

On the Mother-daughter Relationship in The Joy Luck Club from the Language and Culture Perspectives

【作者】 夏小燕

【导师】 区炜光;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 英语语言文学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 在近三十年之间,经过华裔美国作家的努力耕耘,华裔美国文学异军突起。谭恩美以处女作《喜福会》一举成名,成为现代继金斯敦(其成名作为《女勇士》)之后又一成功的华裔美国女性作家。 在对亚裔美国文学特别是华裔美国文学进行了整体介绍之后,本论文分别从语言和文化的角度分析了《喜福会》中女性处于困境的原因,并通过比较分析两代母女关系中的继承性与发展性,进一步探讨母女关系所反复诉说的失落感和寻求身份认同的两个主题。并试图以对《喜福会》中母女关系意义的探讨为立足点,初步解说(女性)华裔美国作家和华裔美国文学的发展意义及途径。 本文所试图论证和揭示的是:《喜福会》中的女性、(华裔美国作家)谭恩美和华裔美国文学作为社会和文化的弱势群体,身处中国(东方)和美国(西方)两个世界之间独特的两难位置,只有认识并运用这一边缘身份独有的优势,才能消除她们(它)所长期承受的苦痛,自信地走出被动的困境,以自己的声音宣告她们(它)一度迷失的文化身份。

【Abstract】 In the past thirty years, Chinese American literature has gained growing attention through the endeavor of the Chinese American writers. Amy Tan became known for her first novel, The Joy Luck Club, and succeeded as another female Chinese-American writer after Maxine Hong Kingston established her fame as the first modern female Chinese- American writer. After giving an overall introduction and analysis of the development of Asia American literature and particularly, Chinese American literature in recent years, this thesis attempts from linguistic and cultural perspectives to probe into the reasons for the predicament faced by the mothers and daughters in the book, The Joy Luck Club. In examining the continuity and variation of the mother-daughter relationship, two themes are presented of sense of loss and search for identity. The thesis tries to extend the exploration of the meaning in the mother-daughter relationship to the solution for the development of (female) Chinese- American writers and also Chinese American literature. The conclusion searched throughout the thesis is: positioned as a minority in the predicament between the two worlds of Chinese (east) and America (west), the women in the book, the writer Amy Tan and Chinese American literature, will have to realize their situation and make use of the advantage of their unique peripheral position, so as to rid of the misery and passivity that they are suffering, step out of the dilemma with confidence and reclaim their culture identity in their own voice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】I106.4;I712.074
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】3264