-8 in sera was decreased in Group 1 1. In Test II the cold syndrome model of rats were established by administering the decoction of Radix et Rhizoma Rhei, Rhizoma Coptidis, Radix Scutellariae orally, then the rat were administered ZJP orally, and the concentrations of NE, DA, 1 7-OHCS in rat sera, the activity of Na+-K+-ATP enzyme in erythrocyte membranes were measured, and the changes of weight and temperature were examined. The results showed that the anal temperatures were all decreased in Group 6 1 and Group 2 1; the concentrations of NE, adrenal 17-01-IC S in sera and the activity of Na + -K + -AlP enzyme in erythrocyte membranes were decreased significantly; the concentrations of DA in sera were all decreased significantly in Group 6 1, Group 2 1 and Group 1 1, and the activity of Na+-K+-ATP enzyme in erythrocyte membranes was also decreased significantly in Group 2 1. The results showed that ZJP of Group 6 : I can mitigate heat syndrome significantly or aggravate cold syndrome significantly, Group 2 1 can also mitigate heat syndrome significantly or aggravate cold syndrome, but the effects of Group 6 1 and Group 2 1 on some indexes were different; the effects of Group 1: 1 on certain index indicated that it had the functions of mitigate heat syndrome or aggravate cold syndrome, but the effects on the majority of indexes indicated its functions were not distinct. So ZJP is cold in nature when the doses of Rhizoma Coptidis and Fructus Evodiae are in the ratio of 6 : 1 and 2 :1, but when the doses of Rhizoma Coptidis and Fructus Evodiae are in the ratio of 6 1 the cold in nature of ZJP is greater than that of ZJP when in the ratio of 2 :1, and when in the ratio of 1 I ZJP is mild in nature (slightly mild to cold in nature).

【关键词】 左金丸药性寒性平性
【Key words】 Zuo Jin Pill (ZJP)nature of a drugcold in naturemild in nature
  • 【分类号】R285.1
  • 【被引频次】1
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