

【作者】 高文远

【导师】 庙延钢; 余锡章;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 采矿工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 随着爆破技术的逐渐发展与日趋成熟,预裂爆破、光面爆破等开挖轮廓线控制爆破技术被广泛应用在矿山、水利、道路建设等领域,取得了可喜的成果,促进了国民经济的发展。但由于这些控制爆破的理论目前并不十分完善,加上不同爆破部位地质情况干差万别,施工机具、爆破器材等各有不同,从而导致一些部位的爆破效果不尽人意。因此,目前能保证控制爆破取得好效果的最有效的途径是根据不同部位的地质特点、现有的施工机具和爆破器材等,通过现场试验和理论分析,对爆破各参数进行调整,并对控制爆破方法进行一些改进,从而实现设计目的。本文针对攀钢矿业公司兰尖铁矿破碎带边坡控制爆破的实际,通过对不同性能的炸药对边坡爆破的影响研究、孔网参数和堵塞高度的优化研究、以及装药量、装药结构和起爆方式的研究等,确定出适合破碎带边坡爆破的控制爆破方法、参数和工艺。研究成果在攀钢矿业公司兰尖铁矿破碎带边坡进行了多次生产试验,使破碎带边坡控制爆破达到较好的效果,保持了边坡的完整,对该处边坡的稳定起到了很好的作用。

【Abstract】 With the developmellt of the blasting tecboques, the conbolledblasting, eg. the pre-sPldrig blasting, the smooth blasting, arewidely used in such areas as mine, wate conservancy and roadconedoll, Which makes good profitS and pushes the nationaleconomy forWard. But there are shll some areas where the blastinresults are not so satisfactory mostly because the raration of thegeologic sihatons, the cOIisAnchon tools and blasting eqmpment andIIlatrials. Therfore, the most effective mpach Which assure thegood resuits of the cwilled blasting are adjusting the blastillgparameters and imPoving the blasting methods through the spotteSts and theoritcal analyses, hence achieving the design pmpose.In ths aticle, it is cdried out tha the research of the fragmentationzone controlled blasting of Pangang GrouP the ComPany LanjianMine, the effect of exPloshes with dmerell pdriance on thehighwill, the OPindZation of nehole parameters and steInIninglengh, and the research of charging quantity chargin consAnctionand deonaing pattffo, etc. hereby hoding out the aPProPriatecforlled blasting methOd, parametors apd teclmology fOr thewtedation zone highWall slope blasting. The research result has beenapPlied to Lanian Mine and proved to be approPriate which keePs thehighWll comPlete and hable.

  • 【分类号】TD235.37
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】823