

【作者】 范正义

【导师】 林国平;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 专门史, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以福建为研究中心,对明末到民国初年基督教在华传播与中国民间信仰的关系进行深入探讨。文中以风水、祭祖、神抵崇拜为中国民间信仰的主要内容,介绍了它们在不同历史时期与基督教产生的特定关系,重点描述了清末民初在列强入侵的时代背景刺激下双方之间益趋激烈的冲突与争夺。本文还着重刻画了传教士在双方冲突中所扮演的角色与发挥的作用,再现中国民间社会广大民众的生活方式、宗教礼俗诸方面的真实情况。最后,本文对基督教与中国民间信仰间的矛盾与冲突作了较深层的文化透视,把文化冲突与列强的侵略有机结合,分析双方产生冲突的多方面诱因,并从文化人类学的角度勾勒出这一冲突的基本框架。同时,文章还对部分传教士进行的基督教本土化的尝试与努力,以及基督教与中国民间信仰在频繁接触中非自觉的文化交融,也作了一定的阐述。

【Abstract】 Taking Fujian as the focus of study, the paper is to explore the relation between the dissemination of christianity and Chinese popular faiths during the period from the late Ming Dynasty to the early of the Republic of China.Taking feng shui, ancestors worship and gods worship as the main content of Chinese popular faiths, it gives an account of this relations-hip at different historical stages.It places stress on the contradiction between them under thecircumstances when west powers invaded China from Late Qing to the early of the Republic of China.The paper also portrays the roles which were played by the missionaries,unfolds the real ideas about the live style and religious life of Chinese folk.Moreover, it has a deep exploration in cultural perspective in the contradiction and conflict between the christianity and Chinese popular faiths, analyses the interrelated causes by relating this cultural conflict to the hi-storical background of west powers’ invasion into China and outlines the bastic frame work of the conflict in light of culture-anthropology.Meanwhile, it also touches on some missionaries’attempts and efforts in indigenization of christianity,as well as on the unconscious cultural integration of christianity and Chinese popular faiths in their frequent contact.

  • 【分类号】B978
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1463