

Studies on Development of somatic Embryo of Tetraena Mongolica Maxim

【作者】 何丽君

【导师】 慈忠玲; 于卓;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 利用固体培养和液体悬浮培养技术,对产自内蒙古荒漠地区特有珍稀濒危沦物四合木的体细胞胚胎发生进行了研究。结果表明:①四合木体细胞胚胎发生的最佳培养基是MS附加激素2,4-D0.1mgL-1和6-BA0.25mgL-1。②四合木的愈伤组织来源于外植体子叶、胚轴、根段的形成层细胞,韧皮部细胞及维管束鞘细胞的不断分裂,愈伤组织中体细胞器官原基茎的起源属外起源,根的起源为内起源。③体细胞胚胎发生与淀粉粒积累有一定关系,淀粉粒集小分介十将来发育成芽的球形胚周围,是一种积极参与组织培养过程中器官形态建成的活跃代谢物质。④悬浮培养下四合木体细胞胚胎发生于I1型分裂旺盛的单细胞,它分裂发育时体细胞胚胎的过程相似于合子胚胎的发育。影响I1型体细胞胚胎发育的主要因素是愈伤组织继代次数和激素的种类及浓度配比。⑤SOD活力变化与四合木愈伤组织形成和体细胞胚胎发生过程有一定相关。

【Abstract】 Development of Somatic embryo of Tetraena mongolica a endangered rare plant growing in the desert areas of Inner Monglia was studied by using the techniques of solid culture and suspension culture. The results Showed that: (1)The best medium for the development of somatic embryo of Tetraena mongolica was MS added 2,4-D (O.lmgL~?and 6-BA (0.25 mg U?; (2) Callus of Tetraena mongolica produced from the continuous fission of the cells of explant like cotyledon the cells embronal axis, cambial initial cells of root , phloem cells and bundle sheath cell . The initial stem of organ in callus belonged to outside origin and the root was the style of inside origin; (3) Somatic embryo development was related to the starch grain cumulation . The starch grain disixibuted closely around ball like embryo the shoot would oppear from,so the starch grain was a active metabolizable matter for the organ formation in the course of tissue culture; (4) Somatic embryo of Tetraena rnonglica developed from single cell of I, type in vigorous fission under suspension culture. The developing process of somatic embryo was similar to the development of Tetraena tnonglica. The main factor affected somatic embryo development of I, type was subinoculation of callus and the type as well as the proportion of hormones; (5) Vigor change of SOD was related to the formation of callus and somatic embryo development process of Tetraena mongolica.

  • 【分类号】Q944
  • 【被引频次】3
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