

Studies on Processing Technique for Expanding Blood Meal and its Utilization

【作者】 刘运枫

【导师】 王洪斌;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 临床兽医学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本实验对血粉的加工方法之一—膨化法进行了研究。通过大量反复多次的实验,探索和研究出一套利用P400G干法膨化机来生产加工膨化血粉的生产工艺,并对所得到的膨化血粉进行了实验室检测和动物喂养实验,其结果如下: 1.利用P400G干法膨化机是完全可以生产膨化血粉的。只要操作合理,处理得当,准确掌握其生产工艺,生产的血粉可达国家一级等级标准。 2.显微镜下检查膨化血粉和普通血粉,前者无完整的血细胞存在,后者血细胞壁完整无缺,说明膨化确实起到了破壁作用。 3.饲喂2%鱼粉对照组与2%膨化血粉组鸡的体重、消化率差异均不显著(P>0.05),说明在一定添加比例的情况下,膨化血粉是可以替代鱼粉的。 4.饲喂2%膨化血粉组鸡的体重要明显优于饲喂2%的普通血粉组(P<0.01),消化率也比普通血粉好,说明膨化血粉的品质要优于普通血粉。 5.饲喂2%膨化血粉组鸡的体重明显高于5%膨化血粉组和10%膨化血粉组(P<0.05,P<0.01),消化率也最好,5%膨化血粉组鸡的体重高于10%膨化血粉组,消化率也比后者高,说明膨化血粉的最佳添加比例为2%,其次是5%。

【Abstract】 Expanding technique, one of the blood meal processing methods, was studied in the expeiiment by using P400(3 diy expander. The expanding blood meal was also analyzed and utilized for feeding the chicken. The results are as follows:1.P400(3 diy expander may process the expanding blood meal. Provided operating and mastering the processing technique exactly, the expanding blood meal can compass national A level standard.2.By microscope examination, the expanding blood meal has no perfect blood cell compared to the common blood meal wi~ich has perfect blood cell, therefor, the process of expanding can break the cell wall.3.The chickens?weight and digestibility had no olwious difference between the 2 percent fish meal add group and the 2 percent expanding blood meal group, therefore the expanding blood meal can be used to replace fish meal wiler definite percentage.4.The chickens?weight in the 2 percent expanding blood meal feed group vastly excels the 2 percent common blood meal feed group and the digestibility was better, therefore the expanding blood meal has better quality than the common blood meal.5.The weight arid digestibility of the chickens fed with 2 percent expanding blood meal group was the highest, and in the 5 percent add group was higher, so the best percentage of blood meal added is 2%, and then 5%.Candidate: YunFeng LiuMajor Veterinaiy Surgety MedicineSupemsor: HongBin Wang

【关键词】 血粉加工工艺膨化消化率
【Key words】 blood mealprocessing techniqueexpandingdigestibility
  • 【分类号】S816.34;S816.32
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】270