

Study on growth dates characters and photo-thermal models of soybean varieties in China

【作者】 任红玉

【导师】 沈能展;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 生态学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 大豆用途广泛多样,在国民经济中具有重要意义。大豆是喜温喜水的短日照作物,对光周期反应敏感。大豆品种间生育期的差别实质上是大豆生理特性对光照长短及温度变化等方面反应的差别。大豆品种适应范围狭窄,引种、育种和品种布局均应了解品种的生态特性,特别是大豆的生育期生态特性。我国地域辽阔、气候条件复杂、大豆品种类型多样,为研究大豆品种的生育期生态特性创造了良好的自然条件。 本课题是在韩天富先生收集的八十年代全国大豆生态试验原始数据基础上,研究我国四组大豆品种(95个)在七个生态区(包括34个试验点)、三种播季下生育期性状特点,并以北方组大豆为主采用生育期比(R/V)、生育期性状标准差、相对感光系数(RPSC)及相对感温系数(RTSC)等指标分析其在各生态区生育期性状及对光温反应的特点,在此基础上首次用二次旋转设计选点法及正态模拟的方法初步建立了大豆品种光温综合效应模型,取得满意的结果。这使全国大豆生态试验的结果得以开发和利用,研究的结果将为我国大豆生态区划的细划、品种类型划分及合理布局、引种、育种提供重要的依据,它将是我国大豆科学研究的重要基础资料。 本研究得出的主要结论有: 1.我国各组大豆品种不同生育期(播种到出苗、出苗到开花、开花到成熟和播种到成熟)平均日数总的变化趋势是,随生态区的南移和播季的推后而缩短、变幅减小,其中还有不同程度的波动,这体现了我国光温条件的复杂性和大豆品种的多样性;在同一生育期内各组生育日数除了开花到成熟规律性不强外,其它生育期日数的多少均是南方二组>南方一组>黄淮海组>北方组。 2.我国各组大豆品种全生育期与各生育期的关系是,北方组的全生育日数受生育后期影响大;黄淮海组在春播条件下与生育前期、夏秋播与生育后期相关性大;南方一组在春夏播季与生育前期、秋播与生育后期相关性大;南方二组在春秋播季与生育后期、夏播与生育前期相关性大。我国各组大豆品种R/V值总的趋势是,不同播季下为秋播>夏播>春播,不同组间为北方组>黄淮海组>南方一组>南方二组。 3.北方组大豆各生育期平均日数总的变化趋势是随生态区的南移和播季的推后而缩短、变幅减小,变幅为秋播>夏播>春播;北方组生育期性状标准差的变化在各生态区、各生育期表现不同,但总的趋势是随播季的推后而变小,不同生育期标准差大小顺序为全生育期>生育后期>生育前期。 4.北方组大豆在不同播季条件下,在各生态区生育前期与生育后期相对感光性的表现明显不同,在第4区和第5区,不同播季对北方组大豆前、后期的感光性影响较大。北方组大豆生育前期与生育后期的相对感温性存在差异,由春播到秋播差异性减小。 5.用两种方法建立的北方组大豆品种生育期光温效应模型,除极个别品种生育后期的正态模型方程不显著外,其它均达显著或极显著水平;两模型都能较好地预测大豆生育期,并且用二次旋转设计方法建立的模型预测精度比正态模型还要高,其绝对平均误差在0.93-5.14天。

【Abstract】 Soybean has many uses, it plays a very important role in the national economy. Soybean, being short條ight crop, which liking temperature and water, responses sensitively to photo梡eriod. The difference of soybean varieties maturity dates, in essence, is different response of soybean physiological characters to light and temperature. Because the region fitting the growth of soybean is very limited, the ecological characteristics of different varieties, especially the growth dates, is very important in introducing, breeding and planning varieties. On the basis of the ecological experiment data of soybean varieties in china from 1980 to 1982, which were very abundant and comprehensive, this paper analyzed the characters of developmental stages of four groups of soybean varieties, which were sowed in seven ecological regions (including 34 experimental plots), utilizing the ration between the DFM and DEF (R/V),the developmental stages characters standard deviations, the relative corresponding photo梥ensitivity coefficient (RPSC), the relative corresponding thermal梥ensitivity coefficient(RTSC), mainly analyzed the characters of development stages and photo梩hermal response of soybean varieties in the North China. Then using the analysis method of the quadratic regression orthogonal rotation design to select data that had already gotten from past experiment, we preliminary created soybean photo梩hermal models and got satisfied results. This paper made a systematic studying, exploring and utilizing, to the results of soybean ecological experiment in China. It will provide significant basis and reference for the regionalization of soybean producing, the introducing varieties, the breeding of soybean varieties and the soybean scientific study in China. ?? The main conclusions of this paper were: 1. The results showed that there were significant differences in the responsive trend of growth period characters among four groups of soybean varieties, which were resulted from the different planting place and sowing dates. With the varying of planting places from the North to the South in China, the days from sowing to emergence, emergence to flowering (DEF), flowering to maturing (DFM) and the days from planting to maturing (DPM) were reduced in soybean varieties of the eco梤egion in the North of china (N). The RTGPT of soybean varieties originated from the eco梤egion of the south part land part II of the China (Sd, SCII), and the Yellow桯uai桯ai (HH) had different degree of the fluctuation , these show that the photo梩hermal complexity and the varieties varied in china. With delaying in planting types梥pring, summer and autumn, generally the dates of developmental stags reduced in all varieties .The days sequence of the developmental stages in the same growth period were, SCJI > SCI > HH > N, except the days from flowering to maturity. 2. The relations of the days between the DPM and the developmental stages were, that the DPM of N was mainly influenced by the DFM; HH was mainly influenced by the DEF in spring and by the DFM in summer, but was mainly influenced by the DFM in Autumn; SCII was mainly influenced by the DFM in spring and autumn, but was mainly influenced by the DEF in summer . The generally varying trend of the ration between the DFM and DEF (R/V), in different sowing seasons was, autumn>summer>spring, and in different groups was, N>HH> SCI>SCII. 3. The genera

  • 【分类号】S565.101
  • 【被引频次】1
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